and psychotherapists. One of the reasons, as Migone points out, which move this
paradigm is that this phenomenon, really because placed midway between
neurosis and psychosis, was opportunity of fight between not really near
disciplines, what psychiatry and the psychoanalysis (the first curing the
psychoses, the second before the neuroses). Ne turned out like that that the
professionals of the sector, finding him in front of these strange patients, hes son
found again to see the limits of the reference theories again and to “compare its
weapons with those of the enemy”. The everything, to my modest opinion, to
benefit of the science, because it was possible try to find a ground council of
comprehension of the trouble. And it is what is happening at the day of today, in
which one tends to exclude an only theoretical and therapeutic model about the
comprehension and the care of the pathology in order to adopt a multidisciplinare
And the purpose of this degree thesis is this: try to do a little more than light
on this charming and discussed characteristic of psyche human.
To You everybody a cordial reading.
Chapter 1
Evolutionary aspects of the term “borderline”
Negotiating him of a trouble of personality, before passing in review the
authors who contributed a tale spreading term, the val suffers pause briefly on
the origin of the personality term. The scientific concept of personality (deriving
person from atino, masks, theatrical personality), one has for the first time in
France in the half of ‘800, to describe the hypnotic phenomena and dissociation of
the conscience (Danziger, 1997). He was in a particular T. Ribot way in 1885
which started understanding the study of the personality following a naturalistica
optics and scientific: according to this author, in fact, in order to a greater
comprehension of the psychic phenomena one had to turn to the physiology and
pathology use. He was seeing the investigation as clinical as a laboratory
experiment, and as such needing a duct systematic study by clinical observations.
William James (1890) uses it in a general meaning, describing states of rivalry and
conflict in the conscience of himself and among different personalities. In such a
sense the health, psychic, individual, comes to constitute it like a product of the
the various member relation of the personality, in their dynamic balance. But we
go back to the central theme of this thesis.
The term “borderline” comparve in the Adolph Stern study of 1938 to describe
those subjects fundamentally narcissistes, ipersensitives, potentially to risk of
negative reactions to the therapy and with gaps in the reality exam: these aspects
will be developed aheader. Before then only red (1890) explicitly talked about
“borderline insanity” in defining those human swinging cases between reason and
madness. the matter on the use of the term, and his birth as pathology, derived
from a part from the entrance of the psicanalisi to beginning century to Sigmund
Freud work (especially thanks to the work of 1914 “introduction to the
, and from the other evolving of the psychiatric taxonomy, with the
jobs of Emil Kraepelin and Eugen Bleuler on the schizophrenia.
Its much not very clear and changeable tie with this illness gave rise, in the
more than forty year space, to several definitions: “latent psychosis”
(Bychowski), “latent schizophrenia” (Rorschach), “atypical schizophrenia”
(Kasanin), “schizophrenia whips” (Wizel), “reversible schizophrenia” (Bleuler),
“first-aid schizophrenia” (Zilboorg), only to mention some. Appears clearly,
therefore, what conceptual heterogeneity of the phenomenon existed in the years
that they preceded the work of Otto Kernberg of 1967 and the consequent
realization of the DSM-III of 1980.
The work performed by Stern of ‘38 was letting notice as a wide group of not
identifyable patients from the diagnostic criteria of the psychoses, néné as less
from that of the neuroses existed; he described such about ten than clinical
symptoms, between which they were standing out the narcissism, the poor
tolerance to the frustrations and insecurity feelings rooted in the depth; then
these strokes will meet again in all the jobs of those authors who will face the
theme of the marginal syndrome.
An interesting study performed few years after that of Stern was that of
Helene Deutsch of 1942 on “personality as-though”: the author described a
character form to the normal appearance, but that was revealing a more in-depth
analysis a heavy characterized personality trouble here assuming the people’s
characteristics with which the subject one was reporting.
The second work for importance order in this field was an article written by
Robert Knight in 1953 on the “been borderline”: the author stressed for the first
Was in this work that the Viennese doctor faced and distinguished two big groups of neurosis, of
transfert and narcissistics, the first manageable with the psychoanalytical method to detriment of
the second, since incompetents to develop an analytical transfert.
time the personological structure (taken again then by Kernberg), to detriment of
the symptomatologic picture, commonly used thin to then. Knight was placing so
the attention on the strong weakness of Ego, especially in the “processes of
secondary thought, the integration capacity, the reality exam, the maintenance
of the object relations, the adaptation to the environment and the defences
against primitive unconscious impulses” (Knight, 1953). However this author was
pointing out as these weaknesses did not reach that catastrophic weakening of
theirs of the psychotic states.
