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The development of fractal geometry, with the expression fractal appearing for the first
time in 1975 in the book entitled Les Objects Fractals: Forme, Hasard et Dimension and
written by the great mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot, has represented on the one hand the
seeding of a new and innovative perspective from which the entire world can be observed
and has contributed on the other hand to the creation of a modern and original system
which manages to describe complex shapes, natural forms and real objects in terms of a
few simple rules.
More specifically, whereas the traditional figures contemplated by Euclidean geometry,
namely dimensionless points, one-dimensional lines, two-dimensional planes and three-
dimensional solids, despite their being pure, symmetric and smooth, do not succeed in
precisely describing the universe around people, rough, asymmetric and subject-to-decay
fractals manage instead to deal effectively with all the irregularities observable in nature:
therefore, in the same way as Euclidean geometry can be considered as the suitable set of
rules to struggle with perfect and ordered frameworks, so similarly fractal geometry can be
imagined as the system capable of handling with imperfect and chaotic situations, thus
putting itself for being the most appropriate tool in order to successfully cope with the
apparently flawed and faulty real world.
As a matter of fact, fractals have been always viewed as a powerful new frontier of
mathematics which could have turned out to have remarkable implications also in a large
number of further sectors and therefore fractal geometry has long since succeeded in
capturing the attentions of numerous researchers, from pure mathematicians to natural
scientists, with economists and financers included: in particular, these latter ones have tried
to extend the main properties and the principal insights behind fractal objects to the
financial universe, moving from the belief that since fractal geometry manages to explain
and describe some natural, intricate and chaotic phenomena in a much more precise and
accurate manner than Euclidean geometry, at the same time it may have put itself for being
a much more suitable system to figure out the hidden mechanisms dominating financial
assets and the whole world of finance.
Based on this latter assumption, the goal of my thesis is therefore to highlight the peculiar
connection between fractals and financial assets and to propose a new way to observe,
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analyse and possibly better understand financial markets – namely, my purpose is to
introduce the so called hypothesis of fractal markets and its main characteristics.
Anyway, since such an hypothesis of fractal markets happens to be an alternative to
classical capital market theory taught in almost every business school around the world, the
first chapter of my dissertation focuses on what I have defined as the old way and
highlights in particular some empirical observations and findings which seem to contradict
the main assumptions on which the entire house of modern finance is built, namely the
insights of rational investors, efficient markets and random walk originally proposed by
Louis Bachelier at the beginning of the twentieth century and afterwards largely developed
and improved by other eminent scientists, such as Eugène Fama, Harry Markowitz,
William Sharpe, Fischer Black and Myron Scholes.
However, since pointing out some weaknesses apparently characterising the system of
classical finance without identifying some possible instruments to be used for the creation
of an alternative theory would be nothing but a meaningless operation, the second chapter
of my dissertation concentrates on fractals and fractal geometry, by providing a definition
of fractal objects, distinguishing between deterministic and random fractals and
introducing the concept of fractal dimension.
Eventually, having first highlighted the need of a revision of the entire house of modern
finance and having afterwards proposed fractals as the new tools to be used for an
innovative approach, the third and the fourth chapters introduce what I have defined as the
new way, namely the hypothesis of fractal markets: more precisely, the apparently non-
existent similarities between fractals and financial assets are made evident and some
remarkable concepts belonging to the universe of fractal geometry are extended to the
context of financial markets. Moreover, the core elements of the hypothesis of fractal
markets, such as the insights of stable Paretian distribution and of long-range dependence,
the technique corresponding to the rescaled-range analysis, the peculiar Noah effect and
Joseph effect and the complex idea of multifractal trading time, are all deeply examined
and explained from a theoretical point of view and translated into practical terms: in
particular, whereas the third chapter consists in an extensive description of such core
elements in a general and abstract way, the fourth chapter includes instead some practical
examples showing how the hypothesis of fractals markets and its devices can be helpful to
understand the financial framework in concrete, not just through the use of some statistical
relationships and tools developed by famous and successful researchers, but also recurring
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to a relatively simple macro, which automatically executes the rescaled-range analysis of
financial series, that I have personally developed using the program Visual Basic for
Application in Excel.
In conclusion, some further considerations in the light of both the hypothesis of fractal
markets from a general viewpoint and the results obtained in some practical examples are
spelled out, particularly focusing on the role that such an hypothesis can play in the
financial framework and trying to find the best and correct answer to the question that I
have proposed as title of my thesis, that is Black Swans and fractals: a better way to
understand financial markets?
