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The future of the Italian stadiums: an empirical analysis

This thesis is a wide analysis of the football business and it focuses on the polyvalence of property stadiums. The study analyzes the Italian market and how it is different from the other realities. It was explained how the role of the stadiums changed during the years. Subsequently, the revenues and attendance of many European teams were analyzed to understand how they are influenced by the management of a property stadium. Then, a questionnaire was created in order to understand the actual satisfaction of Italian fans and their intention to visit and frequent a new stadium featured with variegate services like hotels, museums, mall, cinema, fitness centre, restaurants and bars. Nine chapters compose this thesis. The crucial part of the thesis concerns the results of the questionnaires posed in the last months, and it is exposed in chapter six. The answers collected were analyzed with a statistic software to enlighten the actual and potential satisfaction of Italian fans: the variables were reduced to those significant through the factor analysis. Consequently, a cluster analysis was carried out to segment the current fans and the future ones. Two clusters emerged for each category. The elaboration presents two main findings: the actual satisfaction with the actual stadium is very low, while the intentions of fans to visit and promote a new possible structure is high.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
  7  1. Introduction “Have you ever entered an empty stadium? Try it. Stop in the middle of the field and listen. There is nothing less empty than an empty stadium. There is nothing more silent then the bleachers without people.” [Eduardo Galeano, 1985] Sport changes people; creates discussions, friends, dreams and strong competition. An English study conducted on 2,000 fans shows that the average fan thinks about his team every 12 minutes. For many footballs passionate, stadium is the teams’ world and fans are the heart. In the era of bankruptcy, where some club leaders pretend to react, without doing anything, stadiums could be strong vehicles to increase the revenues of clubs. A complete new structure, with fantastic innovative services, like hotel, bars, wireless connection, tours of the stadium, museum, is considered as a benchmark for all the clubs that want to increase their attendance and revenues. In many countries the stadium is considered as the heart of the club. In England, it is considered like a “home” not only for the team and the players, but also for the fans. Nowadays and during the last years, many clubs decided to renovate the old stadiums, and some decided to build a completely new stadium. In England, Manchester United and Arsenal have the two most important, beautiful and furnished stadiums. Every five years, Manchester United renovates its stadium, while Arsenal, in 2005, built a complete new stadium, called Emirates. Missing out these two, also the other English stadiums are vanguard structures. The stadium of Bolton has a 5 stars hotel inside; West Ham stadium offers a new Bluetooth service for fans to download Internet packages. Due to all these characteristic and services, English stadiums are the most frequented in Europe, with an average attendance of 36,000 fans per match. Also in Spain, clubs have complete and functional structures, like


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Alessandro Neri
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2008-09
  Università: Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi di Milano
  Facoltà: Economia
  Corso: Marketing
  Relatore: Paolo Guenzi
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 102


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