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How Big Companies Make Innovation Acquiring Startups

Globalization, Digitalization and Internet of Things are only the mains trends that made and are making the World to change even and even more, faster and with an increasing complexity. Also the economic environment is facing a change that is rewriting again and again all the company and society paradigms, as well regarding Innovation and the way to be entrepreneur, with the implications concerning how innovation is today generated. The target of this study is to observe and describe what is happening from the points of view of the Big Companies (BCs) in their continuously adapting process into the evolving Innovation Challenge. In particular we will work on the relations between BCs and startups under the prospective of the actual Open Innovation discipline, focusing on the M&A (merges & acquisitions) market, especially in the High Tech Sector. To understand what is happening in the actual state of the art and which is the possible future scenario, is necessary to have a complete theoretical framework of the concept of innovation and its historical evolution conveyed by the work of large companies. This starting point is fundamental to be able to elaborate the actual economical data and trends of the M&A market, in a global prospective. Is possible to conclude that the startups acquisition process becomes today mainly an information managing problem for the BC, where is fundamental for corporations and startups to be present in the technological hubs, where the best are actually located in the USA. Emerged a drain from Europe, as nets seller of startups, to the United States of technology, Innovation and know-how with clear advantages for USA’s BCs.
Although the global scale, is still essential the importance for the BC to have an efficient local startups ecosystem. Emerged also that the SMEs risks to be completely excluded from the M&A market. The acquisitions of high innovative startups is made for first by BCs that are ex-startups. As threat for the BCs emerged the slide effects created by themselves in the startup ecosystem in a optic of growing concentration of technologies and competitive advantages in their hands, especially in the High Tech. A concentration of power without precedents in the BCs past trends.. A threat for the SMEs and the startup systems in the long term and so finally for the related M&A market too.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
1. Historical notes of Innovation of BG To proceed to understand properly what is happening now in the innovation processes by Big Companies, is of course necessary for first to look at his definition properly. Innovation is a concept more wide and more complicated than expected and it is worth trying to give it a comprehensive definition. Is also due to consider his evolution since the age of the II Industrialization, period taken as golden age of the inventions and of science’s discovers, until to approach to the actual Innovation paradigm and his prospective. 1.1 What is innovation? 1.1.1 The general definition To have an precise definition about innovation, of course the first thing that is due to do is to read a good dictionary: “The act, the work of innovating, that is to introduce new systems, new methods of production and on political, social and economic perspectives. Any change, transformation that radically changes or provoke an effective renewal in a political or social order, in a production method, in a technique, etc.” Treccani, Encyclopedia Online, Here we have a general definition that expands the term of Innovation in a really wide range of possibilities, to be honest like a typical way of saying, almost everything and at the same time nothing. Innovation is every little step made by humanity to improve his world understanding in every aspect, with like always the same scope, to make easier our life, to be more wealthy with the goal to reach the old classical concept of happiness. In that case often is not so easy to maintain clear ideas and distinctions between different concepts. In particular there are really 5


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