the flow from the upper and lower surfaces must smoothly merge
in the wake, then S
tends to the rear end producing an anti-
clockwise vortex, see Fig.1c. Then, by The Helmholtz theorem
about vorticity, the whole system responds with a clockwise
vortex around the airfoil producing circulation, see Fig.1d. This
assumption is inseparable from the well know equation Γ××=
which allows the calculation of lift if the magnitude of circulation
is known.
Fig. 1
Then, Liebeck proposed a short region of separated flow directly
upstream of the Gurney flap and two counter-rotating vortices
downstream, see Fig 2, which he described as having a turning
effect on the local flowfield. The result is increasing in circulation
Γ, hence the downforce on the spoiler. But Liebeck observed a
slight reduction in drag too; he proposed that the separation of
airflow from the suction surface of the “upside down wing” is
postponed thanks to the action of sucking by the separation bubble
born by the two shedding vortices. Additionally, the postponed
separation on the suction surface allows a higher angle of attack to
be used before stall, which further enhanced the wing's
Fig. 2
Recently, Jeffrey et al. [2] have conducted experiments to
understand the origin of the phenomenon with more modern and
sophisticated instruments among others the Laser Doppler
Anemometry (LDA). In particular, he used an untwisted constant-
chord wing of finite span that has an Eppler c423 section,
optimized for high lift and shares some features with typical race
car wing elements, for example a significant degree of camber on
the pressure surfaces. The freestream turbulence level in the tunnel
wind was of 0.2-0.3%; the freestream velocity of V
gave Reynolds number in the range Re
. Then, by
observing the mean-velocity vectors and streamlines, it was found
that the time-averaged flow downstream of the vertical tab
consists of two counter-rotating vortices, matching Liebeck’ s
hypothesis. But the spectral analysis of LDA showed clearly that
the instantaneous flow is a wake of alternately shed vortices in
particular a von Kármán vortex street of alternately shed vortices,
see Fig 3. A smoke visualization of the flow downstream of the
Gurney flap confirmed this flow structure.
Fig. 3
To explain how this particular wake contributes to increase the
general loading on a wing it is first necessary to understand the
process of vortex shedding for a typical bluff body. According to
the generally accepted mechanism first postulated by Gerrard [3]
for a two-dimensional vortex-shedding flow, the boundary layers
on a bluff body separate at some point to form two shear layers of
opposing vorticity. This shedding cycle begins as the separating
shear layer on one side of the body rolls up to form a vortex
breaking away from the body. Together it draws, very powerfully,
the separating shear layer over from the other side of the body,
that contains an opposite vorticity. Then, as the sucked layer
crosses the wake centreline, its provision of vorticity is interrupted
by the first eddy; now the second vortex is shed and moves
downstream while the shear layer on the opposite side has just
started to roll up repeating the process.
Jeffrey adds that the Gurney flap works as an obstacle to the shear
layer of the pressure surface, providing a fixed separation point
that interacts with the separating point from the suction surface to
form a vortex street in a manner similar to other bluff bodies. This
one is not fixed but depends on the angle of attack and Reynolds
number on the airfoil that works as well as a circular cylinder, as
already known. Thus, two considerations follow: at low incidences
the shear layer separation point on the suction surface is located
on the trailing edge and the upstream possible movement will not
eliminate any vortex shedding but it will only modify the shedding
Obviously a shedding principal frequency f
is associated at the
shedding cycle: the height of the Gurney flap and the incidence,
directly connected to the boundary layer thickness, are two
parameters that modify f
. In fact the shedding frequency reduces
as the distance between two separating shear layers is increased;
because the time, that the opposite shear layer takes to cross the
wake centreline and cut off the supply of vorticity from the rolling
up vortices, increases. Thus, the period of one cycle increases and
the related frequency, obviously, reduces. This explains why f
reduces as the height of the Gurney flap is increased: an higher
flap means longer distance to travel between the two layers.
Secondly, under the same condition, the boundary layer thickness
increases with the incidences. But a thicker boundary layer means
a weaker velocity gradient across it, hence, a lower vorticity; then
it will occur more time to have sufficient opposite vorticity to cut
off the supply to the rolling up vortex; the consequence is, clearly,
a reduction in principal frequency. Lastly, further experimental
calculations show that the boundary layer thickness has a weaker
effect on the shedding frequency than the distance between the
shared layers.
About the trailing edge suction, it appears that the increased
suction acting on the downstream face of the Gurney flap and
hence at the trailing edge of the airfoil, is encouraged by the
vortex shedding. Also, an increase in maximum suction does not
generate premature boundary layer separation at low incidence
because in this manner the pressure recovery demand reduces.
Loose relationships seem to reveal that increasing the height of the
Gurney flap increases the trailing edge suction while the opposite
happens if wing incidence decreases.
