The THF System
Part I, Chapter 1
1.1. A brief history of the hydroforming technology
Increasing use of hydroforming in automotive applications requires intensive research and development on all
aspects of this relatively new technology to satisfy an ever-increasing demand by the industry.
Tube Hydroforming (THF) has been called with many other names depending on the time and country it was
used and investigated. Bulge forming of tubes (BFTs) and liquid bulge forming (LBF) were two earlier terms, for
Hydraulic (or hydrostatic) pressure forming (HPF) was another form of name used for a while by some
investigators. Internal high pressure forming (IHPF) has been mostly used within German manufacturers and
researchers. Throughout this paper, the acronym THF will be used to describe the metal forming process
whereby tubes are formed into complex shapes with a die cavity using internal pressure (which is usually obtained
by pressurizing water trough an intensifier) and axial compressive forces simultaneously.
Even though THF process has been in practical industrial use only more than a decade, development of the
techniques and establishment of the theoretical background goes back to 1940s [Grey et al., ‘39].
In 1960s, experimental and theoretical investigations on instability of thin-walled cylinders were performed by
many researchers at different countries. Fundamental investigations on thin- and thick-walled cylinders helped
theoretical improvements in LBF operations [Mellor, 1960]. Use of hydrostatic pressure in metal forming
processes, in particular, for bulging of tubular parts was first reported in the late 1960s [Fuchs, 1966], [Ogura et
al., 1968].
In 1970s, research on different aspects of bulge forming continued both experimentally and theoretically by
various authors. New shapes, materials, different tooling configurations and new machine concepts were
introduced, whereas the fundamentals remained the same. For instance, instead of polyurethane, rubber and
elastomer were used to provide internal pressure [Al-Qureshi, 1970].
Starting from 1980s, researchers in Japan concentrated on determining the material properties and their effects on
tube bulging operations [Manabe, 1983], while several theoretical models for the study of the process and
appeared [Hashmi et al., 1985].
In the late eighties, the process started to spread industrially, especially in Germany, and a lot of work was
conducted, based on the previous theoretical studies, along with real and new industrial applications of this
technology [Dohmann et al., 1991].
In the early 1990s, researchers started utilizing the capabilities of continuously developing FEA and computer
controls in their experimental and analytical works [Bohm, 1993].
In the late 1990s most of the research work has been addressed towards the selection and control of the process
parameters and the investigation of several possible part types, with a heavy use of FEA [Altan, Koc et al., 1999].
Use of FEA for THF process simulations is now a standard development tool. Application of current commercial
FEA software, such as LS-DYNA, PAM-STAMP, ABAQUS, MARC, AUTO-FORM, DEFORM, etc., for
stamping and forging processes into THF was performed and presented successfully. Consequent and seamless
simulation of bending, pre-forming and hydroforming, and sometimes annealing, results in accurate predictions in
terms of producibility, formability and thinning of the desired part as well as points out necessary changes in tool
M. Strano, Tube HydroForming: System Analysis and Process Design
design. In order to shorten the development time and efforts for THF process, supplemental codes and
techniques are being developed. Adaptive simulation technique, for instance, iterates between appropriate internal
pressure and axial feeding inputs to ensure a part without any fracture and wrinkles. These techniques are still
under development and Part II of the present dissertation is focused on them.
1.2. The system approach
A system approach is chosen in the present work for the analysis of THF technology. Indeed, both in research
activities and in design and development of a new Tube HydroForming operation, attention must be paid to
several aspects and issues of the technology and a system approach to the resolution of problems is highly
recommended. In other words, when designing a new process, problems and improvements in each area of the
THF technology and their interaction should be considered. The main components and key issues of a complete
THF system can be listed as in Figure I- 2.
