Green economy in China
The green industry
A crucial role for the sustainable development of China is carried out by the heavy industry sector which accounts for around one third of total energy consumption in the country and it is one of the major source of pollution.
By 2030, given the strong industrial growth, there is a considerable increase in China's energy consumption. Emissions of greenhouse gases will reach about 4.8 (million tonnes) 60% more than in 2005.
The set of processes and technologies that minimize or eliminate waste of resources and limiting the use of toxic materials, production represent the so-called green or green industry. In China, since the public interest in the environment and resources has grown, the government and corporations have shifted their focus towards the application of techniques of green production.
In a survey conducted in late 2009 by Booz & Company and the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai (Shanghai Am Cham), on more than 200 foreign multinationals in China, three quarters of respondents said they adopt green technologies in their production processes, Moreover, 62% of companies said they are currently able to quantify the potential effect of environmental constraints on their business.
Another statistic notes that multinational companies tend to consider the opportunity green strategies for minimizing costs and for building a new source of revenue and profit for businesses.
For example, 86% of respondents said their commitment in increasing energy efficiency, 83% interest in limiting the consumption of fossil fuel and water, 64% indicated that they carry out recycling of waste.
This comforts the considerable efforts of the Chinese government to reduce and put an end to the use of inefficient production facilities and implement the use of mature technologies such as: "Green Chemistry" - designing chemical processes and products that are compatible with the environment, "Green engineering" - the use of processes that minimize the generation of pollution, the use of non- hazardous materials to the environment and people, "the good practice" methods, facilities and controls used in the production that are compatible with regulations and standards.
From the point of view of costs, the price to pay to renew or replace a manufacturing plant to make it "green" is definitely a barrier, but the possibility of increasing the efficiency of the industrial plant, rising the profits and generally the gain in productivity in results, can in many cases eliminate this obstacle.
Pursuing the goal of a "green production" is consistent with the "mission" of TBNA, in particular through the promotion of a circular economy where every waste of production is reused to create new products and where the waste of materials and the unnecessary parts of the production eliminated by an enterprise (including energy and water) can be absorbed by another company, transforming their status from waste to resource.
TBNA has established the method of recycling as part of green manufacturing in the electronics, automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical. Also in this case, to ensure competitiveness and openings with international markets, where exist the pre-stricter controls of environmental standards, the effort in the field is to encourage the growth of a culture of research and development and in supporting those companies with financing and loans who want to implement green technologies.
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Green economy in China
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Michele Marini |
Tipo: | Laurea I ciclo (triennale) |
Anno: | 2009-10 |
Università: | Università degli Studi di Firenze |
Facoltà: | Economia |
Corso: | Economia dello sviluppo |
Relatore: | Francesco Volpi |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 86 |
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