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Aerodynamics of an inverted wing in ground effect: the influence of cornering

The aerodynamic performance of the front wing of a Formula 1 car becomes more critical when cornering, but wind tunnel techniques are typically limited to the straight-line condition. The present thesis aims at investigating the influence of cornering on the aerodynamics of an inverted wing in ground effect through numerical simulations performed using a RANS model. After a theoretical background, the validation of the numerical model against available experimental results is performed by means of straight-line simulations. The wing considered in the research is an 80% scale model of the front wing of the Tyrrell 026 Formula 1 car, in single-element configuration, when steady-state cornering around a constant radius turn. In cornering-flow conditions, the front wing will typically be in a yawed condition and at the same time will experience the flow curvature. Therefore, the changes affected by cornering, i.e. the yaw angle and the flow curvature, are considered first in isolation and then combined in order to give a realistic condition. This results in three different simulation cases. The objective of the analysis is to understand how the aerodynamic behavior of the wing changes when cornering. To this purpose, a CFD simulation is performed for each cornering case. The presented results show how the pressure distribution over the wing surfaces and the endplates varies in the presence of a yaw angle and a velocity gradient due to the flow curvature. Then, the aerodynamic force and moment coefficients acting on the wing are reported and compared to those in the straight-line case. Finally, the results show how the cornering-flow conditions influence the wing vortices and their downstream trajectory.


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6 Chapter 2 Turbulence modeling All fows of engineering interest, such as the fow around an aircraft or a vehicle, are turbulent. Therefore, it is necessary to make a theoretical digression on turbulence and how it is modeled. In this chapter, a brief description of turbulent fows will be given, with a focus on the Reynolds Averaged Navier- Stokes (RANS) equations and the mixing length theory developed by Prandtl. Additionally, two of the best-known turbulence models will be discussed: the k-ω model, which will be used in the present work, and the k-ε model. 2.1 Turbulent fows For "small enough" scales and "low enough" velocities, in the sense that the Reynolds number is not too high, the equations of motion for a viscous fuid have well-behaved, steady solutions. Such fows are controlled by viscous difusion of vorticity and momentum and the resulting motion is called laminar. Under this regime, if we consider the motion of a fuid in a straight duct, each fuid particle moves with uniform velocity describing a straight trajectory. As the Reynolds number increases, the fuid’s inertia overcomes the viscous stressesandthelaminarmotionbecomesunstable. Theorderedbehaviortypical of the laminar regime disappears: rapid velocity and pressure fuctuations occur and the motion becomes inherently three dimensional and unsteady. When this happens, we describe the motion as being turbulent. A turbulent fow can be considered as the superposition of a mean and a fuctuating motion, which produces a momentum transfer in the transversal direction and gives rise to a strong mixing. The size of the vortices that con-


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Roberto Lozupone
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2022-23
  Università: Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza
  Facoltà: Ingegneria civile e industriale
  Corso: Ingegneria aeronautica
  Relatore: Matteo Bernardini
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 66


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