I tre balconi
The thesis is organized around two main categories. The first focuses on research aimed at gathering valuable information about the development of Besana's urban fabric, specifically that of Besana Superior and Besana Inferior, which were distinct realities. This analysis is based on an examination of several historical maps I have found, four of which are particularly significant. In conjunction with bibliographic research on the history of Besana, I was able to reconstruct a timeline of the town's evolution. To make this easier to follow, I divided the entire history into seven periods, starting from the year 880.
Through this research, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of Besana's urban development over time. By examining both the historical maps and bibliographic sources, as well as analyzing the impact of various factors on the town's evolution, I hope to shed light on the complex processes that have shaped Besana into what it is today.
At the conclusion of this first section, I presented a visual representation of the maps in chronological order, highlighting their transformations over time to illustrate how the city has evolved. The stark contrast between black ink on white paper serves as a powerful reminder of the changes that have taken place.
Next, I delved into the heart of Besana's urban fabric: its iconic square. Once a vibrant hub of activity, today it is marred by car parks and asphalt roads. This section is crucial in conveying to the reader the historical significance this square once held for centuries, serving as the city's pride and joy. Through my research, I aim to recapture the essence of what has been lost, highlighting the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.
The square is flanked by two iconic landmarks: the Church of Saints Peter and Marcellinus and Villa Adda, which I further explored in my research.
I then conducted a comparative analysis between historic postcards of Besana's square from years past and photographs taken during this current year (2024). The stark contrast that emerges reveals a profound transformation – once a vibrant hub of community activity, the square has given way to an asphalted expanse with preparations for car parks. This visual juxtaposition poignantly illustrates the loss of beauty and sense of community that has occurred over time.
The second part of this thesis focuses on 'The Three Balconies', a town-planning project that builds upon the previous analysis and aims to revitalize Besana's square, restoring it to its former glory.
This ambitious undertaking required careful consideration and deliberate design. I sought to counteract the negative impacts inflicted upon the square over the past century with a few bold yet elegant gestures. The outcome is now for the reader to assess: have my efforts successfully redeemed this once-thriving public space?
La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF

La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF
Informazioni tesi
Autore: | Davide Betti |
Tipo: | Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica) |
Anno: | 2023-24 |
Università: | Politecnico di Milano |
Facoltà: | Architettura |
Corso: | Architettura |
Relatore: | Josep Maria Garcia Fuentes |
Lingua: | Inglese |
Num. pagine: | 155 |
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