Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
honeycomb e fibra di vetro e tutti i componenti che si intendevano riutilizzare
del veicolo dell’anno precedente, con particolare riguardo al meccanismo di
sterzo. Si è poi proceduto all’individuazione delle nuove componenti necessarie,
analizzando il lay-out del prototipo virtuale. È stato effettuato uno studio della
letteratura riguardante l’aerodinamica degli autoveicoli e dei concorrenti della
Shell Marathon: si è operata una ricerca bibliografica sui principi
dell’aerodinamica in generale, e su quelli dell’aerodinamica per gli autoveicoli
in particolare. In base a considerazioni di tipo teorico, è stato scelto un profilo e
si è modellato il corpo del veicolo tentando di ottenere una forma che desse
luogo quanto meno possibile a separazione di flusso.
4. Produzione e consegna dei disegni tecnici dei pezzi realizzati e da
Sono stati realizzati e consegnati all’officina tutti i disegni tecnici dei pezzi
modellati. Quelli già realizzati e quelli da realizzare, nella fattispecie i disegni
delle sezioni trasversali delle carenature.
Il presente lavoro di tesi traduce ed integra il rapporto consegnato il
22/3/1999 al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica dell’Università di Bristol
intitolato “Modelling design and manufacture of the vehicle for the UK Shell
Eco Marathon 1999”.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
1.1. La Shell Eco Marathon
La Shell Eco Marathon è una competizione scientifica e sportiva
promossa dalla compagnia petrolifera Shell France.
Lo scopo di questa competizione è ideare e realizzare un prototipo di
veicolo che consumi la minor quantità possibile di carburante o, in alternativa,
che percorra il maggior numero di miglia con un unico litro di carburante
(fornito da Shell ad ogni partecipante).
La Shell Mileage Marathon è la più lunga e prestigiosa competizione del
suo genere al mondo. La manifestazione si tiene annualmente per scoprire quale
dei veicoli costruiti ad hoc riesce a completare un percorso di dieci miglia
attorno al circuito di gara di Silverstone usando la minima quantità di carburante
mantenendo una velocità media minima di 15 mph, pari a 24 km/h.
Contendenti da tutto il mondo prendono parte all’evento utilizzando
speciali veicoli aerodinamici costruiti per l’occasione e con bassa resistenza di
rotolamento e motori altamente efficienti.
Gli aspetti sportivi e concettuali della competizione attraggono un gran
numero di scuole (scuole superiori, università ecc.) e d’associazioni.
1.1.1. Storia e Scopi della Manifestazione.
La prima Shell Helix Motor Mileage Marathon si tenne cinquanta anni fa
ed all’epoca era riservata ai dipendenti Shell. L’evento fu esteso ad altri
partecipanti dalla Shell U.K. nel 1977. Le classi per veicoli a benzina verde
furono introdotte nel 1989. Esiste anche una classe per veicoli con motori
Diesel. A cominciare dal 1999 sono ammessi anche i veicoli ad energia solare.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
La compagnia petrolifera Shell France creò la Shell Eco Marathon nel
Dal 1994, il numero dei
partecipanti è diventato di oltre un
centinaio. Seguendo questo grande
successo, sono state create altre
competizioni, in Europa, in Gran
Bretagna, Belgio, Finlandia e
Per ragioni pratiche, ma anche
per via delle condizioni
meteorologiche, la Shell Eco Marathon
si disputa alla fine dell’anno scolastico,
e più precisamente tra la primavera e
Il manto del tracciato deve essere
quasi perfetto, e deve essere possibile
accogliere un gran numero di veicoli e
partecipanti (Fig.1.1); per questi
motivi, la competizione si tiene
normalmente sugli stessi circuiti che
ospitano le gare di Formula 1:
Silverstone in Gran Bretagna, Paul
Ricard o Le Castellet in Francia.
Fig.1.1. Fotografie dei partecipanti alle
varie Shell Marathon.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
1.1.2. Dati e Articoli delle Edizioni del 1997 e 1998.
Alla fine del 1998 il record mondiale per le competizioni Shell Marathon
era di 9472 mpg (miglia per gallone) equivalenti a 3353 km/l (1 miglio = 1.609
km, 1 gallone = 4.546 l 1 mpg = 0.354 km/l).
