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Dubbing Friends: differences between English and Italian

The research focuses on the differences between the original version of the sitcom Friends and the one dubbed into Italian, analysing in particular the translation techniques that have been used and their efficiency in reproducing the same effects as the American version.
In the first chapter, the history of dubbing is traced from its origins. It is underlined how dubbing spread in the richest European countries during a precise period, that of the nationalist impulses of the 20th century. Moreover, audiovisual translation and the valuable but complicated role of translators in this field is explored.
In the second chapter, the TV series Friends, object of study, is presented. In particular, the chapter provides an overview of the themes, characters, the creation of the sitcom, the impact it had all over the world and the individuals who managed dubbing.
In the third and last chapter the results of the analysis are discussed. These involve how the cultural references in Friends have been handled and translated from the original version to the one dubbed into Italian. Cultural references are predominant elements in Friends. Therefore, translation in this case has a key role in the creation of a successful dubbed version. The chapter specifically concentrates on the analysis of the various translation methods used to adapt these cultural references. In general, the results show how, through dubbing, elements of humour and lightness that characterise the series are not lost.


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7 1 In motion pictures, an intertitle is a piece of filmed and printed text edited into the photographed action at different CH AP T E R 1 Audi ovi sual tr ansl ati on and dubbi ng 1.1 What i s audi ovi sual tr ansl ati on? B e fore ta lking a bout the spe c ific type of a udiovisua l tra nsla tion, it is e sse ntia l to disc uss a nd de fine wha t tra nsla tion is. E ve ry e xpe rt pre se nts his/he r own de finition of tra nsla tion, e ve n though e a c h one of the m a ims a t e xpla ining the sa me c onc e pt. For e xa mple , Nida a nd T a be r (1974: 12) a ffirm tha t “ tra nsla ting c onsists in re produc ing in the re c e ptor la ngua ge the c lose st na tura l e quiva le nt of the sourc e -la ngua ge me ssa ge , first in te rms of me a ning a nd se c ondly in te rms of style ” , while Ne wma rk (1988: 5) sta te s tha t “ tra nsla tion is re nde ring the me a ning of a te xt into a nothe r la ngua ge in the wa y the a uthor inte nde d the te xt” . T he re fore , tra nsla tion c a n be de fine d a s a proc e ss a c c omplishe d by the tra nsla tor, who turns the sourc e te xt into a ta rge t te xt, tha t is, the fina l produc t c re a te d in a nothe r la ngua ge . In his work On Linguistic A spe c ts of Translation (1959, 2000), the linguist R oma n Ja kobson ide ntifie s a nd distinguishe s be twe e n thre e type s of tra nsla tion: 1. Intra lingua l tra nsla tion, whic h is within one la ngua ge , a nd ma y involve pa ra phra se or re wording. 2. Inte rlingua l tra nsla tion, tha t is, tra nsla tion be twe e n two diffe re nt la ngua ge s. 3. Inte rse miotic tra nsla tion, tha t is the tra nsla tion of the ve rba l sign by a non- ve rba l sign (music , ima ge , e tc .). For e xa mple , whe n T c ha ikovsky c ompose d the R ome o and J ulie t music a l, he pe rforme d a n inte rse miotic tra nsla tion: he tra nsfe rre d Sha ke spe a re ’s pla y from the linguistic c ode into a music a l c ode . Audiovisua l tra nsla tion (AVT ) is a spe c ific bra nc h of tra nsla tion tha t indic a te s the tra nsfe r from one la ngua ge to a nothe r of the ve rba l e le me nts fe a ture d in a udiovisua l works a nd produc ts. It is a va st ge nre tha t c omprise s va rious moda litie s for sc re e n tra nsla tion: the se ra nge from the most fa milia r, suc h a s dubbing a nd subtitling, to voic e - ove r, a udio de sc ription for blind pe ople , a nd subtitling for the de a f a nd ha rd of he a ring. Howe ve r, the first form of AVT tha t we know a re inte rtitle s. 1


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF



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