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Modelli dinamici della fosforilazione nel signaling dell'insulina.

Ronnye Pajaro

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I am Italian, I was born on 10TH February 1987 and I live near Venice.

In July 2006 I took a diploma in Computer Science.
In September 2009 I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering.
In December 2011 I graduated with a Master's Degree in Bioengineering.

At the moment I am doing an internship at an Italian company that works in the biomedicine field.
My main activities regard (1) the development of biomedical software projects (automatic reader for biological tests, biobanking solutions), using C# programming languages (.NET Environment), and (2) the maintenance, testing and programming of instruments used in molecular biology (PCR real time thermocyclers, liquid handlers, ...).

I have an high competence in using several programming languages (C++, Java, SQL, Matlab, Scilab, C#, Visual Basic) and in using Office programs to produce well-designed documents. I am reliable and hard-working.


  • Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica) in Ingegneria biomedica
    conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Padova nell'anno 2011-12
    con una votazione di 110 e lode
  • Laurea in Ingegneria Biomedica
    conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Padova nell'anno 2009
    con una votazione di 110 e lode

    Commento personale: Laurea Triennale

  • Diploma di maturità conseguito presso il Istituto tecnico
    con votazione 96/100°

Esperienze lavorative

  • Dal 2012 lavora presso AB ANALITICA nel settore Medicina
    Mansione: Biomedical Engineer

    Commento personale: - Development of biomedical software projects (automatic reader for molecular biology tests, biobanking solutions) using C# programming language (.NET, Visual Studio Environment). Execution of software testing procedures (unit testing). - Maintenance and testing of instruments used in molecular biology (PCR real time thermocyclers). Programming of Hamilton liquid handler, used in DNA extraction.

Lingue straniere

  • Inglese parlato e scritto: buono

Conoscenze informatiche

  • Livello ottimo