La tabella seguente riporta le migliori prestazioni dell’edizione del 1998.
Nelle pagine seguenti sono riportati anche due articoli, tratti dalla rivista Shell
Focus, riguardanti le edizioni 1997 e 1998.
Pos. Team Provenienza mpg km/l l/100km
1. LPTI La Joliverie France 8428 2983 0.0335
2. TIM INSA Toulouse France 7854 2780 0.0360
3. LUTECE France 7615 2695 0.0371
4. Team 1200 Japan 6317 2236 0.0447
5. Callo Hélios 2000 France 5554 1966 0.0509
6. King's College Great Britain 4448 1574 0.0635
7. INSA-IUT de Rouen France 4046 1432 0.0698
8. Team Energie Orléans France 4032 1427 0.0701
9. Callo Hélios Diesel (1) France 3909 1383 0.0723
10. Jackson & French Great Britain 3888 1376 0.0727
11. OPTIMA Diesel France 3699 1309 0.0764
12. Bel'Go II Diesel Belgium 3567 1262 0.0792
13. Team Green Great Britain 3462 1225 0.0816
14. Tendring Torpedo Great Britain 2904 1028 0.0973
15. Equipe Bigenor - EB5 Great Britain 2900 1026 0.0974
Tab.1.1. 22
Shell Helix Mileage Marathon
Circuito di Silverstone, Inghilterra, 16 Luglio 1998.
(1) Record del Mondo Diesel
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
18 July 1997
Shell Mileage Marathon UK record smashed
From London to the Falklands on a gallon of petrol
The winning vehicle in the annual Shell Mileage Marathon clocked up
an incredible 7,947 miles per gallon to clinch the £1,000 prize at the
Silverstone circuit in Northamptonshire today. The amazing fuel economy
performance, which smashed the UK record, was achieved by a vehicle
designed and built by a team of school students from the Lycee la Joliverie
at Nantes in France. Its winning performance was equivalent to travelling
from London to the Falkland Islands with enough fuel left over to tour the
The previous UK record was set in 1992 when a team from the same
school, Lycee la Joliverie, achieved 7,591 miles per gallon.
This year's competition was the 21st Shell Mileage Marathon, the
annual event where car enthusiasts and teams from schools and universities
compete to see whose vehicle can travel furthest on a gallon of fuel. With
a record number of entries, the 1997 marathon was hotly contested by more
than 100 team of contestants ranging from 10 to 80 years old. The prizes
were presented by 'Top Gear' veteran and professional racing driver, Tiff
Helen Holmes, Shell Mileage Marathon Manager, said: "We're delighted
that the record has been broken despite the wet weather. Today's results
have been achieved through a huge amount of hard work and creativity. It's
wonderful to see the Mileage Marathon grow in popularity year after year
and give young people the opportunity to develop some new skills in a fun
and challenging event".
The competition is designed to promote motoring enthusiasm and
engineering excellence particularly amongst young people since it started
in 1977, the Shell Mileage Marathon has become an international event
attracting entries from around the world. Shell now holds similar events in
Finland, Germany, Belgium and France.
Shell Advanced Unleaded Petrol, Shell Advanced Diesel and Shell Helix
Motor Oils were used by all the marathon entrants. Shell brings nearly 100
years of research experience and millions of pounds worth of dedicated
developments to its oils and fuels.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
ι Mileage Marathon entrants design and build their own vehicles.
ι The engine must be powerful enough to carry the driver seven laps around
a 10-mile circuit at Silverstone, at an average speed of at least 15
miles per hour. The winning team is the one which uses the least fuel in
a single circuit.
ι Vehicles entering the contest range from finely-honed machines built by
expert engineers to those built in garden sheds from old canoes and
children's bikes. Lawnmower, moped, model aeroplane and grass strimmer
engines have all been adapted to power the vehicles.
ι The Mileage Marathon was first conceived at a Shell laboratory in
Illinois more than 50 years ago, when two scientists held a bet over who
could drive furthest on a gallon of petrol. The competition was launched
in the UK as an annual Shell-sponsored event in 1977.