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Chapter 1 – THE OLD WAY
1.1 Louis Bachelier and the ThØorie de la SpØculation
The foundations of modern financial theory can be traced back to Bachelier’s doctoral
thesis ThØorie de la SpØculation. Bachelier’s dissertation was defended in front of a jury of
mathematicians including Henri PoincarØ, one of the most celebrated mathematicians of all
time: it did not deal with a conventional topic in mathematical vogue, such as differential
equations, complex numbers or function theory, and the jury observed in a critical way that
“the subject chosen by M. Bachelier is a bit distant from those usually treated by our
candidates (Mandelbrot and Hudson 2008:45)”, thus not assigning to the thesis the highest
grade, which was instead reserved for those memoirs able to solve challenging problems in
one of the conventional mathematical disciplines. Although Bachelier’s work was not
properly awarded, his creative and innovative ideas were not completely lost: in fact, the
dissertation appeared on a major journal and other research workers, mathematicians and
economists began reading and analysing it; however, the crucial rediscovery of Bachelier
and the definitive recognition of the worthiness of his thesis started to take place only after
the crisis of 1929, to such an extent that the economist Paul Cootner eventually admitted
that Bachelier was “so outstanding in his work that we can say that the study of speculative
prices has its moment of glory at its moment of conception (Mandelbrot and Hudson
In fact, Bachelier was the first not only to formulate some questions regarding how asset
prices move, but also to propose some possible answers; he developed concepts and
formulae on which economists have afterwards built the entire house of modern finance.
The factors that determine activity on the Exchange are innumerable,
with events, current or expected, often bearing no apparent relation to
price variation. Beside somewhat natural causes for variation come
artificial causes: The Exchange reacts to itself, and the current trading
is a function, not only of prior trading, but also of its relationship to the
rest of the market. The determination of this activity depends on an
infinite number of factors: It is thus impossible to hope for
mathematical forecasting. Contradictory opinions about these variations
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are so evenly divided that at the same instant buyers expect a rise and
sellers a fall.
The calculus of probability can doubtless never be applied to market
activity, and the dynamics of the Exchange will never be an exact
science. But it is possible to study mathematically the state of the
market at a given instant – that is to say, to establish the laws of
probability for price variation that the market at that instant dictates. If
the market, in effect, does not predict its fluctuations, it does assess
them as being more or less likely, and this likelihood can be evaluated
Louis Bachelier, opening lines of the ThØorie de la SpØculation
(Mandelbrot and Hudson 2008:50)
In the first section of his dissertation, Bachelier describes in an accurate and precise
manner the different products available in the French financial market of the epoch: his
attention is focused on stocks, bonds, forward contracts and options traded on the Paris
exchange, which is at the beginning of the twentieth century one of the world capitals of
financial trading.
After this preliminary part, in the second section of the thesis he used mathematical
modelling to explain the movements of stock and bond prices. Bachelier starts his work
pointing out two possible perspectives from which a particular event may be analysed: on
the one hand, the ex-post facto perspective; on the other hand, the ex-ante facto
perspective. The former approach is nothing but the cause-and-effect story: something
happens and prices react. Although this way turns out to be very easy to follow once the
event has happened, making forecasts beforehand is usually a challenging and daunting
task; in fact, in the real world causes are often obscure, information may be unknown, not
available, misunderstood or misrepresenting reality; rarely the connection between causes
and effects can be correctly worked out until the event considered actually happens: it is
already hard to predict new events and it is even harder to forecast how the market will
react. Moreover, some news may generate ambiguous situations: for example, in the past
the threat of war has determined both a Dollar rise and a Dollar fall, clearly showing how
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understanding hidden mechanisms of the markets is not that easy. The most innovative
element in Bachelier’s thesis is however the latter approach, commonly defined as the ex-
ante facto perspective: instead of searching for cause-and-effect relationships, he tries to
estimate something different, namely the odds that a price will move.
Following this new and unconventional way, Bachelier notices an unexpected and strange
connection between how prices move up and down and the process of diffusion of heat
through a substance: although both phenomena cannot be precisely forecasted, since details
at the level of individual investors in the market or of single particles in matter are too
complicated, in both cases it is possible to back away from the details and focus instead on
the general pattern of probability which characterises the whole system. According to this
perspective, financial markets can be viewed as fair games similar to the tossing of a coin.
If a person has a coin and the coin is unweighted, then on each toss it is as likely to come
up head as tail; if an investor wins ten dollars for every head and loses ten dollars for every
tail, after a large number of tosses the probability theories predict that he should expect a
profit of zero; moreover, no matter what happened on the prior tosses, each time a person
tosses a coin, the odds relative to head and tail do not change but remain the same.
