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Lipstick’s Composition and Production Technologies, “Lipstick Index” as economic indicator

The purpose of this work is to provide a deeper knowledge about production technologies, chemical composition and the production process of an extremely simple object. Lipstick is a symbol of charm and an instrument of seduction, red lipstick has gone through the centuries until the early twentieth century, when the newlyborn feminist movement made it the symbol of women's power, since then women understood it is able to make them all the same, beyond the social class, the economic position and the profession.
The main motivation that has pushed me to address this topic is a deep interest I have had since I was a child for cosmetics, I also want to show that behind a simple accessory there is an extremly complex production process in many steps, the formula requires precise percentages of components.
The thesis is composed of four chapters.
The first chapter deals with topics such as the birth and evolution of this cosmetic over the course of time; for Egyptians, Greeks and Romans it was related with religious functions and to demarcate social status, in the 17 th century the church denounced lip painting as altering a God's gift, it was not considered socially acceptable in the 19 th century, and towards the 1850s women were warned of the dangers of using coloured tints on lips. By the end of the 19 th century, Guerlain, a French cosmetic company, began to manufacture lipstick. In the 20 th century the first long lasting lipstick was created by Hazel Bishop. The 21 th Century has seen major technological advances in lipstick formulation and in flexible wearable electronics, designed to collect and transmit data from the body.
The second chapter is about primary ingredients lipstick are composed of, that are wax, waxy pastes, oil and pigments, but there here are also preservatives and active ingredients in low percentages. There are also quotations of formulas and percentages to have different textures and colours.
In the third chapter it is described the production line of the lipstick. The first steps are the laboratory research and the laboratory analysis, then the quality control and the storage of raw materials, which sometimes require additional work. Other important activities for lipstick production are the bulk production, a coloured mass of waxy consistency with no definite shape, the casting, the assembly with the packaging and the quality control, at the end finished products are stored in warehouses that are generally thermostated and in a controlled environment, to avoid that thermal changes may compromise the characteristics of lipsticks.
The last chapter exposes the Lipstick Index, a term coined by Leonard Lauder, who though sales of this cosmetic could be an economic indicator and that women substitute lipstick for more expensive purchases in times of economic distress.
The last part of this thesis is about the effective relation discovered by Leonard Lauder between Italian history of the last century and economic crisis.


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Lipstick’s Composition and Production Technologies,“Lipstick Index” as economic indicator 1 8 3 . Produc t ion Tec hnology The lipst ic k c urrent ly know n is made up of a c ylindric al solid c osmet ic produc t used for t he lip c oloring, whic h is defined st ic k, insert ed inside a c ont ainer c alled primary pac kaging, whic h allow s it s use and c onservat ion. From an aest het ic point of view, t he st ic k c onsist s of a c ylindric al body, about 50 mm high and a diamet er of about 13 mm. The upper part of t he st ic k ends wit h a flat fac e inc lined at 45 ° , usually in t he shape of a drop, whic h is int ended t o allow t he applic at ion of t he lipst ic k on t he lips. I t s shape in fac t allows t he lipst ic k t o be evenly dist ribut ed on t he lips using t he t ip t o follow t he c ont our wit hout leaving smudges. The w idt h of t he inc lined fac e is on average equal t o t he widt h of lips t hemselves, so as t o allow a homogeneous dist ribut ion. The st ic k is insert ed int o t he primary pac kaging in a suit able loc at ion defined " c up" , for about 15 mm of dept h. This c up is int ernally provided w it h anc horing lugs at t he inc lined base 1 mm t hic k, w hose func t ion is t o allow t he st ic k t o at t ac h t o t he pac kaging t hat c ont ains it , in order t o prevent it from ac c ident al spillage during t ransport or during t he applic at ion it self. From a formulat ion point of view, t he lipst ic k is essent ially made up from t he union of 5 large groups of raw mat erials: oils, fat s, w axes, pigment s and pearls. A neut ral base c an be obt ained from t he mixing of t he subst anc es belonging t o t he first 3 c lasses, in order t o have c oloring propert ies it must be added pigment s and pearls. This c olored mass of waxy c onsist enc y has no definit e shape and is t ec hnic ally c alled " bulk" (Figure 9). The c urrent t ec hnique of making a bulk of lipst ic k c onsist in t w o st eps, t he first one is t he preparat ion of t he bulk t hrough t he fusion bet ween 70 ° C and 90 ° C of oils waxes and waxy past es in spec ial st ainless-st eel c ont ainers, t hen t he addit ion of pigment s and pearls; a t urbine shakers is used in order t o have homogenizat ion. Figure 9: A bulk


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