For each and every one of the mentioned components of the THF system, several issues should be studied and
considered for process analysis and design. However, the most critical points for each of the mentioned
components, from an industrial point of view, are:
A. determination of quality and material properties of incoming tubes (see Chapter I-2);
B. design of preform shapes, optimization of pre- (bending, crushing) and post- forming (punching, trimming)
operations (see Chapter I-3);
C. determination of guidelines for rapid design of dies and tools (see Chapter I-4);
D. models for evaluation and prediction of die-workpiece interface conditions (wear, friction and lubrication)
(see Chapter I-5);
E. numerical and analytical methods for analysis of deformation mechanics (see Chapter I-6);
F. design of low cost equipment and press (see Chapter I-7);
G. evaluation of performance of the hydroformed part (mechanical resistance, springback) (see Chapter I-8);
The most recent industrial and research trends and activities for each of the listed points will be described in the
following chapters. Most of the issues presented in Chapters from I-2 to I-4 derive from original ideas and
research work, which are presented in an appropriate reference scientific framework. Chapter from I-5 to I-8
result from a deep and prolonged bibliographic study, although the matter is presented with an emphasis on the
activities carried out at the ERC/NSM and the approach is strongly influenced by the research strategy and
approach used at the mentioned institute.
A. incoming tubes;
B. preforming and post-
forming systems and
C. dies and tools;
D. die-workpiece interface;
E. deformation Mechanics;
F. equipment and press;
G. hydroformed part .
Tools /
Equipment /
Environment / Press
Bending /
Figure I- 2: The Tube HydroForming System
Part I, Chapter 2
Properties and Quality of Incoming Tubes
The quality of the incoming tube is very critical for the success of any hydroforming process. The basic material
properties (i.e., elasticity modulus, ultimate tensile strength, chemical composition, weld type) and dimensions
(tube diameter and thickness) of the tube should be determined based on the final part requirements. However,
for process simulation and development, more information is needed on the mechanical behavior of the material
and, more precisely:
• plastic anisotropy,
• fragility and non-uniformity induced by the weld seam,
• true stress – true strain diagram in the plastic field,
• forming limits,
The plastic anisotropy of sheet metals used to manufacture the tubes can be very important for a successful
operation, either as a beneficial or as a detrimental factor, depending on the die geometry and the nature of the
Similarly, the quality of welds can strongly influence the performance of the process. The tubes used in THF
usually do not fail in correspondence of the welding seam, but in other regions, unless the quality of the welds is
very poor or unless the weld is located in a critical area of tube expansion. Nevertheless, the presence of the weld
itself inevitably causes a non-uniform distribution of mechanical properties along the circumference.
The non-uniformity of tubular materials induced by anisotropy and by the welding lines is obviously to be
considered when designing a THF process. However when using FEA or other design tools for planning a THF
process, issues concerning the true stress – true strain diagram and the forming limits are far more important. For
this reason, the following sections of this chapter are focused on these last two points.
In the current industrial practice of tube hydroforming (THF) operations, very often the mechanical properties
and the formability of tubes are derived from the tensile test data of the flat sheets used to manufacture the tubes.
Alternatively, the material data are determined by running a tensile test directly on the tubes, rather than on the
In both cases, these practices present some drawbacks, as also stated in previous works (see as an example
[Fuchizawa and Narazaki, 1993]). One disadvantage is that the maximum effective strain value achievable with an
ordinary tensile test before localized necking occurs is remarkably lower than the effective strain values usually
reached during the hydroforming process. Furthermore, when using material data obtained by tensile tests of
sheets, they should at least be corrected to consider the straining due to the bending process used to form the
For the reasons stated above, several alternative testing procedures and tooling have been proposed so far, like
the sheet bulge test (extensively described in the literature), the tube bulge test or more complex combined tests
[Hora et al., 2000]. The hydraulic bulge test for tubes is gaining always more and more attention from the
hydroforming industry Hydraulic bulge test equipment has been developed by several research institutes,
hydroforming press manufacturers and tube suppliers.
