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Rational Design and Synthesis of Novel Acadesine-Like Modulators of AMPK

The objective of this thesis, besides the analysis of the structure of the enzyme, its targets and the current classes of activators under development, is to investigate the synthesis of novel modulators of AMPK.
The initial discovery that AMPK activity was regulated by the AMP/ATP ratio solved the old conundrum of how the cell sensed and maintained its energetic status quo and triggered a high level of interest from the scientific community, which resulted in thousands of papers, published yearly. These investigated the role of the AMPK pathway, discovered its central role in the health benefits of diet and exercise and suggested it as a novel target for diseases ranging from diabetes to certain cancer types and even Alzheimer’s disease.


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4 1 . I nt roduc t ion T he AMP-a c tiva te d prote in kina se , or AMPK for short, is a n e nz yme whose ide ntific a tion some 30 ye a rs a go ha s brought to inc re me nta l disc ove rie s whic h point to its e sse ntia l role in the ma inte na nc e of e ne rgy home osta sis in c e ll a nd body [1]. T he initia l disc ove ry tha t AMPK a c tivity wa s re gula te d by the AMP/AT P ra tio solve d the old c onundrum of how the c e ll se nse d a nd ma inta ine d its e ne rge tic sta tus quo a nd trigge re d a high le ve l of inte re st from the sc ie ntific c ommunity, whic h re sulte d in thousa nds of pa pe rs, publishe d ye a rly. T he se inve stiga te d the role of the AMPK pa thwa y, disc ove re d its c e ntra l role in the he a lth be ne fits of die t a nd e xe rc ise a nd sugge ste d it a s a nove l ta rge t for dise a se s ra nging from dia be te s to c e rta in c a nc e r type s a nd e ve n Alz he ime r’s dise a se . An indire c t c onfirma tion of the c e ntra l role of AMPK is its pe rva sive ne ss in the tre e of life . Homologue s of AMPK c a n be found throughout the e uka ryotic kingdom a nd its struc ture ha s re ma ine d la rge ly untouc he d throughout e volution be c a use of its ke y func tion a s a me ta bolic re gula tor of the c e ll, this role howe ve r ha s e volve d to tha t of a re gula tor of the whole -body home osta sis in more c omple x orga nisms. In ye a sts, suc h a s Sac c haromy c e s c e re v isiae the Snf1p kina se is homologue to AMPK a nd c ontrols ge ne e xpre ssion in re sponse to gluc ose de priva tion, a nd so a re the Snf1p re la te d kina se s (SnR Ks) found in pla nts whe re the y re gula te c a rbon me ta bolism a nd inhibit synthe sis of isopre noids. Also in the a nima l kingdom AMPK is highly c onse rve d from C ae norhabditis e le gans ’ a a k-2 AMPK homologue to ma mma lia n AMPK [2,4]. AMPK is a Se rine /T hre onine kina se , the se a re a va st group of e nz yme s me mbe rs of the tra nsfe ra se e nz yma tic fa mily. W he n a c tiva te d the y phosphoryla te the OH group in Se rine a nd T hre onine side c ha ins in prote ins c a using the ta rge t prote in to c ha nge its c onforma tion to a n a c tive or ina c tive sta te . T o fulfill its role a s a c e ntra l e ne rgy re gula tor for the c e ll AMPK is a c tiva te d by a de c re a se in AT P, trigge re d a s we sha ll se e by a n a lloste ric a c tiva tion from AMP, whic h se ts off its e nz yma tic a c tivity e xpre sse d by the phosphoryla tion of se ve ra l downstre a m prote ins. T his ha s the ove ra ll e ffe c t of


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