Chapter one Introduction
NRT monitoring of oil spills may, in principle, be provided by optical
satellite packages having higher repetition rate but, up to now, no
techniques really suitable to automatically detect oil spill presence with
sufficient accuracy and reliability have been proposed. A new technique
based on the general RST (Robust Satellite Techniques) approach
(Tramutoli, 1998, 2005) is presented in this work that is finalized to
detect, automatically and timely, the presence of the oil spill on the sea.
The results achieved during these three years applying the RST approach
on validated oil spill events and using optical satellite data, will be
described here. These results surely confirm that the use of the sensors
onboard of the meteorological satellites, thanks to their high repetition
rate, could represent a good alternative chance for the oil spill detection
and monitoring.
Besides, considering the increase on new research fields, that try to
harmonise GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology and
different remote sensing technologies, could be a key component to create
new systems and platforms to support all those final users really involved
in the emergencies management and responses.
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
Chapter two
The oil pollution problem of the seas
2.1 - Introduction
Oil pollution is one of the most serious threat for the seas. The main
cause of oil spills is due to the human activity and namely by the presence
of the oil industry.
The presence of the oil industry has meant a real social and
environmental impacts, from the accidents and intentional damage as
instrumental terrorism and warfare, to the routine activities (as leakage
during normal conditions), the seismic exploration and polluting
perforations and refuse. The oil extraction is expensive and often damages
the atmosphere. As an example, the search and the extraction of offshore
oil, seriously disturb the surrounding marine environment. The extraction,
in fact, often can be preceded from the dredging that damages the marine
bottom and the algae, fundamental in the marine alimentary chain. The
crude oil and the oil refined that out-comes from damaged oil tankers and
the illicit discharges from passing ships, damage fragile ecosystems (as
happened in Alaska, the Galapagos Islands, Italy, Spain, Lebanon and in
many other geographic zones) and, as usually occur, a great amount of oil,
each year, enter in the marine alimentary chain and then in our
alimentary chain contaminating fishes, birds, etc. (WWF reports, 2007).
In the next sections, will be briefly explained the main processes that
usually occurs after an oil spill, a qualitative classification of the type of oil
spills and some statistical data related to the oil spills.
World Wildlife Foundation
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
fig. 1 - graphic representation (A) and detailed interactions (B) of conceptual
model for the fate of petroleum in the marine environment. Various models
depicted are often included as significant components of computer models
attempting to simulate or predict behaviour and fate of petroleum
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
2.2 - Fate of oil at the sea
The presence of petroleum compounds on the marine surface can
prime many physical, chemical and biological processes in the marine
environment (Oil at sea III, national research council of the national
academies, 2003).
In fig. 1, are shown two models describing the main interrelationships
among physical, chemical, and biological processes that crude oil
undergoes when introduced in the marine environment, subsequently
weathers and then transported away from the source (Oil at sea III,
national research council of the national academies, 2003).
The main processes that affect the impact of oil releases at the sea can
be summarized as following:
evaporation is the most important process in term of mass balance.
Within a few days following a spill, light crude oil can lose up to 75
% of their initial volume and medium crudes up to 40 %. In
contrast, heavy or residual oils will lose no more than 10 % of their
volume in the first few days following a spill. Most oil spill
behaviour models include evaporation as a process and as a factor
in the output of the model. Despite the importance of the process,
relatively little work ha been conducted on the basic physics and
chemistry of oil spill evaporation.
Fingas (1995), conducting some test in laboratory, found a simple
experimental equation that can be used to model evaporation of
petroleum compounds:
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
Percentage evaporated=⋅ (T) ⋅ln (t)
Where C is a constant that can be empirically-determined or
predicted on the basis of distillation data, T is temperature, and t is
time. Empirical equations for many oils have been determined, and
the equation parameters found experimentally for the evaporation
of oils can be related to commonly available distillation data for the
oil (Fingas, 1999).
Emulsification is the process of formation of various states of water
in oil, often called chocolate mousse or mousse among oil spill
workers. These emulsions significantly change the properties and
characteristics of spilled oil. Stable emulsions contain between 60
and 85 percent water thus expanding the volume by three to five
times the original volume of spilled material. The density of the
resulting emulsion can be as great as 1.03 g/ mL compared to a
starting density ranging from about 0.95 g/ mL to as low as 0.80 g/
mL. Most significantly, the viscosity of the oil typically changes from
a few hundred to a few hundred thousand milli Pascal-seconds, a
typical increase of three orders of magnitude. This increase in
viscosity can change a liquid petroleum product into a heavy, semi-
solid material. Emulsification, if it occurs, has a great effect on the
behaviour of oil spills at sea. As a result of emulsification,
evaporation slows spreading by orders of magnitude, and the oil
rides lower in the water column, showing different drag with respect
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
to the wind. Oils will generally take up water once spilled at sea, but
emulsions may not always form. Water can be simply entrained by
the oil due to viscous forces, without forming a more stable
emulsion. Thus, emulsification also has significant effects on the
choice of oil spill recovery methods.
Dissolution is the chemical stabilization of oil components in water.
