Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
1.1 Introduction to Turbulent Flows
Most fluid motion presented in nature or in engineering applications, is
dominated by turbulent motion. There are many opportunities to observe,
turbulent flows in our everyday surrounding: a smoke coming from a chimney, a
water in a river or in a waterfall, the buffeting of a strong wind, or a wake
generated by any object flying in clean air [1]. Also, If we observe fluid motion
within a straight pipe, it will be noted that the shape of the velocity curve (the
velocity profile across any given section of the pipe) depends upon whether the
flow is laminar or turbulent as shown in fig. n° 1.1.1. If the flow in a pipe is
laminar, the velocity distribution at a cross section will be parabolic in shape
with the maximum velocity at the center being about twice the average velocity
in the pipe. In fully turbulent flow, a fairly flat velocity distribution exists across
the section of pipe [2, 3].
One of the most important parameters needed to describe this behavior, is
the Reynolds number. This parameter is given by the relation (Reynolds 1894):
Re (1.1.1)
where U and D are characteristic velocity and length scale of the flow, and is
the kinematic viscosity of the fluid considered. D could be the diameter of any
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
cylindrical shape used for experiments or the chord of a wing. It is clear as D is
directly proportional to Re, and any increase of this parameter would make Re
larger. That is a possible way to introduce more turbulence into the flow in fact,
as soon as we pass over a critical range of the Reynolds number, which is a range
of values not well defined where there is a transition between laminar and
turbulent flow, the fluid consequently changes its state from laminar to
turbulent. This behavior is called transition state [4].
fig. n° 1.1.1: Different shape of the velocity curve [1].
In turbulent flows, the fluid velocity field varies significantly and irregularly
in both position and time as shown in fig. n° 1.1.2 where the horizontal line
shows the mean velocity i U and its fluctuation
fig. n° 1.1.2: Fluctuation of the velocity around mean value [1].
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
Therefore, it can be said that turbulent flows are described by these
fundamental characteristics:
Irregularity: formed by random strongly unsteady motion that
makes a deterministic approach impossible. Therefore, it is convenient
to use a statistical method.
Diffusivity: which means a more rapid mixing of momentum, heat
and mass transfer. As a consequence, for example, on an aircraft’s
wing the shear stress (hence the drag) is much larger than it would be
if the flow were laminar.
Vorticity: Turbulence is characterized by high level of vorticity
fluctuations and random 3 – D vorticity. This characteristic plays a
fundamental role on the turbulence’s physics.
Large Reynolds numbers: e.g. in a pipe, turbulence often occurs
when Re> 2.000; for a flat plate usually it might have turbulence for
Re> 600; for a wake a Re> 6 – 7 might be enough. Thus, it cannot be
defined a universal Reynolds number in which the flow become
turbulent. This is because the Reynolds number depends upon the
characteristic length which has been considered.
Dissipation: Viscous dissipation always exists in turbulent
phenomena as also in laminar flows. The turbulence needs a constant
“Energy supply” in order to regain the strong viscous losses.
Unclosed problem: One way to approach with turbulent
phenomena is the Reynolds decomposition (see sec. 1.2). In this
approach, the number of the unknown variables is always greater than
the number of the equations. Thereby, a statistical method should be
implemented. [5, 3]
Another very important matter of discussion in turbulent flows, is made by
the knowledge of Turbulent scales. This important categorization, is done by
considering small – scale turbulence, and large – scale of motion within the flow.
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
The large – scale motions are strongly correlated by the geometry of the flow, as
the boundary conditions, and they are responsible of transport and mixing. On
the other hand, the small – scale motions are almost completely caused by the
rate at which they get and dissipate the energy from the large – scale, and the
viscosity. Therefore, this last one type of scales, are almost fully independent of
the flow geometry.
