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Cultural Diversity: Source of Conflict or Solution? A Study of Hybridisation Processes in the Öresund Region

Cultural diversity: Source of conflict or solution? Starting from this general and personally unsolvable question, I argue that, in order to avoid the potential intercultural conflicts and through the promotion of mutual knowledge, understanding and respect, cultural diversity could become a source of opportunities. Following Canclini´s ideas, I suggest an appropriate management of hybridisation processes as an alternative of the said conflicts. Due to my interest in the every day life more than in policies, I relate this theoretical framework to a real multicultural context: the Öresund region. I have selected the factors physical mobility and immigration for analysing the hybridisation processes that could arise around the said indicators. Finally, I ask the following two questions: Firstly, has the creation of the Öresund region boosted the cross-border physical mobility and thus hybridisation processes between Danes and Swedes? Secondly, has the creation of the Öresund region boosted the flow of immigrants and thus hybridisation processes amongst them, Swedes and Danes?

Based on the data and the literature on this issue and guided by some personal interviews and impressions about the region, I come to the following conclusion: Referring to the first question, I concluded that the creation of the Öresund project has boosted the cross-border physical mobility and hybridisation processes between Danes and Swedes. Besides, concerning to the second question and due to some data limitations, I can not state that the promotion of the region has boosted the flow of immigrants nor hybridisation processes amongst immigrants, Swedes and Danes. As a final reflection, I wonder if immigrants are not taken into account in the building of this new and ambitious region, i.e., if the cultural diversity of the Öresund region is not considered as a potential source of possibilities, it could become a real source of conflict among the excluded group and the rest of the society. Could, some day, the real bridge between Denmark and Sweden become a real bridge amongst the inhabitants of the Öresund?


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3 INTRODUCTION Cross-border population flows, such as migration, lead to increased diversity within societies. This diversity often refers to the co-existence of a difference in behaviour, traditions and customs, in short, a diversity of cultures. UNESCO's governing body, the General Conference, adopted the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity in 2001. It aims both to preserve cultural diversity as a living, and thus renewable treasure that must not be perceived as being unchanging heritage but as a process guaranteeing the survival of humanity; and to prevent segregation and fundamentalism which, in the name of cultural differences, would sanctify those differences and so counter the message of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration makes it clear that each individual must acknowledge not only otherness in all its forms but also the plurality of his or her own identity, within societies that are themselves plural. Only in this way can cultural diversity be preserved as an adaptive process and as a capacity for expression, creation and innovation. The debate between those countries which would like to defend cultural goods and services ‘which as vectors of identity, values and meaning, must not be treated as mere commodities or consumer goods’, and those which would hope to promote cultural rights has thus been surpassed, with the two approaches brought together by the Declaration, which has highlighted the causal link uniting two complementary attitudes. (UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, 2001) Starting points In the case of the European Union, the cultural diversity is almost always presented as a potential source of difficult or even insoluble conflicts. Why don't we turn things around and think of this cultural diversity as a cultural treasure rather than adopting the usual negative stance? If we could appreciate the immense richness of learning opportunities that diversity offers we would not need to look for solutions to these conflicts, which frequently arise from the misunderstandings created by these very cultural differences.


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