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Turning the Italian Silver Economy into gold: providing goods and services to an ageing population ​

This thesis addresses one of the most crucial socioeconomical problems for the future of our country, the issue of ageing of the Italian population, analysing the challenges and opportunities related to it, with the aim of contributing to the study of Silvers behaviour toward innovative solutions able to ensure successful ageing of the population. This trend is driven by the demographic dynamics of Western countries, especially by the lengthening of average life and the fall in the birth rate. The increase in life expectancy is a sign of the development of society and, above all, of its medical and scientific progress, while the fall in births mainly depends on obstacles of daily life, such as unemployment, job insecurity or insufficient policies to reconcile work and family life and the investment in education, which moves the time to start a family so far forward that the birth rate is affected. The threat could jeopardize not only the health sector, but the economic and social balance of the entire country. In fact, the ageing of the population is traditionally associated with negative economic phenomena, namely the increase in public expenditure on health and social care services, increased pressure on the pension system and a decline in workforce and consumption. Thus, an economy based on this growing part of the population could be a driving force for the country's economic recovery. The offer of products, services and innovations aimed at this audience represents the Silver Economy, a market of opportunities arising from needs and wants of older people still in autonomy and in the fullness of their physical, cognitive and financial capabilities. As a reference, if it were a state, the Silver Economy would be the world's third-largest economic power, just behind the United States and China.


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5 Intr oduc ti on T his the sis a ddre sse s one of the most c ruc ia l soc ioe c onomic a l proble ms for the future of our c ountry, the issue of a ge ing of the Ita lia n popula tion, a na lysing the c ha lle nge s a nd opportunitie s re la te d to it, with the a im of c ontributing to the study of Silve rs be ha viour towa rd innova tive solutions a ble to e nsure suc c e ssful a ge ing of the popula tion. T his tre nd is drive n by the de mogra phic dyna mic s of W e ste rn c ountrie s, e spe c ia lly by the le ngthe ning of a ve ra ge life a nd the fa ll in the birth ra te . T he inc re a se in life e xpe c ta nc y is a sign of the de ve lopme nt of soc ie ty a nd, a bove a ll, of its me dic a l a nd sc ie ntific progre ss, while the fa ll in births ma inly de pe nds on obsta c le s of da ily life , suc h a s une mployme nt, job inse c urity or insuffic ie nt polic ie s to re c onc ile work a nd fa mily life a nd the inve stme nt in e duc a tion, whic h move s the time to sta rt a fa mily so fa r forwa rd tha t the birth ra te is a ffe c te d. T he thre a t c ould je opa rdiz e not only the he a lth se c tor, but the e c onomic a nd soc ia l ba la nc e of the e ntire c ountry. In fa c t, the a ge ing of the popula tion is tra ditiona lly a ssoc ia te d with ne ga tive e c onomic phe nome na , na me ly the inc re a se in public e xpe nditure on he a lth a nd soc ia l c a re se rvic e s, inc re a se d pre ssure on the pe nsion syste m a nd a de c line in workforc e a nd c onsumption. T hus, a n e c onomy ba se d on this growing pa rt of the popula tion c ould be a driving forc e for the c ountry's e c onomic re c ove ry. T he offe r of produc ts, se rvic e s a nd innova tions a ime d a t this a udie nc e re pre se nts the Silve r E c onomy, a ma rke t of opportunitie s a rising from ne e ds a nd wa nts of olde r pe ople still in a utonomy a nd in the fullne ss of the ir physic a l, c ognitive a nd fina nc ia l c a pa bilitie s. As a re fe re nc e , if it we re a sta te , the Silve r E c onomy would be the world's third-la rge st e c onomic powe r, just be hind the Unite d Sta te s a nd C hina . T he first c ha pte r ope ns with the de finition of Silve r E c onomy a c c ording to diffe re nt studie s, ra nging from na tiona l to E urope a n a nd inte rna tiona l one s. T he de finitions inc lude a ge ne ra lly ide ntic a l ta rge t a udie nc e , the Silve rs, but de pe nding on the re se a rc h, the sa mple the y use va rie s in minimum a ge . T he la tte r ma y or ma y not be se t rigidly by the re se a rc he rs in que stion, while othe r me thods sugge st a more fle xible a pproa c h to de fine the lowe r bounda ry tha t distinguishe s se nior a ge . Ge ne ra lly, se niors c a n be divide d into two broa d c a te gorie s, those who se e k gre a te r pe rsona l a utonomy a nd inde pe nde nc e a nd those who ne e d a ssista nc e . R e ga rdle ss of the diffe re nc e s, the studie s foc us on the re va lua tion of the e lde rly, who should not be la be lle d a s a pa ssive a c tor


La consultazione è esclusivamente in formato digitale .PDF



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