About the trailing edge pressure, the chordwise pressures clearly
show that the Gurney flap increases the pressure at the trailing
edge of the airfoil because the upstream face of the flap
decelerates the flow. For a flat plate immersed in a turbulent
boundary layer, Good and Joubert [4] say that the maximum
pressure measured upstream of the plate increases as the height of
the disturbance is increased but these effects do not scale directly
with the height of the device. Because the bigger Gurney flaps
cause a relatively large increase in pressure, they work just as a
bluff body in a ground plane that decelerates the flow which
separates at some point upstream of the trailing edge, then
reattaches at an other point on the upstream face of the body. The
Gurney flap introduces a pressure difference acting at the trailing
edge of the airfoil and it is this that generates an increase in
loadings over the entire airfoil. This one can be modelled in a
simple two dimensional model by modifying the Kutta-Joukowski
condition. In fact the increase in suction surface velocity and the
reduction in pressure surface velocity can be treated theoretically,
as a vortex point placed at the trailing edge which will increase the
total circulation hence the lift acting on the wing.
One the nature and the physic of the phenomenon have been
explored, the next step is inspecting the latest studies about the
performances and the effectiveness of the Gurney flaps.
Bao et al. [5] have presented a research concerning the power and
efficiency augmentation of an horizontal axis wind turbine system
by adding small flaps to its blades. NACA62
-215 was selected as
the airfoil to be tested and the Reynolds number was fixed at
based on airfoil chord. The angle of attack varied from 0°
to 40° and the heights of the flaps was 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and
2.5% of the airfoil chord. The effects of different deflection angles
of the trailing edge flap were compared: 0°, 45°, 90° (i.e. Gurney
flap), 135°. From the results of the experiments the following
conclusion can be deducted: all tested types of flap significantly
increase the lift coefficient with little or no change in drag
coefficient and also the best increment in performance was by the
addition of Gurney flaps in particular with the 2.0%c high flap. In
this case, the stall angle was 2° earlier than that of the airfoil
without flap. Bloy and Harrison [6] have investigated the effect of
freestream turbulence intensity as a factor in the performance of
the Gurney flap. They placed a turbulence generating screen in the
test section of a wind tunnel to increase freestream turbulence
intensity (from 0.2% to 2.5%) and repeated tests were made at the
same Reynolds number on chord of 0.48×10
on the airfoil section
NACA5414; a geometry from which wind-turbine blades are
obtained. Increasing in turbulence intensity, significant increases
in maximum lift and profile drag were remarked in the plane wing
but only with little effect on the performance of the devices. The
explanation is that an increased turbulence produces just little
changes in the boundary layer thickness which is the dominant
parameter in determining the flap drag characteristics according
with the studies of Giguere et al. [7]. In fact he has affirmed that
for acceptable drag penalty, the flap should be submerged in the
wing boundary layer. Giguere has added that a relatively long flap
with low deflection angle is comparable with a shorter one but
fitted perpendicular. In summary, among small flaps the Gurney
is the best to increase the lift, it does not feel the influence of the
freestream turbulence and to reduce the drag it has to be immersed
in the airfoil boundary layer that is just till around 2.0%c.
One of the wider range research was conducted probably by
Storms and Young [8]; with the admitted target to provide an
experimental database on the performance of the Gurney flaps on
a single element airfoil. Measurements for a NACA4412 fitted
with 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%c Gurney flaps were obtained;
tests were without turbulence reducing screen in the circuit of
wind tunnel and with a Re
. Here, this data base is
The comparison of pressure distribution for various device heights
shows that Gurney flap considerably increases the aft loading of
the airfoil but it also noted that much of the lift increment is
caused by a general increase in loading and by a higher suction
peak See Fig 4a and 4b to compare pressure distribution on the
clean and modified airfoil, also as the Gurney flap height is
increased higher loading is noted along the entire airfoil.
The lift and drag coefficient, respectively C
and C
, are presented
in Fig. 5a and 5b, with an angle of attack from 0° to 15°. The
addition of the Gurney flap produces a considerable lift increment
compared to the baseline configuration. Larger flap produce larger
increment in maximum C
, but not proportionally: 13% for the
smallest and 32% for the biggest.
Fig. 6 shows the drag polar for the same configuration. At low to
moderate C
, there is a drag penalty which increases with flap
height; however, at higher C
the drag is significantly reduced. The
effect on the maximum L/D is small, but the C
for a given L/D is
significantly increased.
Finally, the nose-down pitching moment coefficient C
0.25c is shown in Fig. 7, it increases with Gurney flap height
although not proportionally.
With the idea to stow the flap during cruise to eliminate drag
increments at lower C
, Storm and Jang have considered a
miniature split flap with a 90° deflection, see Fig. 8. Two
configurations were tested for a 1.25%c split flap with a hinge line
located forward of the trailing edge by 1.0 and 1.5 flap height,
respectively. Fig. 9 illustrates that these configurations yielded
essentially the same results as the 1.25%c Gurney flap without
degradation in flap effectiveness.
