The paramount objective of Seismic Engineering is to contribute in deep for the
policies of prevention, formation or development leading to the mitigation of the seismic
risk concerning the structural damage or collapse. The safety verification of a seismic
action involves several concepts: necessary conditions, performance criteria,
probabilistic reliability, hazard scenarios and quality guarantee. In spite of several
scientific areas being under constant development, it is still nowadays very common to
get important knowledge following the occurrence of each new catastrophic earthquake
Seismic response control of rigid block systems by using Tendon System:
The case of Greek column
in a developed zone of the globe. In fact, there is no better seismic testing “laboratory”
than the real place where an earthquake takes place, because it is absolutely impossible
to reproduce artificially, and simultaneously, all the concerned phenomena. Anyway,
and despite the wide numerical methods and computer capability developments, the
tests will be always indispensable because they are the only way to reproduce seismic
actions allowing its systematic repetition and the necessary scientific observation of
their effects. Consequently, the main objective of the Seismic Engineering
experimentation is, basically, to allow the observation and analysis of the damage and
behaviour of different types of structures, under different conditions, while submitted to
a seismic action. In fact, the response of a structure to a seismic action is influenced by
innumerable parameters whose implications must be widely analyzed. For instance, not
only the characteristics of the seismic action itself, but also the foundation and
bordering structures interaction, the structural and material characteristics or the
already existent damage induced by previous events.
Seismic Engineering experimentation is also indispensable for the validation of
analytical models and for the verification of new design methodologies or new
strengthening or reinforcement structural techniques. The study of new materials
behaviour and the analysis of the new methodologies still in a pre-normative phase
need also the use of experimental tests. It should be noticed too that, apart the multiple
aspects already referred, experimentation with earthquake simulators provides the
certification of several types of equipment in order to ensure their proper way of
functioning during the occurrence of a major earthquake. In fact, shaking table tests of
important equipment are quite common; mechanical, electrical and electronic
equipment of various types are main-stations and sub-stations material, nuclear power
plants control units or hospital vital devices, just to quote a few of the more relevant
Chapter One
examples. Moreover the already referred activities, of seismic engineering itself or
equipment certification, civil protection authorities can also use earthquake simulators
for didactic campaigns. This utility is a role very disseminated in countries, like Japan,
where the occurrence of earthquakes felt by all the population is part of their common
life. Without the purpose of exhausting, there is however another aspect of the seismic
engineering experimentation that should be mentioned; that is its use in order to
evaluate the seismic vulnerability of different types of the building stock, with obvious
applications in the aim of the insurance companies activities. Consequently, it is of
paramount importance the improvement of the seismic engineering experimental
conditions in order to raise new techniques to pay a better and clearly more important
role in the seismic risk mitigation.[1]
Testing of complete structures is normally used to enable the understanding of
the global behaviour of a construction and to capture the interplay of the response of its
different components. It corresponds to quite expensive tests but, in principle, provides
quite realistic information on the expected response of the specific structure under
testing. By the nature of these tests and the usually high degree of redundancy of
complete structures, the comparison of the experimental results with analytical
simulations can only be made in terms of global variables as for instance storey
displacements or accelerations and external forces or base reactions. Measurements of
internal forces are normally quite difficult, among other reasons, because normally the
corresponding load cells would disrupt or significantly modify the structural behaviour
and also due to the large number of those load cells that would be required to enable the
complete identification of the internal action effects pattern.
