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Smart wars: strategies and future directions in the smartphone sector

The thesis "Smart Wars: strategies and future directions in the smartphone sector" deals with the evolution of the smartphone sector, starting from the mobile phones concepts back in the 70’s, until the recent wars in the market, with major players like Apple, Samsung and Google; furthermore, in the final chapters, will be analyzed a number of possible competitive scenarios, as new types of products are expected to be launched very soon, and each one of those are able to spread new shocks in the industry.
The study introduces some valuable theoretical tools, such as:
• Industry clockspeed, apt to analyze past events in an "evolutionary" temporal perspective;
• The framework created by Valdani and Arbore, which divides the competitive maneuvers in movement, imitation and position games;
• Network economies and their impact on competition;
• History and effects of open source software in high-tech sectors;
• Patents infringements and subsequent litigation between companies.
Starting from the cell phones integrated into cars, the industry evolved through the application of digital technologies, like GSM; Nokia, the company that has been able to capitalize on the advent of these technologies, then tried to impose its own pace to the competition speed , but it failed to foresee the evolution of the sector, where later triumphed the choice of focusing on customer experience, made by Apple and Google.
These choices have caused a jolt in the market share, not only in the field of mobile telephony, where the "feature phones" have recently been surpassed in terms of sales from smartphones, but also in related sectors, such as the PC one, which is losing ground to products such as tablet and ultrabook.
The thesis also emphasizes the strategic particuliarities of the companies involved, especially in the field of innovation; furthermore, it will mention of how new products will be launched shortly, as an attempt to avoid the hypercompetition, the result of a status quo in the industry, as it is very close.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
1. Introduction "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana, The Life of Reason This thesis aims to analyze the sector of smartphones, a new product that experienced a very fast growth in the last years. After the diffusion of mobile phones and the “constraints” put on that sector by the market leader Nokia, the sector has been revolutionized in 2007 from the launch of the iPhone. Since 2007, the sector underwent through impressive shakeouts, where well established companies like Nokia shrunk their market shares, favouring new competitors, like Apple, Google and Samsung. This thesis will use some theoretical tools, introducing them in the chapter 2; specifically it will introduce the concept of industry clockspeed (para. 2.1) and the framework developed by Valdani and Arbore, which divides the “life” of a sector in three different stages: Movement, Imitation and Position (or status quo), each one started from different kinds of competitive manoeuvres of companies (para. 2.2 and subsequent). Furthermore, network effects (para. 2.4), open source alternatives (para. 2.5) and patent litigations (para. 2.6) will be discussed. The chapter 3 will review the history of the sector, from the first concepts of mobile phones until the 2007, where Apple and Google revolutionised the sector with the iPhone and Android. Errors made by companies as well as the opportunities exploited will be briefly introduce in this chapter and will be analysed through the theoretical tools in the chapter 4, considering separately each company. 5


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF



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