“People are required to conform to technology. It is time to reverse this trend, time to make
technology conform to people [48].” Software has become more complex in terms of features and
functionality due to integration of various technologies for fulfilling user’s requirements.
Consequently companies carry out innovations to fulfill these requirements by designing a system that
is closer and explicable for the users. The users are increasingly unwilling to face difficulties in those
applications that acquire user efforts. Role of usability is to make these products user responsive and
design these products in a way to satisfy users during their use in an effective and efficient manner.
The usability issues have augmented in the recent years due to enormous innovation of technological
products for discussing the human factor. It is not only important in the end user products but also for
those used in commercial and professional contexts [1]. Main requirements for information
technology society are to design systems that can universally be accessed by the user and also fulfills
his/her requirements. Easy and understandable interface creates a close relation between the users and
web based applications because it is a key point for truimph of an application. The user interface of an
interactive system consists of all those parts with which users come in contact physically, perceptually
and conceptually [2]. Usability plays an imperative role in the web industry to make it more valuable
and also refers as to how a system is usable by fulfilling the user’s requirements as. “Usability is
being able to do the things you want to, not the things you have to [3].”
Peoples are not very much interested to work on desktop because they spent more and more time on
the internet [51] and it is very expensive for users to buy such type of suite for offices, especially for
students in managing their documents files related to academics. Google Docs not only diminishes the
need for desktop storage memory but also lessens the need for a flash drive to store the data during
travelling. Now Google Docs is a great innovation of Google Company for both academic and
commercial levels is cloud based application [39].
The students use this online free application for different purposes e.g. in writing, editing and to share
their reports with fellows for collaboration. To safe and organize them in the folder or to create their
own directory, they can also use their contact list from Gmail for sending in two modes i.e. as
collaborator or viewer. By using the Google Docs, the users can create new document files that
support Microsoft Doc format plus other formats. They can also create presentations and spread
sheets, save and download in different formats. Students specially want to work in a project
collectively to share their ideas. The integration of technologies is helpful for students by accessing
them free as Google Docs offer to users. These technologies offer different services and the use of a
single interface is a major cause to reduce complexity and increase the interactivity by developing
their interest through offering these services. The design and interface of an interactive system plays
an important role for creating familiarity and productivity of a product among the users in the market.
That is why in designing of an interactive system the developer always has to follow the interactive
designing principles. [2]
In this paper, the author will discuss student’s requirements for an interactive application, the
problems and the role of usability to find those problems that students face in Google Docs. Google,
Yahoo, Hotmail and IBM are continuously attempting to facilitate the users through more
innovations. Google Docs is a service connected to the concept of Cloud Computing, more about this
connection will be explained in this report later. The author is going to evaluate these services from
student’s perspective and to gather the students’ needs and requirements for academic/research
purposes and how it could be more helpful for them. To evaluate the Google Docs, the author uses the
Usability as a tool to perform an experiment on students using this application and to find out their
remarks with usability testing and gather their requirements through interviews and questionnaires.
The chapter two comprises of different parts, in the first part the author discusses the student’s
problems during study and their requirements for achieving their goals. The second part deals with the
research question that author would investigate in the research report. The third part deals with the
results and goals, whereas the fourth part is concerned with the outcomes for which the author has
undertaken this study.
2.1. Students Requirements
The uses of online applications are very common among students for searching the valuable
information in their studies because it is a very cheap way for learning and utilizing these services for
research and development. They need a consistent resource through which they can easily store their
data securely and safely and can access it any time/anywhere. Mostly international students face the
problems to save the collected information for research and education due to limited space at the
university computers. There is a need for those services through which they can manage their files and
secure them from risks and threats, connectivity, Lab/server maintenance inside the university,
viruses, power failure and other damages. Group work is very common among the students according
to their subjects to collaborate and share their ideas in report writing and for sharing it with their
teachers for quick feedback rather than using printed copy or sending these via email. There is need of
web services that can assist them during their educational activities. Due to the lack of their personal
resources they can’t purchase expensive books, software and hardware compatible to these softwars.
So they want reliable, secure, and accessible services that can help them in achieving their goals and
fulfilling their requirements.
The traditional methods for the development of software and web applications often results in
difficulties and are unable to help the users for finding out the desire goals [5]. So the purpose of the
usability evaluation is to focus upon the usability issues in Google Docs as well as for further
improvements. [42]
Nowadays most of the companies provide Cloud bases resources/services over the Internet. [8] Today
the clouding computing is rendering users with services to access hardware, software services and
data resources while using the internet [6]. In computer science the word “broadcasting” means the
computing at a remote location inside the cloud, either through your own computer or with any other
device through the web using an internet connection. "The cloud is a smart, complex, powerful
computing system in the sky that people can just plug into [7]." Google Apps provide the different
products like the Gmail, Google Docs, Google calendar, Google talk for the end users to operate these
applications on their own computer desktop via internet. The Google Docs is a web based service
consequently there is no need to download and install them on the computer.
The author is going to discuss, does the Google Docs support the students for academic purpose and
what are their further requirements for improvements. The author also discusses the role of usability
to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction for users regarding this application and for
other necessities they feel to be in the Google Docs. By applying usability test and evaluation on
Google Docs the author attempts to locate the student’s interest and desire for the future. The author
central purpose for this usability assessment is to discover the students pleasure with Google Docs
system, are they satisfied with it? If not then what are their requirements for making it usable to
increase their productivity by covering those usability issues. [9]
2.2. Research Question
1. What are the student’s needs and requirements regarding the Google Docs to use it for
academic and research purpose?
2.3. Goal/Results
The goal of this research project is to identify the student’s needs and requirements regarding the
Google Docs and get their suggestions for improvements by conducting the usability test, interviews
and Questionnaires. The author also selects these techniques to find out the usability issues in Google
2.4. Expected Outcomes
Following are the expected outcomes:
1. Description of Usability and its importance.
2. Usability evaluation of the Google Docs
3. Analysis of student’s requirements and usability issues on the basis of usability evaluation
4. Validation of usability evaluation.
5. Discussion on the results
3. Methodology
Methodology means the systematic study of methods, principles or procedures for
investigations in the concerning discipline the author has selected. This chapter defines the
method and techniques for usability evaluation of Google Docs. [4]
3.1. Overview
The approach is to develop a case study on Google Docs is based on mixed methodology.
This study is carried out in multiple phases. First phase is for literature review in order to
understand the interface, interaction design concepts & principles and the function of
usability. Further what is cloud computing, Google Docs and how to select the effective
procedure for usability test and criteria for evaluation. In this mixed approach author use
qualitative and quantitative methodology. Let’s see the meaning of qualitative and
quantitative data “The qualitative research is concerned with studding object in their natural
setting. A qualitative research is attempted to interpret a phenomenon based on explanation
that peoples brings to them [10]” and for quantitative “The quantitative researched is mainly
concerned with quantifying relationship or to compare two or more groups [10].” There are
number of methods and techniques for usability evaluation but according to the research
work the author will utilize the Think Aloud Technique and conduct the Questionnaire and
interviews. In the context of evaluating the Google Docs and its interface assessment, it
involves requesting the information about a Google Docs from the students. The
questionnaire is mainly used to gather such information that helps the observer in the
evaluation. Interviews are structured methods of inquiry which are used to gather
information about student’s experiences and preferences about the Google Docs. The
interviews create a close interaction with the users and observer and are helpful for eliciting
immediate answers to questions that the observer asks during the interview. While the
usability testing brings the user in close contact with the system and is helpful to find their
thoughts regarding it. [11]
Figure 3.1 Adopted research methodology.