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La Malinche e il Potere della Parola

Emma Aurora Azzini

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Emma Aurora Azzini

I have a Bachelor Degree in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies and I am still attending the Academic Degree course in European and American Languages and Literature. In particular, I took a course in Learning Language for Language Teaching which includes direct experiences of observation and practice in the classroom environment. In addition, I carried out a training experience at the “F. Cicognini Secondary High School”, specialized in classical studies, supporting the students’ group activities, establishing a good relationship with the learners and helping them to overcome their difficulties. Usually, I give private lessons to children of the Elementary school and of different ages.

Thanks to my study experiences, I have learnt how to organize my time and my work independently. However, I think that there is not an exact day in which you stop being a learner to become a teacher for good because, without any doubt, a good teacher always keeps being a student and never stops learning. My strengths are determination and dedication. I never give up and I think I have a kind of empathy with students, I understand their needs. For this reason, I am eager to learn from whom is more experienced than me to become in all respects an excellent teacher.


  • Laurea I ciclo (triennale) in Lingue e letterature straniere
    conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Firenze nell'anno 2010-11
    con una votazione di 106 su 110
  • Diploma di maturità conseguito presso il Liceo classico
    con votazione 88/100°

Esperienze lavorative

  • Dal 2011 lavora presso Università degli Studi di Firenze nel settore Istruzione - Formazione
    Mansione: Studente

    Commento personale: Laureanda al corso di laurea magistrale in Lingue e Letterature Europee e Americane

  • Dal 2008 ha lavorato presso Università degli Studi di Firenze nel settore Istruzione - Formazione
    Mansione: Studente

Lingue straniere

  • Inglese parlato e scritto: ottimo
  • Spagnolo parlato e scritto: ottimo
  • Francese parlato e scritto: discreto
  • Danese parlato e scritto: discreto

Conoscenze informatiche

  • Livello buono