I ntroduction Producing data and pursuing the objective to know better what we intend for person and possibly
discovering a sense giving calmness to our mind in the present tangle of thoughts on our present time, we
have thought it could be useful to run through the history of a concept , which has taken, nowadays more
than ever, meanings of different entities. Nothing more effective, rethinking on the past, would be to catch
spaces and times where the principle regulating the humanum is self-determined, even if with a presence-
absence, in the statement on the person . In it is the center of recapitulation of the “ already historical ” and
the propulsive and dynamic spur towards the “ not yet ”; as a Kair ó s 1
renovating its existence miracle in the
concentration of all the real within the history of the person. Only in the rediscovery of an ontological
transcendentality will be possible to catch, in the person, the signs of a seal overpassing physicalness-
materiality and finding in itself the stereotype of each humanitas .
From Greek paideia up to the present times, the debate has never been closed: how and why to give the
person the supremacy in philosophical and pedagogical attention? Theories supporting a just theoretical
dimension of educational contribution and the ones supporting some due practicalness for the idea-
concept of person to be educated clash and meet.
The development of the person, so his/her education, in the new vision of pedagogy is seen in the active
and present way to care and improve .
The present text, then, cannot have the boldness to cover the historical analysis of this long period, but it
strives to present some essential points of the evolution of the concept and the controversies born around
it, to focus, in the European personalism , a moment of recapitulation of the long historical trouble and an
optimal response to philosophical and pedagogical instances of that moment. We have tried to find
elements to determine the double value (theoretical-practical) of pedagogy, rejecting any possible
interpretative fundamentalism and receiving the trace already marked by pedagogues and philosophers, in
a behavior considering the necessary interdisciplinarity which can lead us to a comparison among different
ideas pursuing the same objective.
The concept of person created by primitive Christianity, reconsidered and widened by the Church Fathers in
the first centuries; revised by Thomas Aquinas in the re-examination and in the overcoming of Aristotle’s
categories; brought forth, in history, and accepted by Max Scheler’s Formalism and by Emmanuel Mounier’s
Personalism with the important contribution of Jacques Maritain; considered by the rising pedagogic
personalism as a focal point for the birth of a new metaphysical and ethical vision of man, finds a wide place
in the statement determining a necessary practicization and ethicization of the concept of person, through
the personalistic movement . It would not be a mistake to define personalism as a sort of Archimedean point
from which to leave to travel through the past and to find in it the fragments of what the thought of every
time has offered thinkers.
So, running along historical data, it has been possible to find the origins of the concept of person and all the
conceptual variables determining a universal definition.
The historical path is the primary source of any consideration on the possibility to reconstruct the meaning
of person , the sense of educational care, the catching of the possibility of a transcendentality overpassing
the characteristics of pure historicity.
We translate it as the present time of opportunity . So, not only chromos indicating time measurable in years, months, days, hours, that is to say a
scientific measure. Kairòs is the hermeneutical opportunity to understand better man and his humanitas in the dimension of hic et nunc , deriving
also from St. Augustine’s statement on time, which is fixed in the present reality, as the past is no more and the future is not yet.
In this text, we tried to summarize some historical moments (from the Greek paideia to the new present
instances) to flow within the sense of humanum and to find its transformations. Wishing to find the deep
sense of the person in a renewed paideia , careful to the primary need to transform any self into otherness ,
even being aware of the philosophical-anthropological problem slowing a common thought down.
In the double theoretical-practical profile of pedagogy we can find those elements common to personalism ,
pushing the desire of pedagogy for the discovery, in an ethical-practical application, of the revenge on the
care of the person, without excluding the theoretical value, which is a consistent and inalienable part.
The work of personalism has laid the bases and has established a possibility of research on the value of the
person as a universal reference in the consideration of history as humanum fieri , and as a new approach to
the dynamism contained in the principle of personality. Personalism becomes a new hermeneutical
compass to rediscover the principle of typological recomprehension , dimmed by historical events and by the
shades of the various philosophical thoughts of previous history.
Re-understand man through the principles gushed from the analysis on the person’s reality; re-establish the
supremacy of the person on the idea of the person ; re-visit the possibility of giving place to the other to find
the sense of oneself ; re-educate to the discovery of a transcendent presence occupying the places and
times of the humanum and transcending the pragmaticity of each experience and becoming concrete in the
highest of the creature’s expressions: the person .
THE RECONSTRUCTION OF PERSONAL DATITY “Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto” (Terence)
1.1. The position of the problem Since the beginning, this dissertation imposes a great precision to itself in calibrating the reconstructive
horizon of what is hazarded, even too commonly, in the definition of Person and in the reflection on the
differences between person and individual .
In fact, there are many difficulties in the distinctive analysis between what datity imposes and the careful
search for the right hermeneutical horizon, within the understanding and the reflection on the historical
element and the dimension of the person .
Going through the historical element will lead us to consider well known interpretative differentiations on
the interdependence between individuality and personality, inducing our interest to search factors being a
conjunction and an articulation in the difference, that is to say to a holistic or unitotal dimension, then a
hylomorphic dimension 2
- if considered just from a philosophical point of view – of man intended as a
subject including the total humanitas , speculum totius humanitas 3
, precisely.
Man and his humanity, intended as a form determining him, are the basis of the principle of personality and
individuality, specifically of his datity distinguishing him from any other creature element and making him a
field of active and passive determination 4
. Within the search, then, we must specify and understand the
various personalistic movements, which flourished between the two world wars, and their remote historical
source, whose germination remounts back to the fertile land of Hellenism and of the subsequent Christian
frame of the first-century and Medieval Church. Movements which saw the concept of person and
individual being delineated and cleared up, even if within a still heated debate for an attempt of mutual
interpretation and synoptic understanding of historical data present in the various philosophical,
anthropological, psychological and pedagogical horizons. The irreducibility of the person to individual will be
what the personalistic movement of Mounier, the founder father of European personalism, and his
supporters will consider as a basis for the reconstruction of the social and economical, philosophical and
pedagogical profile of the Thirties in France and Europe.
In this way, a comparison is self-determined, which presents different philosophical-pedagogical currents
compared with the new Catholic statement of the supremacy of the person on the individual and on the
inseparability of the two principles in a whole oriented to the delineation of a new vision, the holistic one.
On itself, as we had already explained, the concept of person has its derivation root within the Christian
reflection, in particular with Thomas Aquinas, but already with Augustine of Hippo and the Church Fathers.
So, this remains unchanged, within the post-Thomist reflection, in all lay movements considering the reality
of man and his subjectivity. We have the task to understand the shades within those currents of thought
which, from Hellenism, stretch to post-modernism with an only indomitable plot: the education of the
We do not intend here the universal hylomorfism of Franciscan philosophical doctrine which affirmed that even in the soul there is matter. A
doctrine refused, among the others, by Thomas Aquinas.
The mirror of any humanity.
Cfr. M. Foucault, L’archeologia del sapere , Parigi, 1969, quoted by A. Granese in Etica della formazione e dello Sviluppo, “Nuova economia” Società
globale. Preliminari pedagogici a una ricostruzione filosofica , Anicia, Roma, 2002, pag. 75. For the theme of active and passive determination, see A.
GRANESE, Etica della formazione e dello sviluppo, “nuova economia”, società globale , Anicia, Roma 2002, pp 21 and following.