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Product of seeds sprouted and grown strong and then turned into paper cut into sheets clarified and sorted in logical order of printed words numbers symbols and topics concerning a detailed critique of the complexity of human language

I’ve loved questioning everything since I was able to talk, and writing since i was able to hold a pen. This thesis was born after the need of finding answers, or at least knowing the correct questions. The subject of the thesis is related to my critique to the complexity of human language, and a consequential absurd resolution.
This is a very fascinating research topic as it shows how many of today’s human problems and modern civilization’s structures are designed by the word as a concept. The thesis flows from theory to matter, presenting a rather philosophical and artistic final outcome, written in a book and showcased in an exhibition.
Philosophy and writing are my passions, therefore a sustantial part of me has been printed on this project together with its ink.
I approached this project with the idea of blending what I love doing and what i believe in, without compromises.
What I love doing is writing, and it is paradoxically the problem, and the solution, to the topic i decided to face: that’s why I decided to write a book. What I believe in is questioning everything, no matter how absurd the questions or the answers can result.
These elements fitted perfectly with the outcome of the research and with my life-long desire of writing a book: the idea of fighting words with words is intriguing, and it was really stimulating to try to imagine a world where complex language has developed to a level where it’s more important the description of something, rather than the actual content.
This book links that negative world with my desired positive world. The contrast between the explosion of complex langauge and going back to the most elementary essence and touch and feel will be the coherent identity throughout the whole project.
As if an entire book was not enough, I decided to create an exhibition where the concept will be conveyed through an immersive experience of it, giving to people the possibility to merge in this world of words, and coming out - hopefully - changed.
The idea of donating the income from the books’ and exhibition’s sales will be ultimately the goal, to directly defend what is put in danger from what I’m criticizing: nature, wildlife, indigenous tribes, and more in general the environment. This is the project I created and of which I’m really proud.


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Introduction My goal before starting this research was to find the source of the biggest problems that the world is facing in this very moment: environmental, pollution, societal, etc... As the research and the critique will show, the fil rouge that links all these problems is unfortunately human race itself, and its detachement gap from nature and its harmonic functioning. Going more specifically into a branch of this discovery, we’ll see how strictly words are related to this unealthy detachement: today’s structural fundaments of human behavior and essence are built around words. The concept of word can be extended from the vocabulary and complex language, until appearance and the idea of superficiality without substance. Words, an integral part of human existence, facilitate communication, expression, and knowledge transmission. Its intricate development has significantly impacted the human perspective on nature and animals. This research focuses into the philosophy of language, exploring how it has shaped human cognition, perception, and understanding of the natural world. It investigates the detachment language and words have caused between humans and nature, along with the ensuing philosophical implications. This will focus, in particular, on studying the development of complex language through time and ages, analyzing its role in the formation of contemporary civilizations’ beliefs, and, sided by philosophers, statystics and datas, its being an inevitable protagonist in the process of artificialization of mankind. 8 9


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Dennis Cerioli
  Tipo: Laurea I ciclo (triennale)
  Anno: 2022-23
  Università: NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti - Milano
  Facoltà: Graphic Design & Art Direction
  Corso: Creative Direction
  Relatore: Filippo Ernesto Maria Rieder
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 63


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