2. Climate change and agriculture
2.1. Climate change: an overview
Throughout our planet’s history, climate has always been changing. If we only focus
on last 650.000 years, we realise that climate conditions on Earth have significantly
changed many times. So far, there have been at least five major ice ages alternating with
interglacial ages
. Climate changes during Holocene
have strongly influenced life
conditions on Earth and the development of human civilization. They have shaped
cultures and contributed to the invention of agriculture through the domestication of
plants, as temperatures started raising and vegetation increased (Prentice, 2009).
Therefore, climate change is not new. However, in recent times, a new type of climate
change (CC, i.e. the one we are referring to in this work) has appeared. It has peculiar
characteristics that make it different from all the other changes climate has undergone so
far, due to its unprecedented rate of change and its anthropogenic nature (IPCC, 2014).
Indeed, the main driver of CC is human activity (more than 95% of probability) in the form
of greenhouse gas emissions, largely caused by economic and population growth on
Earth, that sharply increased since 1750 (first industrial revolution) producing atmospheric
concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) at the
highest levels in the last 800,000 years (IPCC, 2014). Moreover, anthropogenic
alterations in the atmospheric concentrations of aerosols, land cover and solar radiation
have interfered with the energy balance of the climate system (IPCC, 2007).
This process has caused a slowing-down of Earth surface’s cooling which, as a
consequence, has increased global average temperatures and altered rainfall patterns
since 1950s, with effects on physical and biological systems (IPCC, 2007). These
changes in climate balance are already having and will further have significant
consequences on different aspects and dimensions of life on Earth.
An ice age is a period of time (millions of years long) when Earth’s surface is covered by ice caps, that
can be more or less extended. Ice ages are composed of glaciations, when glaciers advance, and
interglacial periods, when glaciers retreat. During interglacial ages, instead, ice caps disappear from the
surface of Earth.
The Holocene is the geologic time from about 10,000-7,000 years ago to the present. It began at the end
of the last ice age and is characterized by the development of human civilizations.
2.2. Consequences of climate change
It is not easy to establish whether extreme weather events can be directly traced back
to CC as their main driver. It is even more difficult to define CC’s impacts as established
trends. The literature on this topic is fast increasing but more studies are needed in order
to achieve conclusive results on CC impacts, both in terms of time and space. In fact, it
is extremely important to understand how these effects will evolve in the future and how
broad their scope is. What is sure, so far, is that changes in physical and biological
systems are consistent with the expected effects of global warming, as confirmed by a
broad range of data and studies (IPCC, 2007).
Recent climate-related extreme phenomena, such as heat waves, droughts, floods,
cyclones and wildfires have had negative impacts on ecosystems, food production and
water supply, infrastructures and settlements. Few positive effects originating from CC,
such as diversification of social networks and of agricultural practices (IPCC, 2014) can
also be observed though most of them are outweighed by negative consequences that
affect most marginalized people, both directly and indirectly. Indeed, these consequences
are stronger in those environments where economic and social factors contribute to a
higher level of vulnerability for local population. As stated by IPCC (2014: 6), “People who
are socially, economically, culturally, politically, institutionally, or otherwise marginalized
are especially vulnerable to climate change and also to some adaptation and mitigation
These consequences can be observed in many sectors, ranging from human health
to subsistence of ecosystems. Given the specific focus of this thesis, after a general
overview of the relation between climate and agriculture, we will proceed deepening the
analysis of CC’s most important consequences on primary sector activities.
2.3. Climate and agriculture
Agriculture strongly depends on climate: even its very invention can be traced back
to climate warming among a number of other factors. We know the basic conditions
influencing plant development are air, light, warmth, humidity (Hatfield et al., 2017). These
crucially depend on a few climatic factors, such as temperature, solar radiation, water and
atmospheric CO2 concentration, influencing plant productivity according to the species
physiology (Fischer et al., 2002). A balanced interaction between a number of factors is
required in order to maintain a specific plant under optimal development conditions. As
an example, when temperatures increase, plant’s cells increase their activity too: this will
require a continuous increase in water supply in order to keep the process working,
otherwise, problems in development will arise.
As reported by IPCC (2014), most crop yields are extremely sensitive to daytime
temperatures around 30° C, especially throughout the growing season. Therefore,
temperature trends are extremely important for plants’ conditions and even slight changes
can have detrimental consequences on crops: generally speaking we know that, all other
things equal, cereal yields decrease with temperature and increase with solar radiation.
Also, precipitation trends have important impacts on crops: limited water supply will
decrease yields while an excess of it can have negative effects caused by waterlogging
(Ceccarelli et al., 2013).
These examples give an idea of the relationships between climatic factors and
agriculture: subtle alterations in one or more of the above-mentioned factors can lead to
important effects on plant yields, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Thus, agriculture
must comply with significant climate variability.