On the contrary, tests on single structural elements or sub-assemblages are
much less expensive but can only provide information of what could be called local
Seismic response control of rigid block systems by using Tendon System:
The case of Greek column
nature. They are mostly suitable for the calibration and validation of analytical models
of the elements that can be incorporated into a computer code with which the
simulation of the response of a complete structure may be achieved. Hence, tests on
elements or sub-assemblages are normally conducted on a large series of specimens so
that the effect of different variables (for instance, geometrical proportions, mechanical
properties or sequence of loading) can be checked and considered in the above referred
validation of analytical models.[2]
Protection from the inclemency of the seasons was the mother of architecture. In
fact, the necessity for obtaining frequent shelter from the great heat, or from the
inclemency of the climate, no doubt first suggested the piling up materials in some form
to effect this purpose. Shelter was perhaps readily found in some wood, and in rocky
countries in some cavern; but as it was necessary, particularly for pastoral tribes, to
inhabit plains where there were neither groves nor caves, that which at first was a
protection afforded by nature was imitated by a sort of rude art. Branches of trees were
no doubt carried into the open country, and were piled up, so that the people might
creep under and find shelter from the sun’s heat or the chilling storm. On the wild
moors, where there are no trees, and where the ground is covered with scattered
fragments of rock, the remembrance of the natural caverns no doubt suggested the
piling up stones in such form as to be a protection against the outer elements. Where
trees abounded, stone probably was the last material used, as it would entail so much
more labour than timber; but of course it was soon found stone had two great
advantages – it would neither burn or rot; so that it soon had the preference for all
Chapter One
durable purposes. Where there were many trees, as in Greece, the stone architecture
exhibits traces of the original timber construction.
Architecture, of little account at its birth, it rose into light and life with the
civilization of mankind; and, proportionately as security, peace, and good order were
established, it became, not less than its sisters, painting and sculpture, one method of
transmitting to posterity the degree of importance to which a nation had attained, and
the moral value of that nation amongst the kingdoms of the earth. Monumental
architecture must have originated in a desire to commemorate important events, such as
the death of great men; hence it is supposed that the first consideration would be to
make such memorial as durable as possible, and this circumstance would lead to the use
of stone instead of wood.
The testimonies of the past stone architecture got to the present, are represented
by some Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque and Gothic buildings; the fact that these
ancient works still exist, prove an extreme stability of their structure. On the other hand,
these constructions are only a few examples of the wide activity conducted by the
ancient populations, since in the history urban settlements have been mainly located in
seismic zones. This is a consequence of the fact that most convenient geographical
locations for building a city are valleys and cross-roads, which frequently follow the
locations and intersections of active seismic faults. Thus, the most historical monuments
ever lived have been destroyed principally by earthquakes.
Consequently, the possible occurrence of seismic events has been bringing to
spend an increasing interest in the conservation of vulnerable historical buildings
located in seismic areas. These pieces of cultural heritage, thus, need to be seismically
evaluated and strengthened by appropriate methods. Upgrading historical buildings in
order to survive strong ground motions is a challenging task: their historical value must
Seismic response control of rigid block systems by using Tendon System:
The case of Greek column
be protected and this means that the originality of the structure must remain intact,
together with providing improved seismic performance. The more difficult question
with respect to the maintenance problem and the restoring technique is to have a
correct measure of the stability degree, by means of a model able to simulate the
mechanical behaviour as close as possible. Hence, the seismic response of the historic
construction is a subject in continual elaboration.
Besides the Egyptian one, the architecture nowadays most known by means of its
sacred monuments is that of Greece, from whose monuments – namely the temples – is
deduced all the knowledge of its principles. Grecian Architecture is very much common
not only in Greece, but also in its colonies, like those of Magna Graecia formed in the
southern Italian peninsula by Greek colonization starting from eighth century B.C.. One
of these is Paestum, where there is a still existing proof of Greek settlement, constituted
by three temples, whose oldest one is dated at 540 B.C. Despite the fact that these
temples do still exist, it has to be pointed out that they are exposed to a high seismic risk,
in fact Paestum arises in Campania, a region characterized by such a risk. For instance
the recent Irpinia earthquake, happened in 1980 and gifted of a moment magnitude
6.89, hit Campania and the surrounding areas, causing almost three thousands death.
It has been said, seismic updating of historical buildings should be obtained
without affecting their original character. Advanced structural engineering technologies
are capable of achieving this by means of structural control concepts, one of which is
the Tendon System. This system introduces a rigid body mechanism into the structure
which is controlled through tendons with very little pre-stressing. In an effective
Chapter One
Tendon System, the forces in the structure remain limited and are controlled at low
levels by the tendons, not the earthquake. The very simple and effective idea is to tie
loose building blocks with tendons that run through their centres reducing
displacement and dissipating energy at the joints. Practical applications of this strategy
are already available, nevertheless to fully understand its potentiality and to provide
general design rules, an analytical model for the controlled system, with emphasize on
non-linear joint dynamic behaviour should be validated by means of experimental tests.
