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The Business Model Canvas as a Tool for the Development of Start-Ups: an Application to the Rehabit Case

Why Do Investors Say ''No''? And How to Solve It

Think about an investor and a startupper's own business proposal. The entrepreneur sacrificed everything to get to this point. What he is actually presenting is his dream and if he would be able to capture external funding, all the problems will be solved, or at least most of them. Nevertheless, as feedback on the presentation, the investor answers "No".
Exactly why do investors say no? And what is truly possible to do to prevent this from happening? The fact is, most investors say "No" for a multitude of reasons. For every hundred presentations an investor overhears, he is likely to say no 99% of the time. So, here are five possible interpretations of why investors do say "No".
Number one, investors say no because entrepreneurs make minor errors of assessment and preparation: appearing unprepared during an exhibition can lead to the failure to obtain funding. Consequently, it is advisable to investigate the investors first and to pick the most suitable investor for the sector, geographical area and growth phase of the startup. Besides, the same project must not be indiscriminately presented to each investor, as it is more useful to try to establish a mutual personal relationship with them. Eventually, it must not be forgotten the importance of timing, simply avoiding requesting for investments in the middle of a market crash, rather than trying to contact the investor in a positive phase of his business.
Number two, the character matters. All other things being equal, investors prefer to do business with trustworthy and integrity-minded startuppers. Therefore, if the personality is somehow questionable, investors will be more inclined to refuse. In addition, it is advisable not to be too enthusiastic or too self-confident as investors know that if it seems too good to be true, it presumably isn't.
Number three, form matters: the connection between an investor and the startupper is particularly relevant. Not focusing only on investor's money but preferably understanding how they can be of any assistance from a strategic point of view can be a helpful way to obtain financing, which is not only about money. The purpose is to build a relationship that goes beyond mere monetary financing. Number four: business basics. It does not matter the quality of the presentation nor the relationship with the investor if the foundations of the business itself are not stable. What are the key topics here? First, it's advisable not to focus on small or highly competitive markets, this is, for example, the difference between a corner restaurant versus software that could be installed in all restaurants. An exceptional opportunity that competitors cannot quickly and easily replicate is far more willing to obtain funding. Moreover, investors recognise that there are several ideas, but the performance is what actually matters. Consequently, it implies a duty not only to present the idea but also to describe how it is intended to address the target market and how to expand the business.
As a conclusion, the conclusive intuition: investors also make mistakes. It is quite probable that the startupper has done everything correct and the investor declines to invest in his idea in any case. It could be a sign for the entrepreneur to adjust the plan, to reflect on the possibility of closing the business or, on the contrary, it could be encouraging to duplicate the business focusing on the company fundamentals by strengthening the initial business idea. Because if a business is confirmed, the investor may finally change his mind.
Thanks to these hints, it is possible to realise how crucial it is the way the startupper displays his or her business idea to investors. [...]

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The Business Model Canvas as a Tool for the Development of Start-Ups: an Application to the Rehabit Case


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Andrea Raccanelli
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2019-20
  Università: Università degli Studi di Verona
  Facoltà: Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
  Corso: Scienze economico-aziendali
  Relatore: Cristina Florio
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 170


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