Fig. 4a Fig. 4b
Fig. 5a Fig. 5b
Fig. 6 Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Briefly, to show that Gurney flaps also work on airfoils made with
the latest design philosophy to have already the maximum C
low Re regime, the research of Selig and Guglielmo is reported
[9]. The key element about the airfoils is to make use of a concave
pressure recovery with aft loading; so three codes for airfoil
design and analysis were used to design the new S1223 high-lift
airfoil for a Re
of 2×10
. In wind tunnel tests the new airfoil
yielded a maximum lift coefficient C
l max
of 2.2 with an increase of
25% relatively to older airfoils; with a 1% chord Gurney flap it
goes to 2.3, adding an ulterior 5% without modifying stall
characteristics, which is very sensitive factor in these applications.
A specific study has been performed on a single-element high-lift
wing fitted with Gurney flaps in ground effect by Zerihan and
Zhang [10]. A modification of a NASA GA(W) profile, used as
front wing on Tyrrell 026 Formula1 car, with two sizes of Gurney
flap i.e. 1.45% and 2.9%c, was tested in a wind tunnel in which
was approximately 0.46×10
. The conclusions of this research
say that the aerodynamic performance of the Gurney flap on a
wing in ground effect has similar effects if compared in freestream
circumstance. In fact the Gurney flap increases the downforce,
even if disproportionately with its height. As the ride height is
reduced in the force enhancement region for a fully attached flow,
the gain in downforce with the Gurney flap increases. This one
compares with results when the incidence of the wing is increased
in a freestream; however, the gain in downforce with the Gurney
flap in ground effect can be twice the gain in the freestream.
1.2 Effects of Gurney Flaps on a NACA0012 Airfoil [11]
It is worth conducting a separate discussion about this report as
not only is it the latest published research but it also deals with a
symmetric airfoil which we will encounter along the route again.
We can fit this simple strip perpendicular to the pressure surface
along the trailing edge of an airfoil. But with the idea to stow the
flap we can consider something like a miniature split flap with a
90° deflection; a previous research shows this configuration yields
essentially the normal one. The instantaneous flow downstream
the airfoil is a well known wake, a von Karman vortex street of
alternately shed vortices. The f
associated at the shedding cycle
can be increased by a reduction in angle of attack or, more
significantly, with a reduction in height of the Gurney flap. About
the trailing edge suction we can say the increased suction acting
on the downstream face of the rear end of the airfoil is encouraged
by the vortex shedding; about the trailing edge pressure the
Gurney flap increases the pressure at the rear end of the airfoil
because the upstream surface of the little device decelerates the
flow. Then the Gurney flap introduces a pressure difference acting
at the trailing edge of the airfoil and it is this that generates an
increase in loading over the entire airfoil.
About the performances of the Gurney flap on the airfoil section a
0012NACA with a chord length of 1m was used; the Re
thus a boundary layer thickness at α=0° of about 15 mm.
Also, if we imagine the airfoil immersed into a water flow, a
velocity of 4.5 knots has to be considered. Gurney flaps with a
height of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 3% on chord were examined.
Fig. 10
On the C
versus α
With higher flaps increments in C
max but not proportionally.
Height on chord in % 0.5 1 1.5 2 3
Increase in % 10 11 18 21 27
The stall angle of attack decreased, in countertendency with
other researches. The results suggest that the effect of the devise
is to increase the effective camber of the airfoil.
Fig. 11
On the C
versus α
The significant increase in C
with a 3% on chord height flap
comes at costs of substantially increased drag; in agreement with
previous researches we can fix the limit of the flap height at 2% of
the chord.
Fig. 12
On the polar L\D versus C
At low to moderate Cl there is a drag penalty associated with the
Gurney flap height, but at higher Cl the L\D is substantially
increased. Then the effect on L\D is small but the Cl for a given
L\D is considerably increased. When the Cl is above 1.2 all the
flaps provided increased L\D although the L\D max decreased
increasing in flap height. In aircraft applications it means it could
be desirable to close the flap during the cruise so it can be at its
best in conditions such as take off and landing. In countertendency
with some previous studies an overall reduction in drag was not
Fig. 13
On the nose-down pitching moment versus α
It is increased with the Gurney flap height, this suggests the
effective camber is increased with the use of the device.
Fig. 14
On the pressure distribution (with α=0)
The increased pressure exactly on the trailing edge of both
surfaces confirms the theory about a von Karman vortex street and
also an increased suction is evident everywhere on the relative
surfaces as well as the lower surface experiencing increased
Fig. 15
On the boundary layer velocity profile taken at 90% of chord
The boundary layer thickness is about 1.5% of chord in height
near the trailing edge at α=0°, as the figure below shows. Thus a
Gurney flap with a height of about 2% of chord or less would not
significantly increase the drag since most of device works within
the airfoil boundary layer. Moreover at α=6° the thickness is
2.5%, at α=10 it is 4%.
Fig. 16