Another milestone in the evolution of the concept of borderline was the work
developed by Roy Grinker and coll. in 1968. Even though of formation
psychoanalytic, Grinker he had as aim of the research the definition of behaviours
well identifyable and estimateable necessary to the borderline trouble diagnosis.
51 hospitalized subjects were examined with heavy psychic not referable
pathology to the schizophrenia. The obtained data (based on the observation of
observable behaviours) allowed the Grinker equipe to arrive to outline four
distinct borderline personality subgroups, in their turn assembleable in two big
classes: the first characterized before by intense interpersonal relations, negative
affectivity and tendency to the acting-out while the second characterized like to
“personality as-though” described by Deutsch
. All the subgroups were
categorized by anger (what principal affection) feelings, interpersonal intense but
disturbed relations, a pervasivo empty space and solitude and at last the
sensation of a discontinuity in its identity sense.
Therefore we reached to examine the work of Otto Kernberg.
He goes up again at an article of 1967 the publication which gave a turn point in
optics of the borderline phenomenon: in “Borderline Personality Organization”
(J. am. Psychoanal. Ass ., vol. (15, 641-85) was identifying in patients with a
They were characterized by a passive adaptation to the circumstances and the tendency to the
identification with stereotyped behavioural models.
heterogeneity of symptoms of the most various (multiple phobias, obsessive-
compulsives, paranoid starting points, symptoms strong anxiety always present,
etc). How doing part of a character and stable mode in the time.
The present discriminating elements in this character structure outlined by the
author are four:
• an Ego’s weakness;
• the tendency of the predominance of the primary process and the
• getting archaic defence mechanisms (first among everybody the split);
• disturbed interpersonal relations.
The 1974 was the year of the publication of the developed studies a French
psychologist, J. Bergeret. The author transalpino places the borderline pathology
(or structures of personality limit cases, as he calls her) midway between neurosis
and psychosis, pointing out the aspect least rigid, least solid and definitive
furthermore it tends to focus its attention more on the intrapsychic dynamics
than on the sintomatologici aspects.
Crucial concept is that of Ego anaclitic, a mode of working of Ego of the
subject which, in conditions of threat of loss of the object, causes a strong anguish
which can give rise to psychotic short and transient reactions. Linked up to the
concept of anaclitic Ego is the constant presence of a depressing anguish of loss of
the object, characterizing the way of acting (and the relative interpersonal
relations) of this character.
1975 saw the publication of a study of two authors who were ideally
continuing the one developed by Grinker some year before:
A preorganized neurotic Ego (and, analogously, a preorganizzato psychotic Ego) he remains in
the membership picture and will organize himself in a definitive way according to the relative
structuring, line neurotic or psychotic. An impossible iter, according to Bergeret, with the
structure of personality of the limit states.
J. G. Gunderson and M. T. Singer. They identified, on the basis of a revision of
the clinical literature concerning the borderline theme, a present series of
characteristics in it, which took (Diagnostic Interview for Borderline, DIB, then
subsequently seen again, DIB-R) to the building of a semi-strutturata interview
Gunderson found so seven characteristics discriminating between such a trouble:
i) interpersonal unsettled and intense relations;
ii) self-destructive behaviour;
iii) abandonment fear;
iv) chronic dysphoria;
v) cognitive distortions;
vi) impulsiveness;
vii) poor social adaptation.
His principal merit is in the reliability of the methodical proposal, reducing the
big obstacle of the inference by who examines the subject
1979 was the year in which the bases were prepared to make this trouble be
included in the manual of the A.P.A, the DSM-III
(what the light will see a year
later): the task was entrusted to R. L. Spitzer.
The borderline term was thin then applied in two nosographic different
situations: a referred to troubles of the behaviour, of the affectivity and the
thought (a clinical area very near the schizophrenia), the other inherent for the
more to a character versant (reported principally to the jobs of Kernberg and
Gunderson). Therefore Spitzer thought to insert the pathology at issue in the
board Ego (Personality Troubles) and keep distinct with separate diagnostic
According to Stone, 1980 (and quoted also from Migone, 1990), following about the diagnosis
proposed by Kernberg 1/10 of the population would turn out being diagnosed as Borderline
Personality Trouble, since he gets down to 1/30 adopting the Gunderson DIB.