Toward an Optofluidic gene Sensor based on Fluorescence Enhancement in a Hollow Bottle Microresonator
The term "functionalization" describes the process of adding a biological function to the device. On the other hand, in the literature it also means specifically the modification of a surface by placing a layer of functional group, in order to perform immobilization methods. The simplest and easiest method is known as adsorption and consists only in depositing a solution of the biological entities on the solid support, without structural modification of the surface. Many substrates are well known to adsorb biocomponents, but unfortunately this technique achieves weak bonds such as Van der Waals forces and other electrostatic interactions; besides it is non-specific and allows impurities to be immobilised along with the receptors. Focusing on nucleotides, they do not need any chemical modification, but a positive charged film of gel may be spread on the sensing surface to be coupled with the negative backbone of nucleic acid strands. Entrapment is another easy method to perform immobilization. This approach does not affect activity of the bioreceptor, and it is based on trapping the bioreceptors in a three dimensional matrix made of a polymer or gel; unfortunately, it has drawbacks such as diffusion and leakage and it is not suited for nucleic acid immobilization. The third method is based on the use of molecules, known as cross-linkers, which bind in a highly specific way the bioreceptors with each other. This method is quite simple but it modifies the receptor because the chemical links, slightly decreases its activity. This approach is mostly exploited for enzymes using Glutaraldehyde as cross-linker, with the help of an inert protein such as Bovine Serum Albumin. A stronger bonding is obtained with the help of affinity molecules, such as the already mentioned and widest used avidin and biotin, which achieve a strong non-covalent bond between them. The strategy consists in exploiting this interaction with Avidin (sometimes Streptavidin), spread and adsorbed on the sensitive surface as a gel, and biotin attached to bioreceptors previously modified. The strongest immobilization method is achieved by performing covalent bonding of each probe with the surface. This solution requires chemical modification of the sensing surface, that results in a layer of functional groups, and a laboratory process, necessary to tag each receptor with another functional group. The cross-linker is a multifunctional molecule chosen to have two tails that reacts with the groups attached to surface and the probes, thus allowing them to bind. A disadvantage of this method is the partial loss of activity by tagging molecules such as enzymes or antibodies but it is the most appropriate process for nucleic acids, because the tag is added at the end of the oligonucleotide chain without reacting with any oligonucleotide.
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Toward an Optofluidic gene Sensor based on Fluorescence Enhancement in a Hollow Bottle Microresonator
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Giulio Negri |
Tipo: | Tesi di Laurea Magistrale |
Anno: | 2011-12 |
Università: | Università degli Studi di Pavia |
Facoltà: | Ingegneria |
Corso: | Ingegneria Elettronica |
Relatore: | Sabina Merlo |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 105 |
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