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Lipstick’s Composition and Production Technologies, “Lipstick Index” as economic indicator

The “Lipstick Index” Phenomenon

The lipstick index is a term coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estée Lauder, used to describe increased sales of cosmetics in the past and during the early 2000s recessions. Lauder claimed that lipstick sales could be an economic indicator. He said that purchases of cosmetics (and lipstick in particular) tend to be inversely correlated to economic health.
The speculation was that women substitute lipstick for more expensive purchases like dresses and shoes in times of economic distress. Lauder identified the “Lipstick Index” as sales across the Estée Lauder family of brands.
“It’s perfectly consistent with all kinds of economic theory,” said Richard DeKaser, chief economist at National City Corporation, a financial holding company and bank in Cleveland.
April Lane Benson, a psychologist in Manhattan who works with compulsive spenders, said there are two reasons for which women would want lip colour more than other affordable pleasures. Lipstick can be applied as many times a day as you’d like. “It’s very primal”.
“Lipstick also helps a woman look glamorous, even when her bank account is overdrawn, when women use lipstick in times of stress” Dr. Benson said, “they’re doing it to put forward an image that they are more alive and more vibrant. It’s part of the uniform of desirability and attractiveness.”

‘Read my lipstick' is the title of the chart that analyzes the sales of lipsticks, from 1989 to 2007, correlated with the inflation line by Kline & Company for The Economist.
The drawing shows that the Lipstick Index theory also accompanies florid periods from an economic point of view.
Subsequent recessions, including the late-2000s recession, provided controverting evidence to Lauder's claims, as sales have actually fallen with reduced economic activity (as shown in Picture 8), some expert analysts suggested that in the past lipstick was the most popular and affordable beauty product but that today things have changed and women also use other products.
In Italy thanks to the coordination and support of Cosmetica Italia, Ansa has created the first volume that scans the history of Italian beauty in relation to the main events of the last 50 years.

The volume shows the link between purchases of cosmetics and periods of crisis, as Leonard Lauder talked about in his “Lipstick Index”. The full text is entitled: ‘Italy in the mirror. Faces, gestures and stories of our 50 years'.
The book has a prestigious photographic equipment, it was presented the 8 th of November 2017 at Palazzo Theodoli-Bianchelli, historical site of the Chamber of Deputies of Rome, on the 50 th anniversary of the Cosmetica Italia association.
At this event, an important goal was celebrated : the value of cosmetics production in Italy at the end of 2017 is estimated at around 11 billion euros, which rise to 15 billion if the entire cosmetic supply chain is considered.
As an economic system, the national cosmetics industry is in the top ten in the world with 35 thousand employed, the beauty sector is an important part of Italian entrepreneurship. “La cosmetica e' un settore fatto di imprenditori naturalmente resilienti: ha attraversato tutta la crisi economica con incrementi a due rappresentando così un'importante eccezione nel paese" underlined Nadio Delai, sociologist and president of Ermeneia.
There are some important events to mention for what regard “Lipstick and Beauty Index” in Italy.
With this analysis, the effective relation discovered by Leonard Lauder is proved.

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Lipstick’s Composition and Production Technologies, “Lipstick Index” as economic indicator


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Giulia Galeazzi
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2017-18
  Università: Politecnico di Torino
  Facoltà: Ingegneria
  Corso: Ingegneria gestionale
  Relatore: Giulio Malucelli
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 34


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