The effects of line-side supply on individuals employed in satellite operations within automotive maunfacturers
Carlo Bocchi
I hereby wish to thank the following people, as without their support and appreciation this paper would not have been possible:
My wife Dalina for her understanding
Tim Hutton for his guidance and patience.
All employees at Faurecia East London
Kevin Taylor for his help.
Carlo Bocchi
2nd December 2001
Tesi estera in
conseguita presso Port Elizabeth Technikon nell'anno -
Diploma di maturità
conseguito presso il
Hudson Park High School
con votazione 36/60°
Altri titoli di studio
N. Diploma: Marketing
conseguito presso Port Elizabeth Technikon nell'anno 1995
Lingue straniere
- Inglese parlato e scritto: ottimo
Conoscenze informatiche
- Livello buono