A very important idea, introduced by Richardson (1922) is the energy
cascade. The cleverness of this idea is to consider that Kinetic energy enters the
turbulence at the largest scales of motion. Then, this energy is shifted by inviscid
processes into smaller scales until, at the smallest scales, the energy is dissipated
by viscous actions. In fact, as already discussed above, a turbulent flow can be
considered to be composed of a large number of eddies of different size. The
eddies with the largest range, are characterized to have the length scale
completely comparable to the characteristic scale of the flow. Theoretical studies
aimed at developing a tractable model, are based on the Navier – Stokes
equations (see sec. 1.2) which describe every detail of a turbulent velocity field
from the largest to the smallest length scales. However, as it has been seen, the
direct approach of solving these equations is really challenging for real flows and
different approaches have been studied during the years. One of this, described
in sec. 1.2, is the statistical approach [1].
1.2 The Reynolds Averaged Navier – Stokes Equations
Starting from the Navier – Stokes equations written in Eulerian convection
form for an incompressible flow (continuity equation and momentum equation
respectively – underlined quantities represent vectors):
0 U (1.2.1)
U p U U
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
It is possible to derive every quantity of the turbulent field by using the Reynolds
decomposition, in which the flow field is divided into its mean (or average – first
term) plus a fluctuating component. Therefore, any instantaneous value of the
field (as Velocity, Pressure etc...), can be written as:
i i i
f f f (1.2.3)
f is the fluctuation from the average value
f and also:
i i
dt f
in which T is an enough long time that makes
f independent from the time.
This last hypothesis is necessary if we consider that, in nature a steady turbulent
flow won’t ever exist. Thus, it could be considered a turbulent steady flow only
when the average of all the statistic parameters is independent from the time.
This last assumption lead to the fact that the average of the fluctuation is always
negligible, hence [3]:
f (1.2.5)
Using the Reynolds decomposition, any instantaneous quantity in the flow field
can be written as:
u U U (1.2.6)
and the same can be done for the other quantities as Pressure and Temperature.
By substitution into Navier – Stokes equations (1.1.2 – 3), RANSE are generated:
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
u U (1.2.7)
Since it is interesting to see the average of the flow field, the mean operator is
applied to each of the terms to yield:
0 U (1.2.9)
U p
u u
j i
' '
) (
Which it can be manipulated in a more smart form considering the total mean
stress, given by:
) (
' '
j i
u u
where the total rate of strain is made by the rate of strain for laminar flow (under
the hypothesis of Newtonian flow), plus a term called Reynolds Stress. By this
last assumption, equations 1.2.9 – 10 can be rewritten as [4]:
0 U (1.2.12)
1.2.1 – Reynolds Stresses: A Physical Overview
The Reynolds Stresses ) (
' '
j i ij
u u play a crucial role in the RANS
Equations. If 0
, the RANS Equations, and the “Normal” Navier – Stokes
' 2 2 ' ' '
) )( (
t t
u U p p u U u U
u U
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
equations would have been identical [1]. Reynolds Stress, which is a second
order tensor, has the property to be symmetric (which implies that
ji ij
and the diagonal components represent the normal stress – so that they are
normal terms as pressure, unlike the off diagonal components, which represents
Shear stresses. The first terms contribute little to the transport of mean
momentum whereas the second ones, play the dominant role in mean
momentum transfer [4].
Some words must be dedicated to the closure of the problem. For a general
three dimensional flow, there are four independent equations governing the
mean velocity field (1.2.12 – 13), which contain more than four unknown
variables. In fact, in addition to U (three components) and p (one component)
there are also the Reynolds Stresses. Due to this fact, the RANS Equations
cannot be solved, and the problem is unclosed unless the Reynolds Stresses are
somehow patterned.
1.2.2 – Production Equals Dissipation
Further information about this subject, which is talking about turbulent
energy and its dissipation, can be found in [6]. The purpose of this thesis is not
to compare turbulent energy production and dissipation (even though they are
strictly correlated to Reynolds stresses), but let just say the statement that
turbulent flows can be considered homogeneous due to the fact that, at high
Reynolds numbers, the flow tends to gain a state of homogeneity at the smallest
scales characteristic of the dissipative range. This statement, as can be
demonstrated, says that in a steady, homogeneous, pure shear flow, the rate of
production of turbulent energy by Reynolds stresses equals the rate of viscous
dissipation, and that this state is generally attained beyond some point
downstream of the turbulent producing object [6].
