Considerazioni sulla facies di Thapsos nell'area siracusana. Il problema della componente egea
I am archaeologist, specialist in Sicilian Bronze Age issues.
I am author of a monographs (published in an International Series of Archaeological Books) and scientific articles and book reviews, these latter two on national and international Journals and Conferences' Proceedings.
On May 2008 I published my first authored book titled: "La ceramica eoliana della facies del Milazzese. Studio crono-tipologico e culturale sulla base dei dati editi da Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina. With English summary
(The Aeolian Milazzese facies’ ceramic assemblage: a chrono-typological and cultural study on the basis of the published evidences from Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea and Salina).
Published with British Archaeological Reports: BAR IS-1767 (2008)
ISBN 9781407302560
My Research Interests are the following:
-Prehistoric cultures of Middle Bronze Age Sicily and Aeolian Archipelago
-Chrono-typological seriation of the Sicilian Middle Bronze Age ceramic assemblages (Thapsos and Milazzese cultures).
-Intercultural links between Bronze Age Sicily and Aegean/Cypriot cultures.
-Chronological, Typological and Contextual facets of the Aegean and Cypriot imports to central Mediterranean.
-Social analysis of Sicilian Middle Bronze Age cultures on the grounds of funerary data.
-Relative and absolute chronology: cross-dating, C14, occurrence/frequency seriation.
-Multivariate approaches to the archaeological data, with attention to the devising of pottery type-series: Correspondence Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis.
-Reduction and interpretation of complex data-sets by means of multidimensional scaling techniques.
-Statistical approaches to the archaeological evidence.
As for my Biographical Information:
I received my Master degree cum laude and special mention in Classics on April 2003 from the University of Catania, discussing an experimental thesis in Aegean Archaeology titled “Considerazioni sulla facies Thapsos nell’area siracusana: il problema della componente egea” (On the Thapsos culture in the Syracuse area: the problem of the Aegean component); supervisor: Prof. V. La Rosa. Now Published in this site.
In 2005 I was member of the research project “Il Mediterraneo centro-orientale nel II millennio a.C.: la nascita di una rete tra dinamiche interne e proiezioni esterne” (Central and Eastern Mediterranaean in the 2nd millennium B.C.: The development of an international network through inner transformations and external projections), PRIN 2005, coordinated by Prof. Vicenzo La Rosa, University of Catania, funded by the Italian Ministry of the Scientific Activities.
In 2006-2007 I held a ten-hours class titled “Ideologie funerarie nella preistoria: dalla teoria all’esame dei dati archeologici” (Funerary ideologies in prehistory: from theory to the analysis of the archaeological data) at the University of Catania (Corso di Laurea triennale di Scienze dei Beni Culturali-sede di Siracusa).
In 2006-2007 I offered scientific collaboration to the Archaeological Superintendency of Catania for the preparation of the International Exhibition titled “In Ima Tartara: Preistoria e leggenda delle grotte dell’Etna” (Iraklion, 5-31 May 2007) (Regione Sicilia-Assessorato ai BB.CC.AA-Soprintendenza di Catania; Centro di Archeologia Cretese-Università di Catania; Scuola Archeologica Italiana ad Atene).
On April 2007 I received my M.A. degree cum laude in Classical Archaeology from the University of Lecce, “Dinu Adamesteanu” Department of Archaeology, discussing an experimental thesis titled “Le isole eolie nella Media età del Bronzo: la ceramica del Milazzese e la componente egea” (The Aeolian Archipelago during the Middle Bronze Age: the Milazzese ceramic repertoire and the Aegean component); supervisor: Prof. R. Guglielmino.
On September 2007 I got qualified to the XXIII PhD cycle (2007/2008) at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice, presenting a research project titled “Contextual Analysis of the Mycenaean and Cypriot-type pottery of Late Bronze Age Levantine production: typology, chronology, uses, dimensional and distributive patterns”.
On May 2008 I attended to a competitive examination at the University of Catania, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, for the position of Teaching Fellow in Prehistory and Protohistory.
For more info about my research interests, my publications and current projects, please visit my home page:
Laurea in Lettere Classiche Indirizzo Archeologico
conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Catania nell'anno 2001-02
con una votazione di 110 e lode
sostendendo i seguenti esami:Materia Voto Archeologia ed Antichità egee 30 e lode Topografia antica 30 Civiltà Indigene della Sicilia antica 30 e lode Archelogia e Storia dell'Arte greca (Primo corso) 29 Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte greca (Secondo corso) 30 e lode Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte romana 30 Archeologia della Magna Grecia 30 e lode Archeologia Tardo Antica 30 e lode Numismatica Antica 30 e lode Storia Greca 30 Storia Romana (Primo corso) 30 Storia Romana (Secondo corso) 30 Letteratura Latina (Primo corso) 30 Letteratura Latina (Secondo corso) 30 Letteratura Greca (Primo corso) 28 Letteratura Greca (secondo corso) 27 Letteratura Bizantina 30 e lode Geografia 30 Archeologia Medioevale 30 e lode Letteratura Italiana (Primo corso) 25 Letteratura Italiana (Secondo corso) 30
Altri titoli di studio
Diploma di Specializzazione in Archeologia, voto 70/70 cum laude
conseguito presso Università degli Studi di Lecce-Facoltà di Beni Culturali-Dipartimento di Archeologia nell'anno 2007
Lingue straniere
- Inglese parlato e scritto: ottimo
- Francese parlato e scritto: discreto
Conoscenze informatiche
- Livello ottimo