Dissolution accounts for only a small portion of oil loss, but it is still
considered an important behaviour parameter because the soluble
components of oil, particularly the smaller aromatic compounds,
are more toxic to aquatic species than the aliphatic components.
Modelling interest in dissolution is directed at predicting the
concentrations of dissolved components in the water column. Most
models in existence do not separate the dissolution component. The
entrainment model is sometimes used but fails to distinguish
between dispersion and dissolution.
Spreading is the distribution of the oil on the superficial layer of the
water column due to the action of the natural waves or dispersants.
There are many models trying to describe the spreading and the
diffusion of oil. The most used models for spreading are based on
the work by Fay (1969). Fay suggested that spreading is best
described in three phase: inertial, viscous and surface tension. The
inertial phase is dominated by gravity forces, the viscous phase by
gravity and viscosity forces, and the surface tension phase by
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
surface tension spreading. Many works based on Fay suggestion are
used to compute, combining also other physical processes
(oceanographic and meteorological), oil spills drift.
Crude oil is a complex mixture of organic compounds, mostly
hydrocarbons. Oxidation alters these mixtures by creating new
compounds and by rearranging the distribution of residual
compounds, based on their susceptibility to the oxidative process.
The ultimate oxidative fate of all of the organic compounds, given
an unrestricted supply of oxygen and time, is conversion to carbon
dioxide and water, as expressed in the following equation:
where CHO is a symbol for all organic compounds. Oxidation of
crude oil is mediated by two processes, photo-oxidation and
microbial oxidation, that provide the energy to drive the oxidative
reactions. Where crude oil is exposed to sunlight and oxygen in the
environment, both photo-oxidation and aerobic microbial oxidation
take place. Where oxygen and sunlight are excluded in anoxic
environments, anaerobic microbial oxidation takes place.
These processes, here briefly described, are really important in many fields
of primary intervention that try to contain the oil spills at the sea but, also
if we consider the use of satellite remote sensing sensors for oil spill
detection and monitoring. In some cases, in fact, these processes can
influence spectral signatures of oil spills on the sea surface. These facts
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
enhance the importance of a timely and accurate detection of oil spills
when they occur. Only in this way, and better the start of the other
processes just mentioned (emulsion, spreading and oxidation), a detection
“for sure” of oil spills can be performed and exploited by final users
involved in the emergency response (as, for example, the coast guard).
In the following chapters, will be analyzed and discussed main satellite
remote sensing techniques for oil spill detection and monitoring as well as
the approach proposed in this work to the same purpose.
2.3 - Classification of the type of oil spills at sea
In the previous section the consequences on the marine environment
after an oil spill event have been described.
As mentioned, when an oil spill occur it is important to describe the
type its position and its extension. Besides, in many real cases, an
important problem is to predict the future movement of the oil spelt, to
better understand if and when the oil spelt will arrive to the coast.
Another very important factor that must be considered after an oil spill
event is related to the thicknesses of oil film on the surface. This factor,
many times less considered, is really important in the context of the oil
spill detection using satellite and airborne remote sensing sensors.
Thicknesses variations indeed can influence the spectral responses of oil
films on the sea surface.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), uses the following
qualitative classification of oil spills, given in the order of decreasing
thickness (Sabins, F., 1997):
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
Slick: relatively thick layer (0.1 mm - 1 mm) with a definite brown or
black colour;
Sheen: thin silvery layer (0.0001 - 0.0003 mm) on the water surface
with no black or brown colour;
Rainbow: very thin (< 0.0001 mm) iridescent multicoloured bands
visible on the water surface.
Using satellite remote sensing, slicks can be detected but is really difficult
to detect sheens and rainbows and so, in many cases, sheens and rainbows
classes are merged in a unique class.
How these thicknesses ranges can influence the oil spill detection will
be discussed more in details in the sections of the next chapter, where it
will be reported the state of art and the main satellite sensors and
techniques used for oil spill detection and monitoring.
2.4 - Oil spills statistics
Since 1974, ITOPF has maintained a database of oil spills from
tankers, combined carriers and barges (Oil spill statistics, ITOPF, 2006).
All the statistics covers all accidental spillages except those resulting
from acts of war. For historical reasons, spills are generally categorised by
size (<7 tonnes, 7-700 tonnes and >700 tonnes) although the actual
amount spilt is also recorded. Information is now held on nearly 10,000
incidents, the vast majority of which (84%) fall into the smallest category
i.e. <7 tonnes.
International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
as the shipping press and other specialist publications, and also from
vessel owners and their insurers.
Not surprisingly, information from published sources generally relates
to large spills, often resulting from collisions, groundings, structural
damage, fires and explosions, whereas the majority of individual reports
relate to small operational spillages. Complete reporting of this latter type
of spill is clearly difficult to achieve. It should be noted that the figures for
amount of oil spelt in an incident include all oil lost to the environment,
including that which is burnt or remains in a sunken vessel.
There is considerable annual variation in both the incidence of oil spills
and the amounts of oil lost and so the following tables, and any averages
derived from them should be viewed with caution.
