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Auxiliary tools in English teaching: ''pop'' songs

This TFM represents the natural conclusion of my Master Degree in Teaching Formation (Master en Formación del Profesorado) of the University of León.
I chose to analyze a kind of resources and materials which are usually regarded as auxiliary tools in the teaching of the English language (popular music, specifically pop songs).
In what follows, first I will explain its classification according to the “reglamento TFM” and what my objectives are in accordance with the guidelines and the requirements of the REAL DECRETO 1393/2007 of October 29th , the ORDEN ECI/3858/2007 of December 27th , and the LOMCE 8/2013 of December 9th.
Then, I will justify the choice of the Official Language School as context in which to implement this project and of pop songs as auxiliary tools in the teaching experience. In addition, I will describe the legal framework, the context and the group profile in which this work is going to be implemented.
Thirdly, I will provide the theoretical foundations needed to implement the practical
lesson plan. In this part, I define what the auxiliary tools are and which learning strategies students put into action when learning a language. I will also explain in which way songs can enhance language learning and skills acquisition, pointing out the pros and the cons of their use and establishing some criteria to choose the more adequate for teaching purposes. Subsequently, I will describe some key aspects of the teaching practice, such as aims and objectives, motivation, student groupings and clear instructions.
Finally, by taking into account all the notions exposed, I will present my lesson plan proposal. Then, I will minutely tell my experience of its implementation with the two classes of Segundo Avanzado of English of the Official Language School of León and will analyze students’ feedback in order to improve the original lesson plan proposal. This long journey leads me to the drafting of the conclusions in which I will discuss the usefulness of songs in the light of the theoretical notions employed,but above all, in the light of my own teaching experience.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
1. Introduction This TFM represents the natural conclusion of my Master Degree in Teaching Fonnation (M aster en Formacion del Profesorado) of the University of Leon. It involves a written work responding to one out of the three proposed modalities, namely Type B as defmed in the Art. 7 Actividades formativas by the Reglamento sobre Trabajo Fin de Master of the Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Ensenanza de Idiomas ofthe Facultad de Educacion of the Universidad de Leon: "Elaboraci6n de un trabajo originai centrado en un aspecto de la programaci6n de las asignaturas relacionadas con la materia del m6dulo especifico: sobre competencias y objetivos; sobre contenido; sobre metodologfa; sobre recursos y materiales; sobre evaluaci6n, etc." The specific module of the Master Degree within which this TFM is framed is "Complementos rrr' whose general description in the "Guia Docente" is the following: "Sociolingiilstica, variedades del inglés y aproximaci6n al uso de las TIC y de los medios de comunicaci6n para la ensellanza de la cultura de los palses de habla inglesa." Among the variety of topics dealt with in this module, that one which most suited and motivated me was the development of an originaI work centered on an aspeet of the p1anning of the subjects related with the specific module (Type B) in the regulation Reglamento sobre Trabqjo Fin de Master of the Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Ensenanza de Idiomas. In particular, I chose to analyze a kind of resourees and materials which are usually regarded as auxiliary tools in the teaching ofthe English language (popular music, specifically pop songs). In what follows, frrst I will explain its classification according to the "reglamento TFM' and what my objectives are in accordance with the guidelines and the requirements ofthe REAL DECRETO 1393/2007 ofOctober 29'\ the ORDEN ECI/3858/2007 ofDecember 27 th , and the LOMCE 8/2013 of December 9 th • Then, I will justify the choice of the Official Language School as context in which to implement this project and of pop songs as auxiliary tools in the teaching experience. In addition, I will describe the legai framework, the context and the group profile in which this work is going to be implemented. Thirdly, I will provide the theoretical foundations needed to implement the practical lesson pian. In this part, I defme what the auxiliary tools are and which learning strategies students put into action when learning a language. I will also explain in which way songs can 4 1. Introduction This TFM represents the natural conclusion of my Master Degree in Teaching Fonnation (Master en Formacion del Profesorado) of the University of Leon. It involves a written work responding to one out of the three proposed modalities, namely Type B as defmed in the Art. 7 Actividades formativas by the Reglamento sobre Trabajo Fin de Master of the Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Enseiianza de Idiomas of the Facultad de Educacion of the Universidad de Leon: "Elaboraci6n de un trabajo original eentrado en un aspecto de la programaci6n de las asignaturas relacionadas con la materia del m6dulo especifieo: sobre eompetencias y objetivos; sobre eontenido; sobre metodologfa; sobre reeursos y materiales; sobre evaluaci6n, etc." The specific module of the Master Degree within which this TFM is framed is "Complementos IIr' whose general description in the "Guia Docente" is the following: "Soeiolingiilstiea, variedades del ingles y aproximaci6n al uso de las TIC y de los medios de comunicaci6n para la ensellanza de la cultura de los palses de habla inglesa." Among the variety of topics dealt with in this module, that one which most suited and motivated me was the development of an original work centered on an aspect of the planning of the subjects related with the specific module (Type B) in the regulation Reglamento sobre Trabqjo Fin de Master of the Master Universitario de Formacion de Profesorado en Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formacion Profesional y Enseiianza de Idiomas. In particular, I chose to analyze a kind of resources and materials which are usually regarded as auxiliary tools in the teaching of the English language (popular music, specifically pop songs). In what follows, first I will explain its classification according to the "reglamento TFM' and what my objectives are in accordance with the guidelines and the requirements of the REAL DECRETO 1393/2007 of October 29'\ the ORDEN ECII3858/2007 of December 27 th , and the LOMCE 8/2013 of December 9 th • Then, I will justify the choice of the Official Language School as context in which to implement this project and of pop songs as auxiliary tools in the teaching experience. In addition, I will describe the legal framework, the context and the group profile in which this work is going to be implemented. Thirdly, I will provide the theoretical foundations needed to implement the practical lesson plan. In this part, I defme what the auxiliary tools are and which learning strategies students put into action when learning a language. I will also explain in which way songs can 4


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF


Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Luca Gilberto Villani
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Master in Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas
Anno: 2015
Docente/Relatore: Trinidad Guzmán González
Istituito da: Universidad de León
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 44


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