There is no doubt that the electronic commerce has contributed positively in the
life of modern societies, mainly the consumers. It allowed purchasing of materials
cheaply without any limit, and without any restrictions.
The element of e-shopping offers a direct interactive channel as well as no time
definition, people and place. To shopping on Internet has becomes an alternative for
consumers since it is more comfortable than conventional shopping which usually
attributed with anxious, crowded, traffic jam, limited time, parking space and any other
factors can disturb your shopping. However, the different internet characteristics have
created a significant level of variation in acceptance and growth of electronic commerce
in different region of the world. The current study investigates possible factors that
influence students’ intention to use online shopping..
1.2 E-business in Jordan
The first Jordanian global Internet connection was established in 1995 by the
National Information Center (NIC). Created in 1993, this Center grew out of King
Hussein's interest in promoting technology and the development of a national information
policy and appropriate institutions. NIC’s central mission has been national data
management, but it has pursed the development of national networks as well. While NIC
limited Internet service to government and academic users, private providers were first
licensed in 1996. By mid – 1999, seven private ISPs were operational; these plus NIC
provided service to an estimated 50,000 users, about 1% of the population. What is
interesting is that the penetration is this high, given Jordan’s relatively low per capita
income and underdeveloped infrastructure.
(Arab Journal of Administration, Amman 2003) Other countries with similar
circumstances have lower penetration rates. Government policies are more open than
inmost Arab countries, Doing nothing too directly to impede the diffusion of the Internet
or to control access, even in areas such as national security or morality (this is also the
case in Palestine). In some instances, the government has been proactive. King Hussein
was committed to the idea that the provision of Internet services should be open. He
permitted his private satellite ground station, Hashem 1, originally installed for
communications with the Mayo Clinic, to provide international connectivity to ISPs.
King Abdullah is continuing his father's support of high technology enterprises. (National
Information Center –NIC, 1999)
In Jordan, Amman in particular, the use of online shopping does not seem to keep
up with global trends in electronic marketing, and that many consumers are not making
use of electronic buying. Very often, doubts are raised on knowledge and skills of online
shopping, accessing Internet services, promotion of companies web sites, and security of
the Internet for shopping and other transactions. In fact, this phenomenon raises serious
concerns in electronic consumer behavior.
(Arab Journal of Administration, Amman 2003) under its 1951 constitution,
Jordan is a constitutional monarchy with a population approaching four million. Unlike
many of its oil-rich Arab neighbors, Jordan is relatively poor in natural resources, and
much of its land is too arid for extensive agriculture. Consequently, two of Jordan’s
primary imports are food and crude oil from its Arab neighbors. The 1991 Persian Gulf
War was divesting to Jordan’s economy. Iraq was Jordan’s largest pre-Persian Gulf War
trading partner. In the years after the war, Jordan has undertaken economic restructuring.
The country has moved closer to a free-market economy and has announced its intention
to privatize at least a portion of such state-run enterprises as the Jordan Electricity
Authority, the Telecommunications Corporation, and Royal Jordanian Airlines.
(Mhd. Nor Burnham, Arab Journal of Administration 2003) a 20-year lags
between developed and developing countries in computer usage trends is not uncommon,
As a developing country, the Jordanian public sector adopted its first computer system at
the end of the 1960s .In the early 1970s, the Arabian Bank adopted a computer system for
the purpose of developing and modernizing the country’s banking system and to conform
to the increasingly technologically sophisticated international financial markets. By the
end of 1977, only five public organizations operated computers
1.3 Problem statement
The review of literature shows very limited studies have explained on
investigating the factors that enhances the intention of online shopping in Jordan. In
addition, this study also would like to explore the dominant predictors that influence the
student’s intention to shop using internet in Jordan. Which, still until today we can
observe the limitation for using the on-line shopping in Jordan, as thus there is an urgent
need to study online shopping intention factors.
1.4 Research Questions
In attempting to investigate the factors that influence the shopping by
using internet, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1- Is there a relationship between students’ attitude toward on line shopping and
their beliefs its usefulness?
2- Is there a relationship between students’ attitude toward on line shopping and
their beliefs its ease of use?
