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Market Power and PreEmptive Acquisitions: Case Analysis of Facebook and Tencent

In the last decade, we have seen an important market expansion of the big tech giants, such as the American firms Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, but also Chinese companies like Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu, with an increase of their acquisitions and a subsequent growth of their market power. Market power allows firms to exploit the consumers by charging higher prices, diminishing the consumer surplus, and increasing the profit of the monopolistic firms, and exploit workers by paying lower wages than they would otherwise. In addition, market power is strictly connected to political power and allows corporations to buy influence that further enhances their power and profits. But, most important, market power can allow firms to use anti-competitive strategies, creating barriers to entry for the potential competitors and maintain their dominant position. The pre-emptive acquisition represents one of these strategies, especially used by the big tech companies, that consists in buying potential competitors before they could be effectively athreat and before the Antitrust policies could interfere and analyze the agreement. In our paper, we analyze the acquisitions made by three American (Google, Facebook, Amazon) and three Chinese (Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba) big tech companies that occurred in the last twenty years, and more specifically we will focus our attention on the digital and social media market, by comparing the acquisition strategies of Facebook and Tencent. The final scope is to verify if these digital giants have implemented pre-emptive acquisitions with the aim of illegally monopolizing the market, in order to do that we have created a database, with the help of Crunchbase, which summarizes all the acquisitions made by our six companies through the years.


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Mostra/Nascondi contenuto.
10 1.1. Industrial economic analysis The analysis of the incentive and the effects of the horizontal merger in our economy has been heavily discussed in the industrial economics literature. The main discussing points are related to the variation of the aggregate profits of the merging firms and the remaining firms (firms outside the mergers that compete in the industry), the equilibrium prices, and the consumer welfare. Looking at different papers we were able to understand that the benefits of merging, and so the incentive to do it, largely depend on the type of market competition (Bernard or Cournot), on the structure of the industry, and the type of firms involved in the merger. Some early theoretical work has been made by Williamson in his article Economies as an Antitrust Defense: The Welfare Trade-offs (1968), in which analyze a merger that leads to an economic advantage due to the synergies and the saving costs, but meantime increases the market power of the merging firms and so increases the price of the good. In this case, the net welfare effects depend on the entity of the two phenomena, and to see a positive effect the reduction of the costs must exceed the price increase. Steiner (1975) adds to the literature that mergers should increase the aggregate profit of the merging firms even if there is an absence of cost efficiency derived by economies of scope or scale. Moving on to research based on the industrial organization model the results are not very clear and sometimes counterintuitive. For instance, taking into consideration the oligopoly model of Cournot, where the competition is based on the output and the assumptions are that the firms have the same marginal cost and undifferentiated products, mergers may reduce aggregate profits of the merging firms due to less production of the new firm if compared to the pre-merger production of the two firms combined (Salant et al, 1983). This will benefit the remaining firms, which at this point will increase their output. Unless there are important synergies in the merging firms that leads to efficiency and costs saving, also the equilibrium price will increase, so even though the total profits of the industry will rise, the merged firms will decrease them, considering that their share of the market has decreased. So, under the Cournot model analysis seems impossible to understand the desirability of conducting a merger, and we agree with Deneckere and Davidson (1985) when they wrote: “We argue that failure to explain the desirability of mergers results from almost exclusive attention to quantity as the basic strategic variable under the firm's control. We feel that price is a much more natural strategic variable than output”.


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Informazioni tesi

  Autore: Michele Badolato
  Tipo: Laurea II ciclo (magistrale o specialistica)
  Anno: 2020-21
  Università: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
  Facoltà: Economia
  Corso: International Management - Management Internazionale
  Relatore: Cinzia Parolini
  Lingua: Inglese
  Num. pagine: 144


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