is lend to the use of such not conventional and often composed biological crews quite from
organisms GENETICALLY MODIFIED. The twilight of such morbosa shape could be just
consequent to one bony fracture, with lesion of the tegumenti. Bone that memory more
than a scaffolding is a "closely connected metabolically active organ" and to the state of
health of the organism and the carried out physical activities. Through a lesion,il
CLOSTRIDIUM from powders (or chirurgici objects little sterili), it penetrates in the
organism where can remain silente for years (the criptogenetico tetanus is from
handbook). For recorded, to of 1a' of the tetanus, in remembering other external agents,
known are the noticeable sla-similar effects also in the poisonings from cicadina or in the
malfunctioning of enzymatic pulitori us of slags for I accumulate of the glutammato one,
present in many substances. But returning to our hypotheses, the spore of the clostridium
must GERMINATE in order to produce one disease. The infection as said it can in fact
remain silente, to localize themselves in the situated one of income and not to produce
pathologies. A mixed infection, supported from other concomitant causes, can induce, to
the contrary, a faster development of the sporulazione. In the wounds in which it
maintains to a good circulation and an elevated oxygen tension, the germination happens
very rarely. The germination of the spore and the disease, also after ten years (spore,si
knows, they have been found also in the mummie) can as an example introduce instead
like concomitant cause of an ulterior interesting accidental MICROTRAUMA the same
area and in particular conditions: the produced tetanosporina, tying itself to the recettori
of the mioneurali splices, acts inhibiting the acetylcholine release. However same the
vaccine antitetanic, than in bottom is constituted from frazioni of the microorganism, it
can of for himself giving demielinizzazioni of the nervoso system centers them and
demielinizzanti multifocali neuropathies. The athletes, therefore with incorporated
SPORE, could go encounter, in the course of their agonistica activity,a repeated micro
traumi and muscular stresses, activating at the same time for such pathologies therapies
based on FANS for the inflammation and reconstituting for the excessive rhythms of job
and recovery. Some the these not anfetaminici integrators and psicostimolanti are made
up of aspartate and of the indicted GLUTAMMATO, stimulating in normal conditions of
the cells of the nervous system. A microtrauma it would activate therefore the
sporulazione. But, attention.... at a distance of time the spore could genetically not be the
same ones..., but to the contrary to have gone encounter to MUTATIONS. For the single
activation the cell has need of heat moreover, free radicalses and of one great amount of
soccer. Soccer that can be supplied also through the idrossiepatite ones of massimamente
present soccer in the zones interested from micro traumi; the heat is supplied is from the
inflammatory phenomena woven them of the interested part is from intense the physical
activity, during which it is assisted, for an increase of the muscular activity, to a
remarkable increment of the production of heat, which had also all ' progressive increase
of the corporea temperatura. The free radicalses could be produced from the inibizione of
the ciclossigenasi provoked from the fans, therapeutic used in such situations. Fans that
they could provoke for effect of the block of the postaglandine, a smaller protecting effect
from part of the gastric mucosa with increase of the sierici levels of consequent gastrina
and ipocloridia, than of for if it has effetto favoring a development of the clostridium,
whose toxin, proteica substance formata from thirteen amino acids, comes generally
destroyed from the juice gastrico.Un recent study of Wheeler P., ha evidenced that there
are of the fractures said from "stress"che interests athletes above all and hits gambe.In
the such types of fractures the RISK factors guarigione is continuous the mechanical
sollicitations and perhaps the excessive consumption of FANS.Affinche' a fracture from
stress recovers the mesenchimali cells must differ in order to form condrociti and
premonitory osteoblasti.La attivita' metabolic of ciclossigenasi or COX that it produces the
E2 prostaglandins have a vital role during osteogenesi.La the moreover present
ciclossigenasi e' with isoforme COX1 and COX2 that are been involved in inflammatory
processes that can interest woven osseo.In the this picture become part the possible
interference of the FANS that act conditioning the postaglandine synthesis and,in last
analysis, influence the guarigione, like e' be demonstrated in the studies on the animals.
