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Seismic Analysis of Bridges with nonlinear FVDs using effective damping

Fluid viscous dampers (FVDs) are devices that allow to control the seismic effects since they can add high values of damping to structures, reducing the maximum displacements and accelerations caused by earthquake forces.
This type of devices may be placed in bridges abutments to reduce the longitudinal vibration, in new or existent bridges, reducing the internal forces in the structure which depend on the longitudinal displacements, and therefore reducing the required resistance of the parts of the structure, without creating excessive additional forces in the places where they are installed.
FVDs have a force-velocity relation defined by the expression F_d=C_d×v^α, where the velocity exponent α can take values between 0.1 and 2. For low velocities there is a great advantage in using dampers with α<1 to obtain a big amount of energy dissipation.
In this dissertation the longitudinal vibration of 4 bridges, under seismic actions, with FVDs in the abutments having α between 0.1 and 0.5 is evaluated, comparing the results obtained with non-linear damping and equivalent damping, calculated using the expressions (D.4) and (D.5) in prEN 1998-1, the provisional document for the next version of NP EN 1998-1. Given that equivalent damping may be defined as the linear damping force that dissipates the same amount of energy as the non-linear damping in a structure, the longitudinal vibration of a bridge with FVDs calculated with both types of damping should be similar.
The longitudinal dynamic vibration of each bridge with FVDs is obtained using the software SAP2000 with a time-history analysis, being the seismic action represented by an accelerogram that describes the ground motion in the considered zone.
The results obtained using the (D.4) and (D.5) expressions in prEN 1998-1 to calculate the longitudinal dynamic vibration of a bridge with FVDs with effective damping ratio are good, being as close to the ones obtained by a non-linear dynamic analysis the higher the value of α is.


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2 1 Introduction Fluid viscous dampers (FVDs) are passive energy dissipation devices that can reduce the dynamic response of a structure when subjected to seismic forces, and have been used in the last years in civil engineering structures, such as for damping of the longitudinal vibration of bridges under seismic actions. With the use of FVDs it is possible to add high damping values to structures, with values of the effective damping ratio �� up to 20-30 %, avoiding the need to develop plastic hinges to dissipate energy [3]. Using FVDs on a bridge it is possible to reduce its longitudinal displacement due to seismic actions, and therefore the maximum forces in the bridge’s structural members that depend on it. When compared to other passive energy dissipation devices, such as hysteretic dampers, friction dampers or viscoelastic dampers, FVDs have the advantage of not adding stiffness to the structures to which they are applied and not having any residual deformation after the seismic event [3]. Figure 1.1 shows a set of compression-only nonlinear FVDs in a bridge’s abutment, parallel to its longitudinal axis. Figure 1.1 – Set of OTP 400/600 compression- only nonlinear FVDs in Rion-Antirion bridge [4] The force-velocity relation in these devices may be described by expression (1.1): �� �� (�� ) = �� �� × sgn(�� ) × |�� | �� (1.1) where �� �� and α depend on the characteristics of the FVD, and �� is the relative velocity of the FVD’s ends. For seismic actions, which last for a few seconds, but require a big amount of energy dissipation, nonlinear FVDs having α<1 have a good performance because they can dissipate big amounts of energy, being therefore used in bridges to dampen the longitudinal vibrations due to seismic actions [4]. In bridge’s with FVDs the elastic force is out of phase with these devices damping forces on the deck’s ends near the abutments, which means that in such type of bridge there is always a force restraining the deck’s movement in the longitudinal direction during an earthquake [5]. The FVDs in the bridge’s abutments considered in this work are assumed to be placed in the horizontal, parallel to the deck’s longitudinal axis, as shown in figure 1.2. Figure 1.2 – Lateral view of a bridge with FVDs on its abutments, adapted from [6]


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Artur Costa
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2021-22
  Università: Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon
  Facoltà: Ingegneria
  Corso: Ingegneria civile e ambientale
  Relatore: Luís Guerreiro
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 11


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fluid viscous dampers
longitudinal vibration
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