Leadership in human resources management: the ENEL case
Trust and ethical code
Many decisions of human resource management are characterized by uncertainty. Ethical values can be considered the fundamental principles according to which companies and employees interact. These principles must be taken into account in taking strategic decisions and in interaction with customers and consumers. As a consequence of known financial scandals, the interest in ethics has focused on both the transparency and reliability of accounting systems and the prevention of criminal behavior. It has also increased the commitment to prevent illegal and unethical conduct on the part of management. It is believed that ethical and successful companies are characterized by four principles:
1) in the relationships with consumers, sellers and customers try to achieve a mutual benefit;
2) employees assume the responsibility of corporate conduct;
3) companies have a vision which employees consider important and constantly use as reference for their actions;
4) they emphasize ethics, namely the principle that the interests of another person is important as their own.
It would be limiting consider the ethics only as a source of legitimacy, since it should be a "condition" spread within the organization. This perspective depends on the creation in the enterprises of new governance structures capable of institutionalizing ethics within them. The minimum requirements identified by "guidelines" for development in enterprises, especially overseas, are:
. the organization shall develop standards of conduct;
. must appoint a senior executive responsible for the implementation of the program;
. must not delegate the discretional power to employees who are known for their propensity to illegal behavior;
. must effectively communicate the standards of conduct and procedures to all employees;
. must set up systems to monitor and verify the effective implementation of procedures and to report any unlawful conduct;
. must enforce the standards of conduct by providing sanction mechanisms;
. must commit to continuous improvement of ethical program.
One of the most effective documents for the insertion of guidelines within the organization is the ethical code, which represents a social contract between the company and its employees. It represents a choice, whereby those who are subjected to the hierarchy of enterprise, rationally decide to accept it, provided that their rights are respected.
The ethical code should also be aimed at the establishment of relations of trust within working environment and provide that the company invests for this purpose so as to safeguard the relations created, i.e. social capital. In this case the enterprise should bear in mind that these investments are naturally subject to the weakness of fiduciary relationships. Trust in business represents in fact a "glue" that makes it possible to develop all those relationships that cannot be fully defined in contractual terms. Mutual trust is a highly desirable condition from the company in relationships with stakeholders in general and with employees in particular. It encourages the exchange of ideas and information, reducing at the same time the need for costly controls and allowing the adaptation to change and the willingness to work in spite of cultural differences.
In a recent survey conducted in the United States have been carefully studied 60 companies that are producing increasing yields and continuous over time. A particular emphasis has been placed on the analysis of fiduciary relationship that these companies establish with their staff and is based on 4 key elements: respect for individuals, transparency, teamwork and empowerment. The organizational context that characterizes these companies supports the importance of a pleasant work environment, promotes the quality of life and the creativity through benefits and incentives, guarantees continuous training and development, recognizes and celebrates the achievements and promotes communication between the different stakeholders of the company.
1. Full appreciation for the work done
2. Feel involved in working problems
3. Understanding and interest in personal problems
4. Good wage level
5. Job security
6. Interesting work
7. Promotions and growth together with the company
8. Loyalty of the leadership towards workers
9. Good working conditions
10. A non-oppressive discipline
Those who wants to effectively manage staff should:
1) Demonstrate to staff the full appreciation for the work done: namely to surprise people when they do something right, praise frequently employees and give often public recognition, certificates, awards;
2) Make the people feel part of a team, by involving them and stimulating often their contribution;
3) Be really interested in people, in their future and their difficulties.
Through the sharing of ideas and information among employees it is also stimulated the innovative capacity of the company as a whole and thus its ability to seize opportunities. All these results can only be obtained if business leaders pay due attention to the planning and implementation of the code of business ethics, self-regulation tool that provides managers and employees a direction in ethical sense. In fact, the ethical code significantly influences employee behavior, only if its recommendations are consistent with the corporate culture as a whole. Adopting this setting requires considering the corporate ethics as an issue that involves both organizational and personal sphere.
A leader has to be guided by values. Cannot build a business without soul.
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Leadership in human resources management: the ENEL case
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Silvia Verrecchia |
Tipo: | Tesi di Master |
Master in | Master of Science in Business Administration |
Anno: | 2013 |
Docente/Relatore: | Luca Gnan |
Istituito da: | Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 98 |
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