M. Strano, Tube HydroForming: System Analysis and Process Design
2.1. The tube bulge test
In order to obtain reliable data on material properties of the tube, a test procedure should be used, that is as close
as possible to the hydroforming process. Although the results of the tensile test can provide information about
the stress-strain relationship, they can hardly be used to evaluate formability of tubes for hydroforming, since the
tensile test induces a uniaxial state of stress, while the THF process is mainly biaxial. In other words, a test
generating a biaxial tensile stress state in the sample (such as a bulging test) would be closer to the real process
conditions and this would insure a much more effective evaluation of formability1.
The principle of the bulge test is very simple: a metal tubular specimen is loaded with internal pressure (usually
hydraulic) and expands, undergoing plastic deformation until bursting occurs. By measuring the internal pressure
and the tube deformation at the crown of the tube, much information on its mechanical properties can be
Starting from 1980s, researchers in Japan concentrated on determining the material properties and their effects on
tube bulging operations. [Manabe and Nishimura, 1983] investigated the influence of the strain-hardening
exponent and anisotropy on forming of tubes in hydraulic bulging and nosing processes. They briefly presented
the maximum internal pressure as a function of tube radius, thickness, strain hardening exponent, and strength
coefficient assuming that there was no axial loading.
[Manabe et al., 1984] published their work on examination of deformation behavior and limits of forming for
aluminum tubes under both internal pressure and axial force. Axial cylinders and internal pressure were controlled
by a computer-control-system to obtain pre-defined stress ratio during their experiments. They utilized
fundamental analysis of thin-walled cylinders in their pre-dictions for internal pressure and axial force.
Also Fuchizawa [Fuchizawa, 1984], [Fuchizawa, 1990], analyzed bulge forming of finite length, thin-walled
cylinders under internal pressure using incremental plasticity theory. He presented the influence of strain-
hardening exponent on limits of bulge height. Later, he extended his studies to explore the influence of plastic
anisotropy on deformation behavior of thin-walled tubes under only internal pressure. He based his analysis on
deformation theory and Hill's theory of plastic anisotropy. Longitudinal anisotropy was found to be effective on
the critical expansion limit while anisotropy in hoop direction was affecting the maximum internal pressure
required. With increasing anisotropy in longitudinal axis, thinning is reduced while obtainable expansion gets
larger with less internal pressure requirement. Experimental results were eventually compared with theoretical
findings. Different materials including aluminum, brass and copper were tested in their tooling, which only
utilized internal pressure in a closed cavity. Assuming that the tube materials obey power law of strain hardening,
experimental and calculated results were found to be in good agreement. Studies of Manabe and Fuchizawa on
anisotropy effects were mostly found useful in THF applications involving aluminum products.
Hydraulic bulging of tubes was also used in determining the stress-strain characteristics of tubular materials by
[Fuchizawa et al., 1993]. Annealed aluminum, copper, brass and titanium tubes were tested under only internal
pressure. With the instrumentation and control systems available, tube thickness, radius of curvature in both
longitudinal and hoop directions, and internal pressure measured and recorded during formation of the bulge.
Using analytical methods by membrane and plasticity theories, stress-strain relations were derived. These findings
were also compared with those obtained from tensile tests. Stress-strain relations for aluminum, copper and brass
were found to be similar by two tests, whereas that for titanium were different. Since they did not use axial
compressive load during bulging, stress-strain relation obtained was limited to low strain values up to 0.7.
At the ERC/NSM, tube properties are currently determined by a hydraulic bulge test. A sketch of this test is
shown in Figure I-4: the tube is locked on both ends and stretched freely using hydraulic internal pressure.
During each experiment, the internal hydraulic pressure and the maximum bulge diameter are measured
continuously. These data are used to calculate the flow stress (s ) of the tube material as a function of effective
strain (e ) in the form of the equation nK )( 0 ees += , under the assumption of isotropic behavior [Altan et al.,
1999], [Aue-u-lan et al., 2000].
If a circle grid is etched on the tubular samples before bulging, the test can also be used to determine the
experimental Forming Limit Diagrams and Forming Limit Stress Diagrams [Strano et al., 2000a] directly from the
tubes, rather than from the original sheet material roll formed to manufacture the tube.
This concept is well established in the scientific literature. See, as an example [Jevons, 1942].