3- Is there a relationship between students’ intention to use on line shopping and
their beliefs its usefulness?
4- Is there a relationship between students’ intention to use on line shopping and
their attitude toward it?
.1.5 Research Objective
The purpose of this research is to investigate the acceptance level of internet
shopping among higher learning institution in Jordan, more specifically, the objective of
this study are as follows:
1. To determine the relationship between students’ attitude toward online shopping
and their beliefs usefulness.
2. To determine the relationship between students’ attitude toward on line shopping
and their beliefs its ease of use.
3. To determine the relationship between students’ intention to use on line shopping
and their beliefs its usefulness.
4. To determine the relationship between students’ intention to use on line shopping
and their attitude toward it.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study is able to generate three benefits. Firstly, the study will contribute to the
literature review of the acceptance level for intention to use online shopping. Secondly,
would provide insight information for researchers and practitioners to understand more
about students’ online shopping intention. Thirdly, the empirical findings are believed to
be useful in understanding the factors influence online intention, practical that can give
input to local e-retail to more understand the attitude their consumers they might compete
with local and also foreign e-retail. In addition this study is describing the relationships
between the variables that influence on students’ intention to use on line shopping.
1.7 Definitions of terms used in this study
• E-Commerce in this study is refers to doing business electronically using internet
• Online shopping is viewed as shopping over the Internet (or electronic buying).
• (TAM) refers to Technology Acceptance Model
• Perceived Usefulness is refers to the degree to which a person believes that
particular system would enhance his or her job performance.
• Perceived Ease of Use is refers to the degree to which a person believes that using
a particular system would be free of effort.
• Attitude toward Using is viewed as the feelings of favorableness or unfavorable
ness towards using the technology.
• Behavioral Intentions to Use refers to the strength on one's intentions to use the
technology in the future.
2.1 Introduction
In this Chapter, we will focus on a key set of studies centered on technology
assimilation and technology acceptance constructs. While we realize that there are a
wider set of studies that reference technology assimilation and technology acceptance, we
analyzed those that have advanced or modified the Technology Acceptance Model for
specific technologies. We report the results of those studies as well as show the models.
This chapter aimed at surveying the literature review of the relevant theories in
connection to the purpose and research questions that forms the basis for this study and
discusses the various works done by past researchers on the subject. The review of the
literature, elaborates e-retail as new medium transaction followed by theory were based
on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis, Bagozzi and washaw
(1989) and by Vijayasarathy (2003), perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, that
are proposed in this study as independent variables that influence customers intention to
shop, followed by the theoretical framework and hypotheses. Lastly, summary of
literature review will be presented.
2.2 E-Retailing as Shopping Medium
Internet was first found by American Defense Department Network through the
Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPANET) at 1969. Early target ARPANET was
to develop educated information for the army forces of US. Most creative technology that
has reached a big impact at all of us is Internet innovation.
Yu and Adbulai (2000) mentioned that the most significant result of the rapid
innovations in information and communication technology is e-commerce. What is e-
commerce? E-commerce basically refers to trade takes place over the Internet where a
buyer visits a seller’s web site, order and makes the payment of the product over the
Internet and finally, goods are delivered physically to consumers. Anil (2000) also
mentioned, electronic commerce is an important part of the growth Internet. E-commerce
is the general term for Internet and non-Internet computer-to-computer processing of
transaction, shifting from electronic data interchange (EDI) towards order, payment
systems, credit cards and consumer sales of goods and services. Crisp, Jarvenpaa and
Todd (1997) mentioned that the consumers could search information about goods and
services, ordering, receiving post sales services, and finally, retailers’ delivery to
consumers who can as individual or group.
Brown, Pope and Voges (2003) mentioned that the key of e-retailing, the
consumers is facilitated by information with regard to product attributes, comparative
pricing, and availability and overall value added; The Internet shopping provides a new
interactive channel that is not limited by time and place. E-retailing are being developed
to market over Internet, moreover can be established at low cost, the product and service
offerings can be updated on demand. Consumers around the world have 24 hours a day
access to this e-retailing. In the Internet, the development of e-retail implies that there are