2.4. Impacts of climate change on agriculture
Agriculture is strongly affected by CC. However, defining a clear baseline to assess
CC’s effects on agriculture is not an easy task, especially because non-climate drivers,
which are not so easy to quantify, can play a role. Moreover, extreme weather events that
occurr rarely can hardly be captured by models. Nevertheless, the literature on this topic
has grown in recent years and many advances have been done.
According to IPCC (2014), CC has an overall negative impact on crop yields: while
some positive trends can be observed, especially in high-latitude regions, these are
generally outweighed by negative effects. We can identify direct and indirect effects. The
former, also referred to as CO2-fertilization effects, describe the impact of an increase of
CO2 concentration in ambient air on plants. The latter, also called weather effects, are
the consequences of changes in solar radiation, precipitation and air temperature.
As regards CO2, in general an increase in its concentration is connected to increased
crop productivity. However, different species, varieties and local conditions (such as soil
fertility, temperature, humidity) can influence plants’ response to this increase (Fischer et
al., 2002). Moreover, nutritional quality is usually negatively impacted by elevated CO2.
High ozone (O3) concetration in most cases has a damaging effect on crop yields (Fischer
et al., 2002). Also increases in nitrogen, whose concentration is expected to increase
further due to CC (IPCC, 2007), are known to have negative impacts on species diversity,
contributing to reduce biodiversity (Ceccarelli et al., 2013).
According to Ceccarelli et al. (2013: 8) the most likely CC indirect effects on crops for
next years are the following:
• higher temperatures, which will reduce crop productivity, are certain;
• increasing frequency of drought is highly probable;
• increase in the areas affected by salinity is highly probable;
• increasing frequency of biotic stress
is also highly probable.
Fischer et al. (2002) observed that thermal regimes are changing all over the planet,
implying future consequences such as an important reduction of boreal and arctic
ecosystems, an expansion of temperate climate conditions in Siberia and Canada and of
tropical zones, disappearance of temperate zones in Argentina and Chile, among others.
All in all, “over 5,000 plant species could be impacted by climate change, mainly due to
the loss of suitable habitats” (Ceccarelli et al., 2013: 340).
There is no doubt that “global warming will affect the agro-ecological suitability of
crops” (Fischer et al., 2002: 9) with specific effects on soil, climate, atmospheric
constituents, solar radiation, pests, diseases and weeds. Main sources of concern are the
following: trends of rainfall regimes and water storage, crops’ responses to increasing
CO2, spread of weeds, pests and diseases, intrusion of saltwater as a consequence of
sea level rise, threats to biodiversity, adaptation to extreme weather events, increase of
GHGs. One of the most challenging features of current CC is its unpredictability: climate
models, in fact, cannot predict exactly what consequences CC will have, with which
intensity, nor when and where these will happen.
A biotic stress is the result of a damage caused by living organisms, e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites,
beneficial and harmful insects, weeds, and cultivated or native plants (Flynn, 2003).
Moreover, CC impacts are expected to disproportionately affect agriculture-based
households in LDCs, which are highly vulnerable to CC mainly due to the following
• strong dependence of rural populations on natural resources and climate factors
due to high rates of employment in agriculture and limited access to land, modern
agricultural inputs, infrastructure, education (IPCC, 2014);
• climate models predict most negative CC effects to take place in Sub-Saharan
Africa, the Tropics and other risk-prone areas such as low lands, potentially
negatively impacted by rising sea levels (Kreft et al., 2017)
• high level of food insecurity, which can be only worsened by the interaction between
CC effects’ reducing agricultural production and demographic increase (Ceccarelli
et al., 2013).
These processes pose new challenges to agriculture, which should be addressed
through dynamic and innovative approaches, able to tackle continuous and almost
unpredictable changes in environmental conditions and suitable to be taken by those
communities who suffer the most from CC negative effects. Hence, what is needed is
identifying and putting into practice adaptation and mitigation
mechanisms capable to
enhance agriculture’s resilience level.
All these measures have to be context-specific, as it is impossible to find a single
strategy able to cope with the needs and problems of any specific region and community.
Agro-biodiversity, in the forms of inter- and intra-specific crop diversity, can represent
a key to adaptation processes: “increased crop diversity should positively enhance crop
resilience in the ever-changing face of climate-induced stress, resulting in improved crop
performance and enhanced food security” (Murphy et al., 2014: 3).
In this alarming picture, what worries even more is the interaction between CC
potential effects and the trend of uniformity in agriculture, which has become more and
more common since Green Revolution (1960s-1970s). Agro-biodiversity is a strong
According to Kreft et al. (2017: 4), “of the ten most affected countries (1996–2015), nine were developing
countries in the low income or lower-middle income country group, while only one was classified as an
upper-middle income country”.
Adaptation involves all those actions aimed at adjusting to actual or expected CC effects. Mitigation refers
to efforts to reduce or prevent climate change determinants, such as emissions of GHGs.