Approaching to flight test is paramount to keep clear in mind that accurate test
management is the cornerstone between failure and success. Flight testing remains
an essential element of sound air vehicle development. The current emphasis on
expanding the use of M&S has been promulgated with the intention that it can
help to reduce flight test time and cost, enhance test safety, and increase testing
The “predict-test-validate” (a.k.a. ”model-test-model”) paradigm is held forth
as the most efficient combination of these development tools. In this paradigm the
initial modelling and simulation guides the planning and conduct of flight testing,
with incremental test results then used to enhance the accuracy and/or fidelity of
the simulation before the process is repeated. The cycle would be repeated many
times during the course of the test program, especially in an effort to avoid the
"fly-fix-fly" paradigm that commonly proves inefficient and trying to avoid future
operational shortfalls.
Although much of the technical leadership in the NATO aerospace industry
and Italian Defence Department insist that M&S is not intended to replace flight
testing, there remains concern among flight test practitioners that the result will be
an overreliance on simulation. This has a potential for neglecting invaluable
empirical test data verifying system performance. In addition, detrimental and
potentially hazardous system characteristics may not be uncovered, and overall
assessment of vehicle worthiness vis-a-vis its mission will suffer. Appreciation for
a sound balancing of flight testing with simulation must be promulgated. In
addition, a methodology appears to be needed to help insure this sound balance.
The term M&S is taken to include,[1]:
Digital models and computer simulations using those models;
Mathematical analytical tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics;
Simulated flight testing such as in wind tunnels and engine altitude test
Hardware-in-the-loop simulations;
Pilot-in-the-loop simulations, with and without hardware-in-the-loop;
In-flight simulation;
Other large-scale ground tests.
Each of these initially employ simplified system representations that become
more complex as the systems engineering process defines the system during the
course of development and as test data becomes available to improve model and
simulation fidelity and accuracy. Present initiatives are expanding the application
of verification and validation of M&S resources to ensure that they function as
intended and suitably represent real-world behaviour. Flight testing itself can be
considered a simulation if the test article is an experimental system or early
prototype, if some internal or external system functions are contrived, and if test
conditions do not truly match actual in-service scenarios (such as simulated
combat). OT&E flight test relies heavily on constructive simulation and PITL
tactical simulations. All this has become more popular as simulation capabilities
have increased and flight test budgets and schedules have decreased.
However, the flight environment, with systems interacting and with a pilot
(perhaps) in control, is not a simulation. Flight test remains the most dynamic and
credible medium for collecting actual system performance data.
Test management holistic concept is much more, taking into account also the
relevant phase of actual test preparation, test matrix identification (totality of test
points to be performed), coordination, FTTs set-up, generation of new validation
techniques and reporting, of course.
The purpose of this thesis work is to show how an accurate test management
based on alternative geometry acquisition processes, test matrix generation
algorithms, M&S, new FTTs and validation procedures can be used effectively and
efficiently to support flight testing. In particular, in order to reduce the scope of
the subject activity the focus is kept on a specific branch of the test field known as
Store Integration and Safe Separation; the approach could be expanded to other
branches of flight test, but customization would be required.
The question becomes how much flight testing can really be replaced by
simulation before jeopardizing the safety of flight and increasing the cost of
simulation prohibitively to make it worthwhile. Simulation is not a panacea for all
test problems, but a valuable tool that must be used cautiously and wisely in the
course of a test program, the key word is “balance” and its maidservants are
“optimization, synchronization and coordination”.
Approaching the optimization process for the whole flight test area of expertise
could result pretty cumbersome and arduous, therefore a choice is necessary. This
study is focused on the store integration, evaluating experimental relevant steps
ride along the certification process starting from the task mandate up to the
production of outcome necessary to the reporting phase, Figure 1.
Figure 1: FT contribution to Store Integration Certification Process.
New FTTs
Data Gathering
and Model
Prediction - FSI
Test Matrix
Identification and
Test Management
Store Integration
Aircraft store integration and certification process
Historically, the management of the aforementioned process was based on the
experience of few very skilful people, leading the activity, depriving the process
itself from being standardized and depersonalized. Moreover, some steps of the
process were not evaluated for many reasons: time deficiency, lack of necessary
know-how, high costs, risk mitigation under-evaluation.
The purpose of the new “predict-test-evaluate” approach is to force the
decision makers to take in due account all relevant steps concerning the
experimental evaluation of the store integration certification process and to
standardize, to the limit of depersonalization, the execution phase. The “predict-
test-evaluate” represents a circular approach, Figure 2, producing the effect of a
self-test process, leading the test team to the challenge-and-response test.
Figure 2: Predict-Test-Validate model.
Optimization of the entire process, cost reduction, time efficiency and risk
mitigation effectiveness pass through the standardization and optimization of the
single steps listed in Figure 1.
1.1 Test matrix identification and test management
Sizing and identifying the test matrix is the most time consuming and
uncertain activity faced by every test team when approaching a new flight
test task. The unkowns are countless and the proposed methods promising
a solution in the academic world are much more. Different project
managers in the same organization could decide to pursue different
Aircraft store integration and certification process
solution tracks, all valid, but requiring different means, way and outcomes
for the same problem. Trying to avoiding this uncertainty related to the
store integration process test points identification, in this study are
examined the two most recognized method proposed by the academic and
industrial world and new ways to think and perform are proposed in order
to meet the requirement of a tailorable, efficient and effective tool for
planning test activity. Theory of games and Theory of fields are the pillars
of the new proposed algorithm.
1.2 Geometry acquisition techniques
Nowadays, the global market is extremely competitive, therefore
product enterprises are constantly seeking new ways to shorten lead times
for new product developments matching customers’ expectations. Product
enterprise has invested in CADCAM, rapid prototyping, and a range of
new technologies that provide business benefits.
Engineering is the process of designing, manufacturing, assembling, and
maintaining products and systems. Two major types of engineering could
be identified: forward engineering and reverse engineering, Figure 3.
Figure 3: Re-engineering/Model.
Aircraft store integration and certification process
Forward engineering is the traditional process of moving from high-
level abstractions and logical designs to the physical implementation of a
The process of duplicating an existing part, subassembly, or product,
without referencing to drawings, documentation, or a computer model is
known as reverse engineering. RE is also defined as the process of obtaining
a geometric CAD model from 3-D points acquired by scanning/digitizing
existing parts/products.
In aeronautics environment it is very important to determine the aim of
the CAD generation activity, in fact the required quality of a product, the
CAD drawing, is dramatically relevant to determine the success of a
computational fluid dynamic analysis or not. Where a precise fine-tuning,
asymptotically a zero-error correction, is required, as for the case of a
propeller or wing profile, the RE could not be the best fitting method, of
course every consideration is related also to the available tools. In fact, the
operator judgement and intervention required in order to reproduce the
lifting surface starting from the laser scanning acquired cloud of points
brings in itself some relevant error; filling the uncertainty means to
misrepresent the truth, Figure 4.
However, a reconstruction of the profile via forward engineering, for
example interpolating a certain number of the cross section area airfoils,
could place the analysis on realm of realism instead of on the plane of pure
simulation academic training analysis.
Figure 4: Propeller discrete laser scanned cloud of points.