But the element hinge is the spore changed. Possible is In the SPORAZIONE, and that is
pathologically indicative, one permanent mutation of the nucleotidica sequence of a gene;
mutations that fenotipicamente are identified for the resistance to antibiotics, and for this
the answers to tetracicline and baclofene are present but inconsistent in the sla, let alone
for I use it of the carbon sources, for the toxin production, the increase to determined
temperatures and therefore for the natural resistance to the defense of the organism; a
cellular gene composed from many nucleotidi will have more possibility then than to have
more mutations.....!!!!! The frequency of the mutations can BE INCREASED from the
effects of the ultraviolet beams, from the heat, cancellations X.... all elements lavished in
abundance from machinery used like helping in the diagnostic terapeutica, interesting just
the athletes and just traumatizza you. Finally important one be of ANAEROBIOSIS of the
woven ones because optimal germination happens one. A increase of the the state of stress
muscular for exercise agonistici or a riabilitanti, provoke at the same time one alkalosis
from iperventilazione respiratory, a increase until to the 100% of the consumption of 02, a
anaerobiosi cellular for transfer of 02 from some .
Therefore a TETANOTOSSINA Mutata would be able, in all these particolaris you
condition, among them coincident (micro traumas, fans, ipocloridia, glutammato, cellular
ipossia) essere,secondo my tesi,in by theoretical, one of the heavy bricks in the action
degenerative neuro scatenante the injurious shock of the muscular trofismo of the sla, the
imput to the fall 2000 such disease martirizzante.
From a study brought on Clin. Invest. of the apr. '2000 vol. 105 ns. 8 to signature Warny
and others a protein molecule the P-38 MAP could also be activated by a CLOSTRIDIUM
in the case of the genere”difficile” well in a relationship of the dott. Bordogna of the
institute Mario Negri of Milano,redatta in date 25 06 03 are read that among the causes of
onset of the Sla further to a stress ossidativo and to inflammatory citochine there could be
really an activation of the protein P38 MAPK From the therapeutic point of view in the
tetania,come in other illnesses infettive,si knows you and an induction of the inside
defenses through the stimulation of the interferone; interferone che,come molecule
endogena,appartiene to the class of the citochines. Recently (Maggioni,2004,univ. of
Novara)si and worked on the transplantation of the cells staminali autologhe that,
withdrawn by the marrow, they provoke in the patient a wisecrack of arrest in the
progressio of the degenerative syndrome induced SLA. The interferone class b is produced
by the fibroblastis; the cells staminali treated with the factor of growth of the fibroblastis
is stimulated to a further proliferation and maintained more' for a long time undiversified
I would still like to set the attention on some analogies With the syndrome of Guillain-bars
to the light of an updating of the prof Iudice of the a. of Pisa. The GBS and in fact a
polineuropatia on basic autoimmune possibly activated by a precedent infection, also
bacterial or viral, so much to be set elements of diagnostic doubt with pathologies
vettoriate from the CLOSTRIDIUM and with SLA-similar symptoms: in the elapsed
interesting ascendancies also the centers bulbari is had in fact insufficiency
respiratoria,disturbi of the fonazione and the swallowing. Also from the point of view
elettrofisiologico the study of the nervous managements shows pictures of
demielinizzazione. That then that there puo'far to reflect and, over the possible presence
also in such syndrome of the crostridium, the therapy that, also founding
himself/herself/itself on human immunoglobuline, does it find the Most greater indication
in the patients affections from concomitant (? ) infectious pathologies while the steroids (! )
they don't determine a positive prognostic evolution in the majority of the acute forms. If,
hypothetically, the clostridium enters such and other syndromes, the researchers could
experiment on guinea-pigs the action on the sla of an antitetanic vaccine,… subdued
however also it, in vitro, to “mutazioni”sperimentali.