According to this purpose, the present thesis is aimed to prove the efficiency of
the above mentioned Tendon System, by performing an experimental campaign
focusing on the dynamic response of small scale specimens representing Greek columns
of Paestum, retrofitted by Tendon System. The experimental campaign is being executed
at the laboratories of Steel & Composite Structures Department of Kassel University,
Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Uwe Dorka. The testing facilities, among which
the shaking table for the application of input excitations and the basic components of
the specimens are provided by the same University.
Besides wood, masonry is the most important construction material in the history
of mankind. Masonry has been used, in a wide variety of forms, as a basic construction
material for public and residential buildings in the past several thousand years: from the
tower of Babylon, which should have reached the sky if it had been completed, to the
Great wall of China, which is the only man-made structure visible from the Moon. A
great number of well preserved old masonry buildings still exist, providing that
masonry can successfully resist loads and environmental impacts, therefore providing
shelter for people and their goods for a long period of time, if adequately conceived and
constructed. In recognition of their importance and value, many of those buildings have
Seismic response control of rigid block systems by using Tendon System:
The case of Greek column
been ranked among the assets of the highest category of mankind’s historical and
cultural heritage.[3]
Cultural heritage ("national heritage" or just "heritage") is the legacy of physical
artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past
generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future
generations. Often though, what is considered cultural heritage by one generation may
be rejected by the next generation, only to be revived by a succeeding generation.
Physical or "tangible cultural heritage" includes buildings and historic places,
monuments, artefacts, etc., that are considered worthy of preservation for the future.
These include objects significant to the archaeology, architecture, science or technology
of a specific culture. Heritage can also include cultural landscapes (natural features that
may have cultural attributes) Recently heritage practitioners have moved from
classifying heritage as natural as man has intervened in the shaping of nature in the
past four million years.
"Natural heritage" is also an important part of a culture, encompassing the
countryside and natural environment, including flora and fauna, scientifically known as
biodiversity. These kind of heritage sites often serve as an important component in a
country's tourist industry, attracting many visitors from abroad as well as locally.
The heritage that survives from the past is often unique and irreplaceable, which
places the responsibility of preservation on the current generation. Smaller objects such
as artworks and other cultural masterpieces are collected in museums and art galleries.
Chapter Two
Cultural Heritage
Grass roots organizations and political groups have been successful at gaining the
necessary support to preserve the heritage of many nations for the future.
Significant was the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and
Natural Heritage that was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972. As of
2008, there are 878 World Heritage Sites: 678 cultural, 174 natural, and 26 mixed
properties, in 145 countries. Each of these sites is considered important to the
international community.
A broader definition includes intangible aspects of a particular culture, often
maintained by social customs during a specific period in history. The ways and means of
behaviour in a society, and the often formal rules for operating in a particular cultural
climate. These include social values and traditions, customs and practices, aesthetic and
spiritual beliefs, artistic expression, language and other aspects of human activity. The
significance of physical artefacts can be interpreted against the backdrop of
socioeconomic, political, ethnic, religious and philosophical values of a particular group
of people. Naturally, intangible cultural heritage is more difficult to preserve than
physical objects.[4]
In this work the heritage is meant as architectural heritage. Architecture (Latin
architectura, from the Greek ἀρχιτ έ κτων – arkhitekton, from ἀρχι- "chief" and τέκτων
"builder, carpenter") means the art and science – sometimes only a single style - of
designing and erecting buildings and other physical structures.
A wider definition may comprise all design activity, from the macro-level (urban
design, landscape architecture) to the micro-level (construction details and furniture).
Architecture is both the process and product of planning, designing and constructing
form, space and ambience that reflect functional, technical, social, and aesthetic
considerations. It requires the creative manipulation and coordination of material,
Seismic response control of rigid block systems by using Tendon System:
The case of Greek column
technology, light and shadow. Architecture also encompasses the pragmatic aspects of
realising buildings and structures, including scheduling, cost estimating and
construction administration. As documentation produced by architects, typically
drawings, plans and technical specifications, architecture defines the structure and/or
behaviour of a building or any other kind of system that is to be or has been constructed.
