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The value of Country Reputation in Emerging Countries. A survey on Turkish Consumers

As expression of the whole nation abroad, the phenomenon of Country Reputation can have many implications in any kind of strategy which aims to face the global market.
Its literature covers four different dimensions, namely Country-of-origin and Country Image, Destination Management, Public Diplomacy, and Corporate Reputation. And this work has mostly tried to develop the first two perspectives.
According to the past researches, Italy does not figure as one of the main active players in this type of study, and this has even more encouraged in conducting such empirical analysis.
Indeed, with the purpose of identify its value and contribute to the presence of Italy in this field of researches, it has been managed a survey by comparing the Country Reputation perception of Italy, Spain and Finland, within a selected cluster of Turkish consumers.
Having Turkey as actor of the analysis it has given another important value to the research. This country, in fact, represents one of the current most emerging economies in the world, thus its data assume greater value since permits to understand how those three countries are perceived by a completely different culture during its growth.
Actually, already such approach sets this empirical work in an innovative path, since none of the previous researches in the literature have compared different countries reputation.
Moreover, the developed model has been considering the interconnection among the product sphere and the touristic one, to understand how the respective images influence the decision on the other side. Other two variables where also considered, namely the Ethnocentrism and the Animosity, to understand how the first one influences the product side of the study and how the second one impact on the tourism side.
Hence, after analysed the way Country Reputation gets its shape and evaluated its importance in the emerging markets, with the help of a statistical program (R) they have been organized the relative multiple regressions to verify the settled hypotheses.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
INTRODUCTION There is no better way to absorb a foreign culture than the one of living in that country and to integrate with its inhabitants. In fact, the experience of going to Turkey has given a big contribution to this research, since it has well permitted to collect more information than they would have been collected by staying in the own country. This empirical research has had the purpose of investigating the Country Reputation phenomenon by analysing the perception of Turks towards the countries of Italy, Spain and Finland. The decision of considering Turkey as the subject of the analysis is due to the fact that it appears in all the emerging markets in current global economy, because of the extremely dynamic growth it is having. By adding this to the very different culture it has if compared to the other three countries analysed, the value of the obtained results becomes even higher. In any kind of relationship, reputation and thus the image of a certain partner play a considerable role in determining whether such connection will be realized or not. If the first impression has the strongest impact in a relationship, reputation determines the effective link among the subjects, because it acts before than the connection starts. This is one of the reasons which has encouraged to further analyse this phenomenon. Another one has been the change in international market structure, where they are currently emerging new economies in such a way that none of the developed countries can be compared. As International Marketing study, then it cannot be unconsidered the Country Reputation as an extremely important asset, in all the possible configurations, as a stronghold on which the whole marketing strategies must be implemented. Indeed, according to the previous researches, either the decision of purchasing foreign products, or selecting a specific country as touristic destination, is influenced by the constructed opinion towards that nation. Hence, the strategy of building collaboration with a foreign partner, rather than the one of making a foreign direct investment, must consider such factor to do not fall into a negative situation. Obviously, stereotypes are also determined by the own culture, since it acts as a reading lens which permits to give a shape to other countries’ cultures. This affects the results and it explains why the general opinion about a monitored country can change when considering different nations as observers. Politicians, but even each person who leaves in it, can contribute to improve or damage the overall Country Reputation, thus they are all responsible for the overall image. Under this assumption, it has been built up a model which aims to investigate eight different hypotheses. From the two classical approaches, which relate the image


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regression analysis
country image
country reputation
emerging markets
emerging economies
emerging countries
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multiple corrispondence analysis

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