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The Evolution towards the Internet of the Future

Less congested roads, better and more efficient energy delivery or state of the art medical treatment managed at home are typical examples made possible by the Internet of the Future. It will connect physical objects such as cars or mobile devices with infrastructures, so that massive amounts of data can be used in real-time to improve their business process and efficiency.
As the internet connects to billions of sensors and online mobile devices to deliver ever more sophisticated information, these infrastructures need to be “smart” enough to use such huge amounts of data in real time. The objective of the Internet of the future is to improve the fundamental infrastructures to make them able to treat massive amounts of data.
For years, technology providers tried to combine data and voice network, with the aim of providing more communication services on a single network and at lower prices. The network and domain infrastructure has to face several changes, such as:
• The explosive growth of the data transfer rate and of the capabilities;
• The emergence of massive data and the distribution of consumptions and contents;
• The evolution towards a convergence architecture that has dramatically increased permutations, combinations of services and uses between users, devices and medias and even between real and virtual worlds;
• The involvement of the users in the definition of its communication sphere that led to personalization, becoming also producers.
A solution can be Optical Burst Switching and a series of other alternatives to mix a quantity of high-speed optical and electric functionalities. Otherwise, it will be necessary to obtain a wireless network that can support a data transfer that is similar to that for DSL connections.
We could minimize the distinction between fixed and mobile with the concept of a universal broadband connection. The innovation of public and private network architectures can be integrated.
All the executor have a common purpose: creating an infrastructure to connect all the computers together so that applications and services could be invented to execute on it. The main project of the Internet of the future is to determine the high-level principles for the variations of the plan of an open architecture that can be adapted.


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4 | INTRODUCTION Objectives of the Internet of the future Less congested roads, better and more efficient energy delivery or state of the art medical treatment managed at home are typical examples made possible by the Internet of the Future. It will connect physical objects such as cars or mobile devices with infrastructures, so that massive amounts of data can be used in real-time to improve their business process and efficiency. As the internet connects to billions of sensors and online mobile devices to deliver ever more sophisticated information, these infrastructures need to be “smart” enough to use such huge amounts of data in real time. The objective of the Internet of the future is to improve the fundamental infrastructures to make them able to treat massive amounts of data. For years, technology providers tried to combine data and voice network, with the aim of providing more communication services on a single network and at lower prices. The network and domain infrastructure has to face several changes, such as:  The explosive growth of the data transfer rate and of the capabilities;  The emergence of massive data and the distribution of consumptions and contents;  The evolution towards a convergence architecture that has dramatically increased permutations, combinations of services and uses between users, devices and medias and even between real and virtual worlds;  The involvement of the users in the definition of its communication sphere that led to personalization, becoming also producers. A solution can be Optical Burst Switching and a series of other alternatives to mix a quantity of high-speed optical and electric functionalities. Otherwise, it will be necessary to obtain a wireless network that can support a data transfer that is similar to that for DSL connections.


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF



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