Architectural works are often perceived as cultural and political symbols and as
works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving
architectural achievements.
In many ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians' and Mesopotamians',
architecture and urbanism reflected the constant engagement with the divine and the
supernatural, while in other ancient cultures such as Persia architecture and urban
planning was used to exemplify the power of the state.
The architecture and urbanism of the Classical civilizations such as the Greeks
and the Romans evolved from civic ideals rather than religious or empirical ones and
new building types emerged. Architectural styles developed – the classical orders will be
seen in the next paragraph.
In Europe, in both the Classical and Medieval periods, buildings were not
attributed to specific individuals and the names of the architects frequently unknown,
despite the vast scale of the many religious buildings extant from this period.
There was still no dividing line between artist, architect and engineer, or any of
the related vocations, and the appellation was often one of regional preference. At this
stage, it was still possible for an artist to design a bridge as the level of structural
calculations involved was within the scope of the generalist. [4]
Chapter Two
Cultural Heritage
A classical order is one of the ancient styles of classical architecture, each
distinguished by its proportions and characteristic profiles and details, and most readily
recognizable by the type of column employed. From the sixteenth century onwards,
architectural theorists recognized five orders. Each style has its proper entablature,
consisting of architrave, frieze and cornice.
Ranged in the engraving (Figure 2.1), from the stockiest and most primitive to
the richest and most slender, they are: Tuscan (Roman) and Doric (Greek and Roman,
illustrated here in its Roman version); Ionic (Greek version) and Ionic (Roman version);
Corinthian (Greek and Roman) and Composite (Roman). There are just three ancient
and original orders of architecture, the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, which were
invented by the Greeks. To these the Romans added the two lesser ones: the stocky
Tuscan, which they made simpler than the Doric and the Composite, which was more
ornamental than the Corinthian, since it’s known as its rich variant, added by 16th
century Italian architectural theory and practice.
The order of a classical building is like the mode or key of classical music, or the
grammar and rhetoric of a written composition. It is established by certain modules like
the intervals of music, and it raises certain expectations in an audience attuned to its
The classical orders belong to the columnar architecture, since they consist in
several lines of columns. There are three parts of a column. A column is divided into a
shaft, its base and its capital. In classical buildings the horizontal structure that is
supported on the columns like a beam is called entablature. The entablature is
commonly divided into the architrave, the frieze and the cornice. To distinguish
Seismic response control of rigid block systems by using Tendon System:
The case of Greek column
between the different Classical orders, the capital is used, having the most distinct
Figure 2.1: Classical orders
Chapter Two
Cultural Heritage
A complete column and entablature consist of a number of distinct parts. The
stylobate is the flat pavement on which the columns are placed. Standing upon the
stylobate is the plinth, a square block – sometimes circular – which forms the lowest
part of the base. The remainder of the base may be given one or many mouldings with
profiles. Common examples are the convex torus and the concave scotia, separated by
fillets or bands. On top of the base, the shaft is placed vertically. The shaft is cylindrical
in shape and both long and narrow. The shaft is sometimes articulated with vertical
hollow grooves or fluting. The shaft is wider at the bottom than at the top. The capital
rests on the shaft. It has a load-bearing function, which concentrates the weight of the
entablature on the supportive column, but it primarily serves an aesthetic purpose. The
simplest form of the capital is the Doric, consisting of three parts. The entablature
consists of three horizontal layers, all of which are visually separated from each other
using mouldings or bands. The three layers of the entablature have distinct names: the
architrave comes at the bottom, the frieze is in the middle and the moulded cornice lies
on the top. In Roman and post-Renaissance work, the entablature may be carried from
column to column in the form of an arch that springs from the column that bears its
weight, retaining its divisions and sculptural enrichment, if any. [2]
Rock is the basic building material of the earth’s crust and the original building
material used by man to serve as protection from the severe ice age and post-ice age
raw climate; shelters were made of assembled field stones to form a basic house. Stone
was later elaborately shaped to satisfy man’s artistic expression. The natural rock
material is called “stone” when shaped to man’s needs. It is used to speak of building