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A multicriteria Evaluation of Blockchain Technologies applied to the Healthcare System

Blockchain is the disruptive innovation that will change the way we exchange value. While this innovation is being considered for multiple businesses, its potential to revolutionise the healthcare system is also gaining attention. How useful would it be to access, every time we want, and we need, our full history of health records?
Moreover, what if patients could own their medical data? Healthcare system will become patient-centred. On the one hand, the overall quality of healthcare would undoubtedly rise and, on the other hand, costs, risks, and deaths will be likely to decrease. Patients will be able to see a complete picture of their medical history maturing a broader responsibility on their daily routine. They could be the CEO of their health. Doctors will be able to access real-time life-saving data, update records for their patients and so on, avoiding in this way data silos, extra costs and information blocking. However, ‘we do not own our data; we just visit them from time to time’ and, interoperability between health providers is still a hurdle to overcome. What is the solution then?
This research focuses on how blockchain can optimally adapt and improve the healthcare system. It proposes, after a clear introduction to blockchain technology, networks and consensus algorithms, an analysis of the multiple blockchain solutions, proposed until the time of this research, and their technical features. Different blockchain types, as well as different consensus algorithms, result in different benefits, advantages and limitations regarding their application to the healthcare system. This research aims to find out, through a multicriteria evaluation, how these benefits change with different blockchain technologies.


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Page 10 Chapter 1 Introduction Motivation Being a doctor has always been one of the oldest vocations in the world with crucial importance throughout human history. Medicine, as well as doctors, needs to evolve. It always needed to change, throughout human history, as society, technology and people progressed. Nowadays, industry expanded enormously, cities at the same pace as the population continue to proliferate. Modern medicine is keeping the pace with this exponential growth. It has to. Enormous developments have been made in the medical field to identify and prevent illness. It is, nowadays, an exciting time for the present and future of medicine. In this new age of smart devices, the digital revolution, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence and so on, technology, initially used as a support to healthcare service has now crucial importance. Blockchain and interconnected IT systems are leading the way. The choice of this topic was brought up by a deep interest in innovative technologies together with their application to the healthcare system and their consequent adoption and use. Problem Definition Health records are particularly significant in the healthcare field. However, patients have little or no control over their medical records and data; they can not control how they are stored, where, with whom they are shared, and for which purpose. “To obtain paper copies, individuals often have to face the inconvenience 
 of going to a medical department on person, signing forms, paying a fee and, waiting 30 to 60 days to obtain their health information” . 2


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Nicolò De Sandre
  Tipo: Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
  Anno: 2018-19
  Università: Leiden University (Netherland)
  Facoltà: Information and Communication Technologies in Business
  Corso: Ingegneria Informatica
  Relatore: Kon Chin Simcha Jong
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 101


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