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Climate change-induced droughts and their territorial impact, the case of the 2022-2023 event in Liguria

The initial hypotheses in this research thesis, made on drought and its relationship with the Liguria region, have only been partially explained, given that the phenomenon is currently difficult to understand given the multitude of variables, with different socio-economic, environmental, and climatological impacts. Droughts are a chronic problem in many parts of the world, particularly in several areas of Africa, such as the Sahel, where climatic and political aspects seem to be linked by a spiral of perpetual instability, due to the scarcity of resources, including water. The temperate climate in Europe, in Italy and especially in Liguria, is also experiencing a principle of these changes due to the emergency of drought phenomena and potential issues at an economic and societal level.
The experts interviewed were able to provide a rather clear opinion, arguing that in every scientific field, it is primary to observe only scientific data. It is not possible to make risky predictions and only move towards adaptation, if possible, is the only possibility.
Today's adaptation could be possible thanks to political intervention, a largely non-existent collective awareness, and a destination of resources for the efficiency of our water distribution and recycling systems. If the heat waves of 2022 have already been particularly impactful in Europe, summer 2023 will be a new test and will certainly put a strain on the water system that will necessarily have to be reviewed.
Realizing that global change is taking place is the first step in understanding what to pay attention to and focusing public attention on this future crisis. This research thesis has revealed the aspects that we simplistically reduce to well-defined events are part of a multitude of factors together. This is the key that every social scientist who approaches a new subject should do, and considering the results leads today to affirm that we are facing a new reality that will have to be constantly monitored. The interpretation of the new data and the evaluations for future studies must be a priority element for the protection of our environment and first for the awareness that our lifestyles must be changed since they are not in line with the very nature of the climate.


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9 Introduction This research thesis investigates drought as a local and international phenomenon, analyzing the Liguria region and its repercussions in 2022/2023 at an environmental but also governance level. Drought today, moreover, is a phenomenon that is increasing in frequency and intensity which, seen globally, is the generative cause of numerous internal conflicts which will grow increasingly due to the projections on climate change. The choice of this topic is motivated by the desire to investigate the causes of this phenomenon which is manifesting itself in an increasingly systematic way in different areas of the world and to understand what the viable solutions and the negative implications for the environment are. This work discusses how we are about to interface with one of the greatest environmental security risks that we will not be able to predict or control, capable of long- term disastrous effects and affecting the most valuable resource for life on planet Earth: water. Despite being a very frequent phenomenon worldwide, there does not seem to be sufficient attention to it particularly in countries traditionally not affected by droughts such as temperate countries. This is the case of Liguria, a region characterized by a temperate and rainy climate which since early 2022 has been experiencing an incredibly significant drought, just like most of Italy and Europe. The main aim of this research is to analyse the drought in terms of its climatological and environmental manifestations, as well as for the implications at social and governance levels. The research consists of the analysis of the phenomenon through the analysis of meteorological and hydrogeological data and the methodology of semi-structured interviews 1 with various stakeholders involved in water management. The research methodology entailed a careful analysis of data, unveiling the urgency of a prompt intervention aimed at mitigating the effects of what already is current issue institutions must face and providing evidence that it is the moment to act at the various political, diplomatic, and institutional levels to implement prevention actions that can introduce innovations in terms of sustainability, prevention, and savings. The strong point 1 R. Longhurst, (2003), Semi-structured interviews and Focus Groups,, [Last Accessed 20/06/2023].


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Ivan Vianello
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2022-23
  Università: Università degli studi di Genova
  Facoltà: Scienze Politiche
  Corso: Relazioni internazionali
  Relatore: Pietro Piana
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 150


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