The Digital Transformation of Supply Chains: Opportunities and risks in the Italian Industry 4.0 Landscape
This paper addresses the theme of Digital Transformation, its influence on supply chains and in particular the relevance of the Italian Industry 4.0 framework.
The first chapter describes the positive effects of Digital Transformation; enhancements and innovations such as Additive Manufacturing, Internet of Things, Cloud, Big Data, Machine Learning and Robotics that are becoming an integral part of many industries structures.
The digital revolution is bringing with it the need for development of new professional figures, such as CIO or CISO and is involving in a specific way companies’ supply chains.
The supply chain is the fulcrum of the second chapter. Digital Transformation is improving and speeding up the different stages of the production process, including planning, procurement, and logistics. The machines used are increasingly innovative and interconnected, based on robotics and the use of sensors that allow different parts of the warehouse to converse with each other.
In chapter three, I went through the analysis of the challenges and problems that Industry 4.0 brings with it. From negative effects, such as job losses to environmental issues, from cybersecurity to the need to retrain the current employees, passing through to the comprehension of how companies, schools, universities and Governments should intervene and invest to exploit the opportunities of Revolution 4.0 we arrive at the final chapter.
In the last part of this paper is considered as a controversial theme and growing risk for an interconnected world: The Cybersecurity and how Italy is facing it.
The number of hacker attacks in recent years has seen a widespread increase, including the WannaCry ransomware attack that struck in May this year. The European Community has already taken steps to increase computer security measures through the 2016/1148/EU directive of 6 July 2016, which urges the Union countries to standardize and increase security levels.
In the top ten of the countries that have suffered more attacks, we can find Italy.
The cyber threat is significant in our country and the creation of a "National Framework for Cybersecurity" was necessary to provide essential guidelines and controls to all companies that must apply them in order to protect themselves and the entire Italian economic landscape.
It is mandatory for our country to take advantage of this deep revolution paying attention to the relative risks.
La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF

La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Angelica Craveli |
Tipo: | Tesi di Laurea Magistrale |
Anno: | 2016-17 |
Università: | Libera Univ. Internaz. di Studi Soc. G.Carli-(LUISS) di Roma |
Facoltà: | Economia |
Corso: | Economia e Commercio |
Relatore: | Paolo Spagnoletti |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 107 |
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Digital transformation in enterprises: Industry 4.0
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