Assuming that financial markets in every moment take account of all relevant information
and that prices are in equilibrium, with supply and sellers paired respectively with demand
and buyers, the coin-reasoning also works for financial markets: unless new information
outcrops, changes in prices are not even expected and every other eventual move is as
likely to be up as down, according to the idea that every price change is completely
unrelated to the others.
In other words, Bachelier sustains that prices tend to follow a random walk: they are
examples of independent and identically distributed variables, the best expectation of
future prices is today’s price and each price variation is not related to the last, meaning that
the market has no memory. Moreover, Bachelier observes that plotting price changes over
a long period of time onto a graph, the result is nothing but the famous Gaussian bell curve
where the many small changes are concentrated in the centre of the picture and the few
large variations are located at the extreme edges (Courtault et al 2000; Mandelbrot and
Hudson 2008:43-57).
These assumptions have to be considered as the milestones of the whole study realised by
Bachelier and based on them, the entire set of mathematical and statistical tools developed
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relating to the Gaussian distribution may start to be applied and used for the analysis of
financial markets.
1.2 Eugène Fama and the Efficient Market Hypothesis
The innovative insights introduced by Bachelier through his dissertation ThØorie de la
SpØculation gave a strong impulse to several following studies conducted both by
economists and by mathematicians. His work was rediscovered in particular during the
years following Wall Street dramatic crash of 1929 and in this regard a remarkable role
was played by the American mathematician and statistician Jimmie Savage: in fact, after
having deeply studied Bachelier’s work, he sent to a dozen of eminent economists a
postcard, whose message was a simple and direct question, “do any of you guys know
about a 1914 French book on the theory of speculation by some French professor named
Bachelier? (Samuelson et al 2006:vii)”. He managed to draw attentions to Bachelier’s
thesis and accordingly numerous books and writings began following one another; among
them, of particular interest and value was undoubtedly the article produced by the
American economist Eugène Fama and entitled Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of
Theory and Empirical Work: its worthiness is due to the fact that Fama revisited and
improved Bachelier’s innovative assumptions and ideas, eventually managing to develop
one of the main and most influential tool of modern finance, namely the Efficient Market
Hypothesis (Samuelson et al 2006:1-4).
The Efficient Market Hypothesis developed by Fama describes the market as an ideal
framework or as a fair game, in which on the one hand prices fully reflect and discount all
relevant information and on the other hand price variations can be due only to unexpected
news: in other words, similarly to the insights proposed by Bachelier’s ThØorie de la
SpØculation, this definition of the market means both that it is not reasonable to assume
that prices will change unless new information is received and that the price of a specific
day is not at all related to the previous day’s price, meaning in turn that the market has no
memory and prices are independent. Moreover, the Efficient Market Hypothesis assumes
that such a market is characterised by the fact that buyers and sellers continuously balance
one another: although it is acceptable that they may have different opinions, since one may
be a bull whereas the other one is a bear or vice-versa, Fama assumes that they always
agree on prices, which therefore can be considered correct and fair. Another central
assumption in the context of the Efficient Market Hypothesis regards investors and their
behaviours: people are in fact supposed to be rational and to act accordingly, thus being
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able to understand and evaluate what information is important and what is not; the main
implication of this latter assumption, if it is extended to an extreme situation, suggests that
the market is made up of too many people to be wrong.
Based on the three principal concepts involved in the Efficient Market Hypothesis, namely
the market is priced so that information is already discounted, price changes are due only
to new information and follow a random walk, investors are a large group of rational
people, one of the most relevant implications linked to the system refined by Fama claims
that the market cannot be beaten. Nevertheless, unlike what predicted by the theoretical
framework, in the real world this latter statement does not always hold and to justify the
fact that some investors have managed and still manage to beat the market, Fame himself
has introduced a distinction among three forms of the Efficient Market Hypothesis: the
weak form, the semi-strong form and the strong form (Fama 1970).
The weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis claims that prices on traded assets
already reflect all relevant information which is available, so that the market at any time
discounts in one day’s price of an asset all its past prices. Such a definition of the Efficient
Market Hypothesis implies that technical analysis is nothing but flawed, because there is
no way to predict future prices of an asset based on the prices it has had during the past.
Although on the one hand an excess return cannot be achieved in the long run following
investment strategies based on the tools and techniques of technical analysis, on the other
hand the weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis asserts instead that fundamental
analysis can be very helpful to identify assets which are undervalued or overvalued and
therefore can guarantee some excess return (Fama 1970).
