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Legal issues of Artificial Intelligence. The Chess Game as a metaphor of the controversial relationship between the Human and the Machine

The paper presents itself as an attempt to bring out the increasingly predominant role of artificial intelligence and its possible impact on a legal level.
In this constant challenge man against machine, the world of chess is taken as a reference; it is no coincidence that it is precisely in this area that artificial intelligence has found fertile ground.
Therefore, starting from a “chessboard”, and in particular from the challenge Kasparov vs DeepBlue, an attempt is made to find possible implications into the world of law. Specifically, the thesis sees a distinction in three chapters.
In the first chapter is made an overview of artificial intelligence: it will be shown an important distinction between strong AI and weak AI, then they will be illustrated the concepts of Big Data and the Internet of things and finally it’ll be expressed the central role of the Machine Learning.
By the bell, they will be outlined the risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence and its impact in the world of transport, in the labour market, in politics and the increasingly invasive role it assumes in the e-commerce.
The second chapter features the story of artificial intelligence applied to the development of techniques for chess computer games.
Among others, it will be described El Ajedrecista, the first chess playing automata, the Turing’s paper machine and the Google’s alpha zero program.
This chapter present itself as a bridge between the previous part with the last chapter that will see as a starting point the game Kasparov vs DeepBlue.
In fact, the third chapter wants to outline the areas of application of artificial intelligence in the world of law, having made a careful analysis of the aforementioned match.
A chessified version of the world of law is shown, proposing the entry of artificial intelligence in those areas that can be quantified following the jurimetric culture in the world of law. Finally, they will be outlined the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
6.1. Rule-Based Systems Strictly depending on the KBSs are the Rule Based Systems also known as production systems. Rule-based Systems are the simplest form of artificial intelligence and are representing knowledge in terms of a set of rules coded into a system that tells exactly what to do in different situations. A formal definition is provided by C. Grosan and A. Abraham: “A rule- based system is a way of encoding a human expert’ s knowledge in a fairly narrow area into an automated system. A rule-based system can be simply created by using a set of assertions and a set of rules that specify how to act on the assertion set”. 70 It is a cyclic application of rules that operates on a working memory containing the facts in order to produce new facts from known facts. A Rule Based-System contains a set of rules that specify both activation conditions and they effects; in particular, each rule is represented by the if- then production rules, by which starting from some conditions we are obtaining actions. Not surprisingly, C. Grosan and A. Abraham are stating that any rule-based system consists of three simple elements that are: “1. A set of facts, 2. A set of rules, 3. A termination criterion, where for termination criterion it is meant the condition that determines that a solution has been found or that none exists and that it is necessary to C. Grosan and A. Abraham, Rule-Based Expert Systems cit p.149. 70 53


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Tommaso Lalli
  Tipo: Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
  Anno: 2018-19
  Università: Università degli Studi di Bologna
  Facoltà: Giurisprudenza
  Corso: Giurisprudenza
  Relatore: Giuseppe Contissa
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 137


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