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Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1400/2002 of 31 July 2002: Future developments within the E.U. car market.

Our dissertation paper deals with the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1400/2002 of 31st July 2002 on the application of Article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector.
This new legislation was enforced on 1st October 2002 and its application will be progressive in all the Member States of the European Union until its expiry date on 31st May 2010. The current Block Exemption Regulation deals with the problem of the distribution of motor vehicles within the EU and it aims at increasing competition for the benefit of final consumers. Some of the main issues that automotive manufacturers were faced with are: the possibility of either exclusive or selective distribution, new forms of selling such as multi-brand outlets, Internet sales, car brokers, the opportunity to use spare parts of equivalent quality and the ceased obligation for dealers to perform after-sales services and for repairers of carrying out sales activities as well.
In our research we gave a brief overview of the regulation and tried to predict its possible effects on the European Union car market. In particular, we focussed our attention on the existing link between the manufacturers and their dealers, a link that now, under BER 1400/2002, can be loosened up, if not broken.
We also understood the importance of this link for the compliance with safety and environmental issues and for the pursuit of quality in products and services delivered to consumers. As all these factors are essential for the fulfilment of EU requirements and for the conveyance of a good overall service to final consumers, we analysed and found reasonable the reaction coming from some manufacturers to try and strengthen this link even more in order to improve consumers’ satisfaction. As an example of such a response and a true symbol of the promotion of total quality management we elected to analyse the Toyota Motor Corporation in our case study.


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Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1400/2002 of 31 of July 2002: Future Developments within the E.U. Car Market 3 Introduction Our dissertation paper deals with the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1400/2002 of 31 st July 2002 on the distribution of motor vehicle within the European Union. As this new legislation will have relevant impact on the motor industry within the European Union we thought it would be interesting to study the possible effects that it will have on the car industry market. In order to do this we analysed the most important issues raised by this new legislation focussing our attention on the existing link between the manufacturer and the dealer, on the provision of after-sales services and the degree of quality provided to final consumers. As it is our belief that this link is extremely relevant as the quality of the services offered to the client may depend upon it, we chose Toyota Motor Corporation as a case study, as this company is a promoter of quality through out its organization, from the production line to the service enjoyed by Toyota clients. The reasons that motivate what seems to be an unusual choice of dissertation title lies in the fact that the car industry has always been of special interest to the writer. Throughout the course of studies we pursued this subject both through various internships one of which at Mercedes-Benz Italia in Milan which gave us the chance to see how an after-sales service area is organized, how assistants approach the customers and how these respond. Projects that were carried out during the four years in ESE frequently dealt with the car industry namely PSA Peugeot Citroën and Toyota Motor Corporation. These research works further convinced the writer that the car industry was a topic of great interest owing to its rapidly changing environment, its competitive situation and the very aggressive policy of market share seizure carried out by very large conglomerates. This sustained interest over a long period of time brought to our attention this new legislation which is not well known, so much that the only people at present familiar with it are the expert in the field and the operators of the same. We thought that an analysis of the same would also give us the chance to understand a bit better the way in which the European Union works and the working of a market within a new context such as this one. Although at times it has been rather difficult to find suitable material and information we found that this work has contributed to our knowledge of the field.


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