The incidence of large spills is relatively low and detailed statistical
analysis is rarely possible, consequently emphasis is placed on identifying
trends. Thus, it is apparent from the table 1 below, that reports the
numbers of oil spills for year, the number of large spills (>700 tonnes) has
decreased significantly during the last thirty years. The average number of
large spills per year during the 1990s was less than a third of that
witnessed during the 1970s.
The vast majority of spills are small (i.e. less than 7 tonnes) and data on
numbers and amounts is incomplete. However in most years it is probable
that they make a relatively small contribution to the total quantity of oil
spilled into the marine environment as a result of tanker accidents.
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
year 7-700 tonnes> 700 tonnes
1970 6 29
1971 18 14
1972 48 27
1973 27 32
1974 89 28
1975 95 22
1976 67 26
1977 68 17
1978 58 23
1979 60 34
1980 52 13
1981 54 7
1982 45 4
1983 52 13
1984 25 8
1985 31 8
1986 27 7
1987 27 10
1988 11 10
1989 32 13
1990 51 14
1991 29 7
1992 31 10
1993 31 11
1994 26 9
1995 20 3
1996 20 3
1997 28 10
1998 25 5
1999 19 6
2000 19 4
2001 16 3
2002 12 3
2003 15 4
2004 16 5
2005 21 3
2006 14 4
table. 1 – number of oil spills over 7 tonnes
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
In the table 2, instead, is reported the annual quantity of oil spilt
during the years 1970-2006. It is notable that a few very large spills are
responsible for a high percentage of the oil spilt. For example, in the ten-
year period 1990-1999 there were 358 spills over 7 tonnes, totalling 1,138
thousand tonnes, but 830 thousand tonnes (73%) were spilt in just 10
incidents (just under 3%).
The table 3, instead, gives a brief summary of major oil spills since
1967. A number of these incidents, despite their large size, caused little or
no environmental damage as the oil did not impact coastlines but there are
also listed a number of accidents that have created serious environmental
damage. In fact, looking at the table, the most serious oil spill of last years
is related to Jiyeh power plant accident in Lebanon. After this accident,
most of Lebanon coast was completely submerged by the oil (around 150
km of coast) and, besides, all the sea floor was almost covered by a toxic
carpet of heavy oil up to 10 cm thick.
Considering all these data, is clear that the politics of the seas control
must be changed. Therefore, is obvious that the traditional instruments of
control and also of the monitoring of the seas are clearly inadequate to
respond to the oil spill accidents. New technologies, thus, must be used to
effectively give a support to all the authority devoted to the respond of
these kind of emergencies. Among these new technologies, surely satellite
remote sensing is assuming a key role in this field. In the following
chapter, the capability of remote sensing sensors for oil spill detection and
monitoring will be considered starting from an excursus of techniques
used in the past in this field, up to last works.
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
year quantity (tonnes)
1970 330,000
1971 138,000
1972 297,000
1973 164,000
1974 175,000
1975 357,000
1976 364,000
1977 291,000
1978 386,000
1979 640,000
1970s total3,142,000
1980 206,000
1981 48,000
1982 12,000
1983 384,000
1984 28,000
1985 85,000
1986 19,000
1987 30,000
1988 190,000
1989 174,000
1980s total1,176,000
1990 61,000
1991 430,000
1992 172,000
1993 139,000
1994 130,000
1995 12,000
1996 80,000
1997 72,000
1998 13,000
1999 29,000
1990s total1,138,000
2000 14,000
2001 8,000
2002 67,000
2003 42,000
2004 15,000
2005 17,000
2006 13,000
table.2 – annual quantity of oil spilt
Chapter tw0 The oil pollution problem of the seas
Spill/tanker Location Date Tonnes of crude oil
Gulf War oil spill Persian Gulf January 780,000 - 1,500,000
Ixtoc I oil well Gulf of Mexico June 3,1979 – 454,000 - 480,000
Atlantic Trinidad and July 19, 287,000
Empress Tobago 1979
/ Aegean
Fergana Uzbekistan March 2, 285,000
Valley 1992
Nowruz Persian Gulf February, 260,000
oil field 1983
ABT 700 nautical 1991 260,000
Summer miles
(1,300 km) off
Castello de Bellver Saldanha Bay, August 6, 252,000
South Africa 1983
Amoco Brittany, March 16, 223,000
Cadiz France 1978
Haven Mediterranean 1991 144,000
Tanker Sea near
Genoa, Italy
Odyssey 700 nautical 1988 132,000
(1,300 km) off
Nova Scotia,
Sea Star Gulf of Oman December 115,000
19, 1972
Torrey Scilly Isles, March 18, 80,000 - 119,000
Canyon UK 1967
Irenes Navarino Bay, 1980 100,000
Serenade Greece
Urquiola A Coruña, May 12, 100,000
Spain 1976
Guimaras oil spill Philippines August 11, 172 – 1540
Jiyeh power Lebanon July 13, 20,000 - 30,000
station oil spill July 15,
Citgo Lake Charles, June 19, 2006 ~6,500
refinery LA