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Analysis of Olympic coach education programs

The study aims to analyze the sport coach education system in the Italian national Olympic sector, in order to verify the coherence between the education NSFs’pathways and the International Sport Coaching Framework developed by ICCE and adopted by ASOIF. The analysis begins with an overview of the national sport context describing the reforms and changes made over the past decade in sport education sector. The key point to understand the characteristics of sport coach education is the analysis of national and international sport contexts. The Coaching Framework provides guidelines related to the demands of the sector and not strict standards. Data were collected and measured with a quantitative approach (cluster analysis) and the results shared and evaluated with qualitative techniques (focus groups). The research shows that the Olympic NSFs have significant differences themself and national guidelines are not always sufficient to ensure the flexibility of sport policies in terms of education. The results of the study show that the national Coaching Framework implementation process is ongoing but still slow, among the positive results is clear the engagement of NSFs in creating common pathways. The analysis identifies five clusters NSFs, which, while sharing common guidelines, have different needs related to numbers of coaches, partecipation to the Games and labour market. The findings are compared with the results of the Spliss 2.0 approach and of the National Olympic Committee view for the next four years after the Rio 2016 Games.


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19 Chapter 2 2.1 Survey methodology Coaches’ Education Programs analysis needs a systematic approach to research using an interdisciplinary methodology, the expectation is not only identify “what” happens, but “how” it happens, and, importantly, also “why” it happens (Doherty, 2013). According with literature quantitative data and historical approaches are incomplete and limited. It is only through mixed methods and various forms of triangulation that true social scientific work can be completed. Triangulation has been generally considered as the way to reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation with the target to clarify meaning and verifying the repeatability of an observation or interpretation (Stake, 2000). A sport system is unique because it’s related to culture and society of its own country, we may be compare the results of OSOs using the resource- based view of developing competitive advantage (Robinson & Minikin, 2012). By using multiple methods we can go over and see than from the same topic different kinds of data can emerge, so that it will involve more data that will likely improve the quality of the research (Denscombe, 1998). An example in sport field is the SPLISS (Sport Policy Factors Leading to International Sporting Success) model, an interesting comparative model which actually takes the centre stage at international level. The SPLISS model is a comparative high performance sport (HPS) model which was created by researchers from Belgium, United Kingdom, and Netherlands in 2002 with the purpose of seeking which factors will lead countries to international sporting success (e.g. Olympics, Paralympics, World Championships) (Legg & DeBosscher, nd). A comparative HPS model is a research model that has a set of ingredients composed by academic researchers to compare different HPS systems. A HPS system is the communication or non-communication and organization of stakeholders (such as athletes, coaches, organizations, government) that focuses on HPS within a country. The SPLISS model is based on the ideology of world competitiveness that is routinely used in economic studies (De Bosscher & Shibli & van Bottenburg & De Knop & Truyens, 2010). The theoretical framework used to develop the SPLISS model is based on the Porter’s five forces analysis framework developed by Michael Porter in 1979; threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of substitute products or services, bargaining power of buyers, rivalry among existing competitors (Porter, 2000). The SPLISS model is a nine pillar model that is evaluate and assess by primary stakeholders within the HPS environment; athletes, coachers, performance directors (De Bosscher & De Knop & van Bottenburg & Shibli, 2006). Although the role of triangulation has been put into practice to ensure comprehensiveness and encourage a more reflexive analysis of data (Pope & Mays, 2000). Seale (1999) suggests that “triangulation offers a way of explaining how accounts and actions in one setting are influenced or constrained by those in another”. Silverman (1993) supports the idea by saying that this can assist “to address the situated work of accounts” more willingly than “using one account to undercut the other”. Burns (1997) postulated that triangulation leads to verification and validation of qualitative analysis in two ways: First, by examining the consistency of information generated different data collection techniques, and second by examining the consistency of different information within the same technique. In other words, conforming to one method could have the tendency to bias the researcher's perspective of a “particular slice of reality being investigated” (Burns 1997), but could be “neutralized when used in conjunction with other data sources, investigators and methods” (Jick cited in Cresswell, 1994). Coming back to the sport field we can consider the International Sport Coaching Framework 1.2 as a clear an example of triangulation which involves international key actors 11 , uses more than one theory and focuses on one topic. 11 International Council of Coaching Excellence (ICCE), Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF)


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Angelo Altieri
  Tipo: Tesi di Master
Anno: 2015
Docente/Relatore: Denis Musso
Istituito da: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 47


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