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Contributions to modeling and applications of superhydrophobic surfaces for self-assembly of biological materials

The main aim of the experimental part of my thesis is to investigate self-assembly and crystallization of biological materials during evaporation of a droplet upon a superhydrophobic surface (SHS).
A SHS shows a very high repulsion to water. Despite there is not existing material which is intrinsically superhydrophobic (SH), some hydrophobic materials can be turned superhydrophobic if its surface is rough at the nano- and/or microscale. Among the different SHSs I have experimented, the ones involving a pattern of micro-pillars have been extensively characterized and used for experiments. The experimental environment is composed by a suspended drying droplet in which colloidal biological particles are dissolved. In short, the droplet deposited on a SHS is left evaporating and forms a residue. I focused on structure formation and self-assembly processes at or near the interface between the SHS, water and air phases by looking at both intramolecular and intermolecular scales.
Chapter 1 introduces the concept of wettability and shows the results on modeling of droplet evaporation and inner convective flows. Indeed, evaporation is not a static process but temperature, vapor gradient and gravity influence the inner microfluidic flows and could explain the self-assembly of particles during the evaporation which is treated Chapter 3.
Chapter 2 describes the SH chip microfabrication which was realized at Italian Institute of Technology. I optimized the materials and geometries of chips for studying self-assembly of weakly scattering biological materials using X-ray scattering techniques. The fabrication of the SHSs was made in a clean room by using mainly photolithographic processes on silicon and polymeric materials to build a microstructured surface. Surface characterization was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Chapter 3 shows the results with the structure formation during self-assembly of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) based on diffraction on TMV residues on SHSs. Analytical techniques used were small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at the European Synchrotron (ESRF), France.


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16 1.3.1. Introduction Droplet evaporation was extensively studied during the last three decades. Deegan et al. 7 studied the so-called “coffee stain” effect, the well-known phenomena related to the drying droplet of coffee on a hydrophilic surface, and derived analytically the averaged velocity profile along the z- axis (normal to the surface). Popov 8, 9 modelled the evaporation of a droplet of colloidal solutions upon wettable or not wettable surfaces. In particular, Popov 9 deduced a general model taking into account different values of CAs, humidity levels, interface droplet area and others important parameters. Hui et Al 10 used the finite element method to figure out the velocity field in a drying droplet. Afterwards they integrated the Marangoni effect in their model 11 that takes into account the shear stresses along the droplet-air interface due to the temperature gradient. A programming code in Matlab was written by me, inspired by these previous results, that uses the finite element method for the calculations of the flows inside the drying droplets, also on SHSs. The program allows solving a model in which there are some approximations, i.e. the gravity. The partial differential equations used for the system are eq. (14) for the evaporation and eq. (18) for the convective flows inside the droplet. I will explain how to couple the two equations for solving the change of phase between solid and air. I will also study the dynamics of evaporation of a drying droplet upon a hydrophilic and a SHS by considering the Popov’s model. 9 1.3.2. Convective flow inside a drying droplet. A numerical simulation by finite element method was made to obtain the evaporation flux profile along the free surface of a drying droplet of pure water upon a hydrophilic surface that affects the inner flow. The model was programmed in Matlab. As written in the previous section, the system can be considered with an axisymmetric geometry (figure 1.5). Aqueous vapor concentration changes and becomes steady rapidly respect to the time of evaporation and whenever the droplet shape changes. For this reason the evaporation was thought to be a quasi-steady-state process 12 and I solved the diffusion problem given by the gradient of vapor concentration between the free surface and the atmosphere. The eq. (14) becomes:  7 R. Deegan, O. Bakajin, T. F. Dupont, G. Huber, S. R. Nagel, T. A. Witten. “Capillary flow as the cause of ring stains from dried liquid drops”. J. F. Institute. Nature(1997), 389, 827-829; 8 Y. O. Popov. “Singularities, universality, and scaling in evaporative deposition patterns”. PhD student’s thesis. Department of Physics. University of Chicago (US), (2003); 9 Y. O. Popov. “Evaporative deposition patterns: spatial dimensions of the deposits”. Phys. Rev. E (2005), 71, 036313; 10 H. Hu and R. G. Larson. “Analysis of the Microfluid Flow in an Evaporating Sessile Droplet”. Langmuir (2005), 21, 3963-3971; 11 H. Hu and R. G. Larson. “Analysis of the Effects of Marangoni Stresses on the Microflow in an evaporating Sessile Droplet”. Langmuir (2005), 21, 3972-3980; 0 C  (19)


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Giovanni Marinaro
  Tipo: Tesi di Dottorato
Dottorato in Doctoral School in Life and Humanoid Technologies/ Nanosciences
Anno: 2015
Docente/Relatore: Christian Riekel
Istituito da: Università degli studi di Genova
Dipartimento: Department of Physics, University of Genova
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 73


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