In the context of the weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis and in particular
concerning the uselessness of technical analysis, a nice example is that of a clever chart
reader, who claims to have spotted a particular trend in the old price records, according to
which every January stock prices tend to rise rapidly: following a simple investment
strategy, namely buying in December and selling in January, he is inclined to believe that
he may get rich on that information. However, the assumption of a big and efficient
market, on the one hand made up of several investors at least as smart and careful as the
chart reader and on the other hand priced so that all relevant and available information is
already discounted, implies that other traders are able to spot the trend or at least the
trading strategy on it quite soon, thus determining a situation in which more and more
people try to anticipate the January rally by buying in December. But such a phenomenon
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in turn creates the opportunity of a December rally, therefore leading a large number of
traders to buy in November and to hope for selling in the following month at a higher
price: eventually, since people are rational and continue to behave this way, the entire
process is spread out over so many months that eventually it ceases to be even noticeable
(Mandelbrot and Hudson 2008:55-56).
The semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis claims both that prices at any
time reflect all relevant and available information and that prices instantly change to adapt
and to reflect possible new information. Such a definition of the Efficient Market
Hypothesis implies on the one side that neither technical analysis nor fundamental analysis
can be used to achieve some excess return and on the other side that adjustments to new
information have to be instantaneous and of a reasonable size (Fama 1970).
In the context of the semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, a proper
example is that of a financial analyst, who focuses his attention on a particular listed
society and by chatting with its bankers and competitors concludes that the company’s debt
is getting too large, thus meaning that it will be soon forced either to cut its dividends, to
borrow more or to sell an important asset to keep affording it. However, if the market is
efficient in such a way as predicted by the Efficient Market Hypothesis in its semi-strong
form, then the financial analyst has no reason to believe that he may get rich on that
information: in fact, either some other experts can immediately spot the same problem and
advise their own clients to sell that company’s share short or some bankers, scared by the
possibility of a loan default, can decide to charge the society extra for its routine credit
lines. In other words, the market soon becomes aware of the situation of danger and
according to the assumption that information is quickly priced into the stock, the price of
the stock immediately drops (Mandelbrot and Hudson 2008:56).
The strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis claims that prices instantly reflect all
information in a market, even hidden or inside information. Such a definition of the
Efficient Market Hypothesis implies that no one can have excess return, since even private
and restricted information cannot be helpful to obtain some advantages (Fama 1970).
In the context of the strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis, a good example is
that of a CEO of a company, who starts cashing in his stock options because he knows that
the debt of his company is nothing but a time bomb. Although he should be the unique or
one of the few owners of such an inside information, considering the environment as
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predicted by the Efficient Market Hypothesis in its strong form, the chances that he may
get rich on that information are more or less zero: in fact, other traders soon spot the
unusual and suspicious CEO’s behaviour and notice that the captain is abandoning ship. As
consequence, they predict something bad is about to happen and start selling the stock, thus
determining a dramatic fall of the stock price (Mandelbrot and Hudson 2008:56).
In short, the evidence in support of the efficient market model is
extensive, and (somewhat uniquely in economics) contradictory
evidence is sparse. Nevertheless, we certainly do not want to leave the
impression that all issues are closed. The old saw, “much remains to be
done”, is relevant here as elsewhere. Indeed, as is often the case in
successful scientific research, now that we know we’ve been in the
past, we are able to pose and (hopefully) to answer an even more
interesting set of questions for the future. In this case the most pressing
field of future endeavor is the development and testing of models of
market equilibrium under uncertainty. When the process generating
equilibrium expected returns is better understood (and assuming that
some expected return model turns out to be relevant), we will have a
more substantial framework for more sophisticated intersecurity tests of
market efficiency.
Eugène Fame, closing lines of the article Efficient Capital Markets: A
Review of Theory and Empirical Work (Fama 1970)
In general, the entire financial community recognised the worthiness of the Efficient
Market Hypothesis and the role played in its context by the ThØorie de la SpØculation;
however, as a matter of fact, it was commonly believed that some more tools were needed
to eventually succeed in the construction of the entire house of modern finance. And in this
regard, whereas the ThØorie de la SpØculation and the Efficient Market Hypothesis may be
imagined as the foundations of such a house of modern finance, several other theories and
models may be considered to be its improvements and decorations – and among others, a
relevant role is played in particular by Modern Portfolio Theory, Capital Asset Pricing