ι The current world fuel economy record - 9,472 miles per gallon - was set
at the Mileage Marathon in Finland in September 1996 by a team from
Honda's factory in Suzuka, Japan.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
17 July 1998
Shell Mileage Marathon UK record smashed
From London to New Delhi - and back - on a gallon of petrol
The winning vehicle in the annual Shell Mileage Marathon clocked up
an incredible 8,428 miles per gallon to clinch the £1,000 prize at the
Silverstone circuit in Northamptonshire yesterday. The amazing fuel economy
performance, which smashed the UK record, was achieved by a vehicle
designed and built by Microjoule, a team of university students from
Its winning performance was equivalent to travelling from London to
New Delhi, India, and back on a gallon of petrol. The previous UK record
was also set by a French team in 1997 when a team from Lycee la Joliverie
achieved 7,947 miles per gallon.
Another first for the event this year was the unveiling of the Shell
Solar car which took to the Silverstone track powered by two Shell solar
panels. Designed by the Shell Research and Technology Centre at Thornton,
the car is a prototype to demonstrate the practicalities of a solar powered
micro-vehicle that meets all the guidelines for the more conventionally
fuelled Shell Mileage Marathon cars.
This year's competition was the 22nd Shell Mileage Marathon, the
annual event where car enthusiasts and teams from schools and universities
compete to see whose vehicle can travel furthest on a gallon of fuel. With
106 entries the 1998 marathon was hotly contested with contestants ranging
from 10 to 70 years old. The winning teams were given their prizes by Tiff
Needell, 'Top Gear' presenter and professional racing driver.
John Brown, Shell Mileage Marathon Manager, said: "The event was
extremely successful with some very impressive results. Although the two
days are great fun there is also a serious element. Fuel efficiency and
using resources responsibly continue to grow in importance and the Mileage
Marathon provides an opportunity for schools, colleges and individuals to
come up with some answers that may help us in the future.
"We were also thrilled this year to be able to unveil the solar
powered car at the Mileage Marathon. Solar power is at the leading edge of
vehicle design, a philosophy that our event has always sought to nurture
and develop".
Since it started in 1977, the Shell Mileage Marathon has become an
international event attracting entries from around the world. Shell now
holds similar events in Finland, Belgium and France.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
ι Mileage Marathon entrants design and build their own vehicles. The
engine must be powerful enough to carry the driver seven laps to
complete the 10-mile circuit, at an average speed of at least 15 miles
per hour. The winning team is the one that uses the least fuel in a
single circuit.
ι Vehicles entering the contest range from finely-honed machines built by
expert engineers, to those built in garden sheds from old canoes and
children's bikes. Lawnmower, moped, model aeroplane and grass strimmer
engines have all been adapted to power the vehicles.
ι The Mileage Marathon was first conceived at a Shell laboratory in
Illinois more than 50 years ago, when two scientists held a bet over who
could drive furthest on a gallon of petrol. The competition was launched
in the UK as an annual Shell-sponsored event in 1977.
ι Michelin Tyres, Schimano UK, Sheffield University as Department of
Electrical Engineering, and Brian Toft, a former (retired) member of
Shell Research and Technology, were also involved in the design of the
solar vehicle.
ι The Shell Solar photovoltaic panels have an output of 150 watts, under
standard conditions, with a total area of 1.6 sq m. including the
mounting frames. The solar cells and panels are manufactured by Shell
Solar B.V., at their factory at Helmond, the Netherlands.
1. Introduzione
Progettazione mediante tecniche di prototipazione virtuale di un autoveicolo per la
U.K. Shell Eco Marathon 1999
1.1.3. Il Circuito di Silverstone.
Nel 1999 la competizione si svolgerà il 15 Luglio, sul circuito di
Silverstone (; Fig.1.2, 1.3, 1.4), la settimana
successiva al British Formula 1 Grand Prix. Il tracciato sarà quello del National
Circuit di 1.639 miglia = 2.638 Km (Fig.1.3).
Fig.1.2. Informazioni sul circuito di Silverstone.