Analysis of Olympic coach education programs
Discussion of the results
The results of the comparative analysis evidences a misunderstanding between intensity and quantity in vocational education, we can notice that the range of hours increases from the first to the third level. Often federations propose a long education patway, which is not always intensive in terms of activity on field and recognition of other experiences in sport sector. In some case the misunderstanding becomes mismatch between hours of education program and learning outcomes. There is the risk to create confusion with credit system (ECVET) and lifelong learning process.
The results of comparative analysis were shown during the focus groups. There were two focus groups, the first in February with NSFs presidents and secretaries general; the second one in April with VET managers. The comments in focus groups underline that gaps in their coach programs are not shortage. The lack among hours in qualification levels depend by the needs of NSFs: some federations are well known through their history (FIDAL, FIV, FITARCO, FIC), Olympic medals (FIS, FIJLKAM, FITAV, FICK) or media popularity (FIGC, FIPAV, FIP, FIT, FIR); other federations are new in the “Olympic family” or has less popularity.
This factor has a significant influence on the capability to attract coaches. The “pure Olympic” federations have less coaches and often they are former athletes, for those federations coach education is a cost. The “market” related federations generate incomes from coach education and being a coach is often a part-time paid job, sometimes the main job.
These federations have an high turnovers in first two levels of coach qualifications. Quite interesting is the cluster of “labour market related” federations: some federations offer a cross-education in terms of employability, coaches can work out of federation system, in other sports, in fitness or paid directly by athletes in private clubs. Those federatios have more relationships with University and local NOC departments.
The security issue is the main reason of the high volume of “on field” education.
Football federation is the only one with international rules in terms of “sport related” contents. The general contents are similar among federations and often teachers are the same persons.
It is interesting to notice that VET managers have often a traditional approach to education, the differences between the credits system (SNaQ) and the previuos framework, based on hours, are not clear. VET managers have different positions within federations (employees, annual contract experts, board members, coaches in charge of national teams) and sometimes they have a 4 years turnover. Presidents and, more, secretaries general have an innovative approach to education but coach education is not one of the main points of their agenda.
All focus groups members agree on the opportunity to work together grouping federations. This team work should be based on needs of federations, not on dimensions or nearness of sports.
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Analysis of Olympic coach education programs
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Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Angelo Altieri |
Tipo: | Tesi di Master |
Anno: | 2015 |
Docente/Relatore: | Denis Musso |
Istituito da: | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 47 |
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