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The rise of Neuromarketing: a better understanding of consumer’s behavior?

The beginning of this century didn’t represent a relevant turning point only because it instituted a new millenium, but also because a new born science was created, obtained by the combination of different scientific disciplines with economic matters: the so called Neuromarketing.
Do you really think that the best or even the most profitable way to create and sell products and to achieve consumers’ consensus can be reached by simply asking if they like the packaging of a product? Or if they appreciate the design of that car? Or even if they declare that they are astonished by the new colors of that re-designed good? Of course, the answer is NO. The obtained answers are far away from what our real subconscious perceptions indicate. Our real and emotional preferences triggered by a product almost never coincide with what we rationally admit. Not because we want to lie to the interviewer or to ourselves, but just because only the 5% of our decisions are taken in a rational way, the remaining 95% are engaged by the irrational part of our brain: the subconscious. This is essentially the reason why Neuromarketng was created: to have the possibility to “speak” directly to our deep and hidden decision-making process and to create services or products that we really want and that we really need. Companies are desperately trying to find a speech code that could connect them directly with the “reptilian” part of the brain, which is the part that is truly believed to be the source of irrational decison making. The improvements obtained in this field, would prevent multinationals to invest and consequently to waste their money in projects, advertisements or products that will never make breakthrough in the minds of consumers. The mission for companies and marketers has switched from the unique focus on consumers’mind and superficial habits, to a deeper analysis of the real engines of purchasing behavior: now it’s time to concentrate on emotions and irrationality. Along my thesis, I will report all the most significant findings and experiments conducted by the most brilliant and competent researchers, scientists and neuropsychologists who paved the way for the emergence of this discipline. I will also answer to some of the main implications, either positive or negative, that have arisen with the introduction of Neuromarketing and I will describe the new developed technologies that have been adopted, also by comparing them with the traditional research methods used until now by marketers.
Many important ideas and concepts have been extracted by important authors such as Martin Lindstrom, Roger Dooley, Morin and Renvoise, that constitute the foundations for the realization of this report. The path for discovering this fascinating world begins with the encounter of the real source of origin of Neuromarketing, without which the entire existence of this relatively new marketing branch could not have been possible: the Neuroscience. The development and the application of its principles on economic issues, led to the exploitation of Neuroeconomics which symbolizes the tangible marriage between science and economy. The last part of the report focuses on the experiences and the interviews cordially released by several representatives of the world of Neuromarketing, in order to achieve a more accurate awareness of this scientific- economic discipline and to have real life testimonies. A customized interview was given to each one of the interviewees, with the target of obtaining personal and subjective information of their experiences and of their point of view regarding the world of Neuromarketing. They are structured on a tripartite division, each of which focuses on a well-defined topic: general and personal information of the interviewee, features of the company where he or she works and personal and provisional questions on Neuromarketing.
The intent and the final target of my thesis is to give a deep and objective presentation of an economic field that could seriously mark the future of global marketing, thanks to the revolutionary principles which is based on and the precision with which the results are obtained.


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! ! III! INTRODUCTION The world is moving forward, it is progressing towards the future; and it’s happening exactly in the same way also for the sciences, the arts and disciplines that have been created and studied by the humankind. They are evolving towards a new frontier, which is proving to be increasingly close to perfection, as much as humanly and physically possible. Take for example fields like physics, science, architecture, engineering or marketing, they all explain how our culture is developed on non-static concepts and assumptions, but are instead based on principles that are constantly expanding and changing. The same thing happened to marketing which, thanks to the application of other scientific matters and discoveries such as the Neuroscience, it has encountered a new dimension of application and of relevance, that has led it to the achievement of results more and more surprising and precise. The meeting between an issue of economic matter, such as marketing, and neuroscientific researches and methodologies, resulted into the creation of the Neuromarketing. My thesis explains and develops the path with which nowadays Neuromarketing it has estabilished as a new science of economic value. The evolutionary process that brought Neuromarketing to be what we know today, with all its basic principles and techniques thanks to which it can be applied, is analyzed and explained in the first three chapters of my thesis; which ends by giving voice to persons who have managed to use this science to brilliantly create and lead economic nature realities in the Italian territory. The first chapter arguments the biological and scientific assumptions that characterize Neuroscience, the underlying discipline at the basis of anykind of experiment and methodology for this topic. There are many sciences oriented in understanding why we perform determined tasks, what are the mechanisms of our thinking, what part of the brain is activated when submitted to specific actions or emotions, they range from behavioral science and computational neuroscience to cognitive science, neurology, psychology and many others. For this reason we can state that Neuroscience, and indeed Neuromarketing, was created thanks to the merge of many scientific disciplines that joined together to create a unique human behavioral framework. The development of Neuroscience was supported by the creation and the development of brain imaging technologies, which are usually applied on the head of samples in order to identify and measure the level of brain activity under certain stimuli. These techniques can be


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