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
1.2.3 – The Turbulence Reynolds Number
A very important parameter needed to describe the physics of the turbulence
is the Turbulence Reynolds number. As already described in sec. 1.1 regarding
turbulent scales, a turbulent flow generates large and small eddies. Most of the
transport of momentum of the flow is done by the large eddies, and between the
two scales there are many other length of scales. As it has already discussed,
from the largest scales of turbulence and the smallest scale there is always a
continuous exchange of energy described by the energy cascade theory. The
largest eddies of a turbulent flow are characterized by the parameter , which is
also correlated to the integral scale of turbulence. The main difference between
the Reynolds number and the turbulence Reynolds number is that the first one
uses the geometric characteristic
D as a length scale, which is the characteristic
length scale of the object in the flow, and second one uses the length scale of the
largest eddies so that . Nevertheless, the two Reynolds number defined above,
have the same order of magnitude (or nearly the same). A particular attention
though, must be made on not confusing the latter with the “Turbulent Reynolds
Number” which is defined by the micro – scale . The micro – scale , also
defined as Taylor Micro – scale is one of the smallest scale in the flow but not
the smallest at all. The smallest scale is the Kolmogorov micro – scale [6].
However, one possible way to estimate
R will be shown in section 1.6 given by
Garnet, Altman in [7].
1.3 Statistical Description of Turbulent Flows
As already discussed in sec. 1.1, in a turbulent flow the velocity field is
random. A generic variable (which could be velocity, pressure, etc...), is random
when it doesn’t have a unique value, but only when “this value is the same every
time the experiment is repeated under the same set of conditions” [1]. Thereby,
in order to give a statistical representation of turbulence, it is necessary to link
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
the random nature of turbulence with its own deterministic model given by
RANS Equations. Then, it has been noted that turbulent flows, are extremely
sensitive to initial conditions, boundary conditions, and material properties (a
very important issue to consider during the experiments). Therefore, it is
important for an event to be repeated many times using the same set of initial
conditions [1].
In order to give a complete representation with a statistical description on the
subject, it could be important to recall some important statements from
probability and statistics. In engineering applications, the probability P(A) of
the event A is defined as the likelihood of the occurrence of the event A. P is a
real number, which is 1 0 P . When the event is impossible (it never occurs)
, whereas when the event is sure P=1.
Defining a Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), it is possible to define
the probability of any event. The CDF is given by the function:
x X P x F (1.3.1)
where x is a real number, and F(x) is the likelihood that the variable X is less
than or equal to x. Also, the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the event X
can be defined as:
x x X x P
x dF
x p
lim (1.3.2)
hence, it has been shown that the PDF (or equally the CDF), fully describes a
random variable. It can be also state that two or more random variables having
the same PDF are said to be statistically identical [8].
A very important matter, studying statistical subjects, is represented by
statistical moments. They can be defined as:
Chapter 1 – Analysis of Turbulent Wakes
dx x p x x X E
k k k
) ( (1.3.3)
which are the K power of the variable X , and where the first moment (K=1) is
the mean value. Considering instead the differences with respect to the average
value (as in our case), the central moments are defined:
dx x p x x x x X E
k k
) ( ) (
where the second moment (K=2) is called Variance and it is given by symbol
while its square root is called standard deviation of the PDF. It defines the width
of the PDF around its mean value while the third normalized moment, called
Skewness, shows the symmetry of the PDF (fig. n° 1.3.2 a).
Of fundamental importance in probability theory and in turbulence is the
normal or Gaussian distribution. If a variable x is normally distributed, its PDF
takes the Gaussian shape as follow:
) (
x x
e x p
where x is the mean of x and
the standard deviation. In fig. n° 1.3.1 it is
possible to see a Gaussian shape and the meaning of its standard deviation.