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Understanding Afghanistan - History and focus of the last two centuries until the rise of the Taliban in 2021

This thesis aims to analyse the historical, geographical and social roots behind the rise of the Neo-Taliban in August 2021. It would be reductive to link recent events in the country, namely the invasion of Western foreign troops and their final retreat, with the return of the Islamic extremist group. In order to explain contemporary events, one has to go back in time, and not only that, one has to analyse all aspects of a population and its history. As we shall see, however, that of Afghanistan is not at all an easy analysis to make. Its ethno-cultural matrix is full of different influences, positions and traditions, each of which is fundamental to an understanding of the country as a whole.

The first chapter analyses precisely these differences, describing the multitude of tribes, villages, cultures, as well as their diverse nature immersed in a geographical and historical context that have shaped their complex diversity.

In the second second chapter, we begin to describe the history of the modern Afghan state, from when it was a protagonist in the so-called 'Great Game' as a buffer state between the British and Tsarist colonial empires, to the Soviet invasion of 1979 and the subsequent retreat followed by civil war, a context that fostered the first rise of the Islamic fundamentalist group the Taliban. The second part of the chapter focuses on the religious and political nature of this group, its internal hierarchies, its international relations and its politics as a whole.

The final chapter concludes the historical journey of Afghanistan, from the fall of the Taliban to the withdrawal of US troops and the subsequent seizure of power by the Neo-Taliban. Finally, an attempt is made to understand the geopolitical repercussions that present-day Afghanistan might have on international balances.


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2 Introduction This thesis aims at providing a preliminary and broad examination of numerous characteristics of a country, which is necessary for properly comprehending its historical occurrences. Afghanistan is the country in issue, which has been at the centre of foreign politics and public opinion for more than two decades, a country rich in history and traditions but shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. The purpose of this thesis is to alleviate some of the worries that someone approaching the issue from a Western perspective (such as the undersigned) may have while discussing Afghanistan. Above all, the goal of this concept is to pull a topic so far away from us that it seems unworkable, unfriendly, and, to some, unimportant and secondary, even unworthy of our attention. The first section of this thesis provides an overview of the Nation, including its location, geographical makeup, and ethnic makeup of the Afghan people. All three are necessary components for comprehending Afghanistan's history: Its geographical location has made it, and continues to make it, a country with a strategic position that shifts the balances of neighbouring and international powers (depending on the interests at stake between the parties); the country's geography aids us not only in moving through history, distinguishing internal and external actors, but also in understanding the nature of Afghan ethnic groups, which has been modelled over millennia depending on the places where they have lived. Finally, the various and diverse ethnic groups that live in Afghanistan help us understand the dynasties, rivalries, and the difficulties that every invading foreign force has had in gaining absolute control of a nation that is frequently on the run and disunited, extremely backward and weak. The central section of the book continues the chronological journey started in the first chapter (from the birth of the Afghan nation state at the end of the 18th century to the end of the Soviet war and the fall of the Afghan Communist Party), focusing on the rise of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan and the characteristics of these figures on the border between warlords and Islamic-matrix terrorists. The third and final section examines Afghanistan's history from the US and NATO-led overthrow of the Taliban rule in 2001 to the most recent events of the summer of 2021, especially the departure of US forces and the Taliban's takeover of power. Finally, an attempt is being made to determine how this change in Afghanistan can once again shift international balances, now that the world scene has changed compared to twenty years ago, the US and its allies have changed, the West's "adversaries" have changed, and the Taliban prophesy and promise to be changed, as well as his usual allies and rivals. These themes may and almost


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