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New and innovative strategies in order to overcome antibiotic resistance: a focus on phage therapy and fecal microbiota transplantation

Antibiotic resistance is becoming an emerging threat to human health especially in hospitalized patients which have often medical devices such as catheters and prosthetic implants. Few bacteria can be naturally resistant to antibiotics, but many of them gradually become resistant due to the suboptimal level of antibiotics or the use of antibiotics even when they are not necessary or when the pathogen is unknown, and therapy needs to cover all the possible infections especially in the emergency settings. In the hospital settings, where there are major chances for a pathogen to be resistant -due to the selective pressure of the sterile environment, it might pass the resistance genes to a previously sensitive strain. The overuse and misuse of antibiotics due to misinformation has led to the selection of pan-antibiotic resistant bacteria capable of colonizing the host microbiota and to resist nearly to all the available antibiotics.
New and innovative strategies are being improved in order to overcome antibiotic resistance: 1) European one-health strategy able to coordinate the attentive use of antibiotics in human field, in the environment and also in the animal care; 2) Bacteriophage therapy, which has been rediscovered and revaluated since the beginning of the 1900s; 3) Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT), which is based on the definition and study of healthy human donors’ microbiota in order to find and specifically rebuilt the microbiota of sick patients. Bacteriophage therapy and FMT cannot be considered as standard therapies because of their biological profile; at present, studies and research are being performed in order to build a specific legislation which might standardise their preparation for therapy administration at industrial level, but, currently, only ad-hoc specific patients therapies can be prepared.


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7 Chapter 1: Microbiology of antibiotic resistance Most common mechanisms of Resistance of Bacteria Antimicrobial resistance is considered to be an ancient phaenomenon (Munita & Arias, 2016) as a result of the interaction of many organisms with their environment. Selective pressures imposed by humans have resulted in the emergence of “superbugs”, or bacteria that are resistant to virtually all commercial antibiotics. Experts fear that society could return to a pre-antibiotic era, when simple infections could wipe out entire populations and surgical interventions would be life threatening (Pirnay JP, The magistral Phage, 2018). Since the discovery of Penicillin, antibiotic resistance has been an increasing trend because antimicrobial compounds have also a natural origin and bacteria have evolved to be intrinsically resistant to them; but in clinical settings, the most important resistance is that one developed by acquisition in a colony that was prior sensitive to the antibiotic treatment. When a microbial species has to face a threat, it might be pushed to the selection for random mutations in the genome that may allow survival (Goodman&Gilman, 2018). Genetic basis of Antimicrobial resistance Bacteria can use several strategies to adapt to antibiotics: a) mutations in genes, often associated with the mechanism of action of the xenobiotic; b) acquisition of foreign DNA that can code for the resistance determinants through horizontal gene transfer (HGT) (Munita & Arias, 2016); c) hypermutable phenotypes (Goodman&Gilman, 2018). Mutational resistance A subgroup of bacterial cells derived from a susceptible population develops mutations in genes that affects the activity of the drug allowing the survival of the cell.


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fecal microbiota transplantation

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